首页 理论教育 锻造设备及零件的基本了解与应用


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:泵pump齿轮泵gear pump活塞泵plunger pump离心泵centrifugal pump螺旋泵helical pump液力泵hydraulic pump油泵oil pump扁心齿轮传动eccentric gear drive超负荷保险装置overload protector齿轮gear充液行程charge stroke锤,汽锤hammer板簧锤laminat


泵 pump

齿轮泵 gear pump

活塞泵 plunger pump

离心泵 centrifugal pump

螺旋泵 helical pump

液力泵 hydraulic pump

油泵 oil pump

扁心齿轮传动 eccentric gear drive

超负荷保险装置 overload protector

齿轮 gear

充液行程 charge stroke

锤,汽锤 hammer

板簧锤 laminated spring hammer

带式落锤 strap hammer

单臂锤 overhanging hammer

单动汽锤 single acting steam hammer

单柱锤 single frame/C-frame hammer

单柱汽锤 overhanging-type steam hammer

单柱式锤 single flame hammer

单作用锤 drop action hammer

弹簧锤 spring hammer

低速内燃锤 low-speed petroforge hammer

电锤 electric hammer

动力(落)锤 power(drop)hammer

锻锤 blacksmith's/forging hammer

锻工平锤 blacksmith's flat hammer

对击锤 counterblow hammer

杠杆锤 helve/lever hammer

高速锤 high energy rate forging hammer

高速锤 high velocity hammer

高速液压锤 high-speed hydraulic hammer

拱式自由锻锤 double flame forging hammer

机械锤 machine hammer

夹板锤 jump/board drop hammer

开坯锻锤 cogging hammer

空气锤 air/pneumatic hammer

空气落锤 air drop hammer

链条落锤 chain drop hammer

龙门汽锤 arch type steam hammer

铆钉锤 cup-shaped hammer

模锻锤 die forging/swage hammer

摩擦锤 friction hammer

摩擦辊轮落锤 friction roll drop hammer

皮带锤 belt drop hammer

桥式锤 bridge type hammer

手锤 hand hammer

数控全液压模锻锤 die forging hammer of full hydraulic with numerical control

双缸汽锤 compound hammer

双柱式锤 double flame hammer

双作用锤 double action hammer

凸轮锤 cam hammer

校正锤 straightening hammer

压气锤 compressed hammer

液压锤 hydraulic hammer

液压螺旋锤 hydraulic screw hammer

圆盘锤 disk hammer

圆盘摩擦落锤 friction-board hammer

砧座锤 anvil hammer

蒸汽锤 steam hammer

蒸汽-空气模锻锤 steam-air die forging hammer

蒸汽-空气自由锻锤 steam-air forging hammer

重力落锤,夹板锤 gravity drop hammer

自由锻锤 smith/forging hammer

锤头 hammer ram

寸动 adjusting microinching

打击 blow

打击能量 blow energy

打击速度 blow speed

打击效率 blow efficiency

单次行程 single stroke

导板,导轨 guide

对角斜置导轨 diagonal guide

底座,支座 base

地基 foundation

电磁离合器 electromagnetic clutch

垫木 sole timber

垫圈 wasjer

吊钳 hanging tongs

顶出力 ejecting force

阀 valve

安全阀 safety valve

给水阀 feed water valve

控制阀 control valve

四通阀 four-way valve

溢水阀 flood valve

止回阀,单向阀 back valve

飞轮 fly wheel

封闭高度调节量 shut height adjustment

封闭高度调节装置 adjusting device for shut height

刚性离合器 rigid clutch

工作台 table/bed

工作台尺寸 bed dimension/table size

工作行程 working stroke

工作行程速度 speed of working stroke

公称压力 capacity

公称压力行程 nominal working stroke

喉深 throat depth

滑块 slide/ram

回程 return stroke

回程速度 speed of return stroke

活动工作台行程 travel of moving bolster

机器 machine

摆动辊压机 swing rolling machine

剥皮机 peeling machine

冲孔机 piercing machine

冲切机 dinking machine

穿孔机 punching/perforating machine

等离子切割机 plasma cutting machine

电镦机 electric upsetting machine

镦锻机 upsetting machine

钢板矫平机 plate-levelling machine

钢板精整机 plate-straightening machine

辊锻机 roll forming machine

辊式矫直机 roller straightening machine

轧机 transverse rolling machine

回转剪切机 revolving shearing machine

火焰切割机 flame cut-off machine

激光切割机 laser cutting machine

挤压机 extruding machine

剪板机 plate cutting machine

精密锻造机,精锻机 precision forging machine

径向锻轴机 radial forging machine(www.xing528.com)

径向精密锻造机 radial precision forging machine

卷板机 plate rolling machine

扩管机 pipe expanding machine

拉拔机 drawing machine

拉形机 stretching machine

立式卷板机 vertical plate rolling machine

螺旋横轧机 screw transverse rolling machine

模锻机 swaging machine

喷丸机 shot blast chamber machine

平锻机,卧式锻机 horizontal forging machine

气动冲床 pneumatic punching machine

切边机 trimming machine

切断机 cutting machine

切管机 pipe cutting machine

三辊卷板机 three-roller plate rolling machine

砂轮切割机 abrasive cut-off machine

上料机 appending machine

水切割机 water machine

四辊卷板机 four-roller plate rolling machine

送料机 feeder machine

弯板机 plate bending machine

弯边机,卷边机 beading machine

弯管机 pipe bending machine

弯曲机 bending machine

卧式弯板机 holizontal plate-bending machine

楔横轧机 wedge rolling machine

旋压机 spinning machine

旋转模锻机 rotary swaging machine

压纹机 embossing machine

液压冲床 hydraulic punching machine

液压弯板机 hydraulic plate-bending machine

折边机 closing/cramp folding/crimping machine

机身 frame

夹持力矩 clamping torque

结构 structure

焊接结构 welding structure

夹层结构 sandwich structure

整体结构 integral structure

铸造结构 cast structure

空行程 idle stroke

快速行程 accelerated stroke

立柱 upright

立柱净空距 clear distance between uprights

连续行程 continuous operation

梁 beam

合成梁 compound beam

横梁 cross beam

桥式梁 bridge beam

上横梁 top cross beam

下横梁 bottom cross beam

悬臂梁 cantilever beam

圆梁 circular beam

柱形梁 column beam

组合梁 combination beam

螺栓 bolt

地脚螺栓 long bolt

调整螺栓 adjustable bolt

防松螺栓 check bolt

固定螺栓 fixing bolt

夹紧螺栓 clamp bolt

紧固螺栓 trip bolt

拉紧螺栓 maneton/pinch bolt

连接螺栓 attachment bolt

支撑螺栓 carrying bolt

止动螺栓 catch bolt

落下部分 falling part

每分钟打击次数 blows per minute

每分钟精整快锻次数 numbers of finishing strokes

模具高度调节量 die set height adjustment

皮带 belt

V-形带 V-type belt

帆布带 canvas belt

交叉带 cross belt

链带 chain belt

牛皮带 leather belt

三角皮带 triangle belt

平衡装置 balancing device

气垫 cushion/air cushion

汽缸 steam cylinder

汽套 steam jacket

曲柄连杆机构 crank link mechanism

曲柄肘杆机构 toggle mechanism

上死点 upper dead point

上行程 upstroke

双边传动 double sided gear drive

双速离合器 two speed clutch

外滑块停歇时间 outer slide dwell time

温度监控 temperature monitor

下死点 lower dead point

下行程 down-stroke

楔,楔块 wedge

液压气垫 hydropneumatic cushion

圆盘摩擦离合器 disk friction clutch

轧钢机 mill

穿孔机 piercing mill

粗轧机 big mill

钢坯轧机 billet mill

精轧机 planishing mill

开坯机,初轧机 blooming mill

热轧机 hot-rolling mill

三辊式开坯机 three-high blooming mill

斜轧穿孔机 cone piercing mill

砧座 anvil bed

制动力矩 brake torque

制动器 brake

重量 weight

净重 net weight

空重,皮重 bar/tare weight

落下部分重量 droping weight

实重,真重 true weight

原重 original weight

总重 total weight

主柱塞 main ram

柱塞 plunger piston

转数表 tachometer

最大打料行程 maximum knock-out stroke

最大封闭高度 maximum shut height

最大偏心距 maximum eccentricity

最大行程 maximum stroke

最大装模高度 maximum die set height

