付德强,杜 强,姚 强,徐先彬
(北方华安工业集团,黑龙江 齐齐哈尔,161006)
摘 要:红外-雷达面源诱饵能模仿目标空间热图像轮廓和能量分布的形貌特征,可有效迷惑诱骗红外-雷达复合制导武器。国内相关机构已经掌握面源诱饵材料成型及其点火分散技术,面源诱饵弹的研制已经具备技术基础。
中图分类号:TJ413.+7 文献编码 A
Brief Analysis on development status of surface-type decoy technology
FU Deqiang,DU Qiang,YAO Qiang,XU Xianbin
(North Hua,an Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.Qiqihaer 161006,China)
Abstract:The IR-radar surface-type decoy can simulate the thermal image contour and morphological features of energy distribution in the target space so that it can confuse and trap the IR-radar combined guidance weapons effectively.The domestic relative institutes have already got the shaping and igniting distribution technol⁃ogies to support the development of the surface-type decoy.
Keywords:surface-type decoy;effective countermeasure