姚庆良,耿 嘉
(中国兵器工业第二八研究所 第六研究室,北京 102202)
摘 要:智能化枪械系统在现有枪械基础上,通过重新设计或改造、配用智能化光电瞄具,将图像采集、目标识别、目标跟踪、激光测距、弹道解算、自动击发等技术融合一体,可有效提高射手射击命中概率。介绍了一种光电瞄具及其结构组成和工作原理,并对此瞄具影响射击命中的因素进行具体分析,估算了影响射击命中的各误差,具体包括:射击分划的瞄准误差、锁定跟踪误差、击发判定误差和系统延迟误差,为后续智能化枪械光电瞄具设计提供参考。
中图分类号:TJ20 文献标志码:A
The analysis on the factors of the intelligent firearms shooting hit influenced by the electro-optical sight
YAO Qingliang,GENG Jia
(NO.6 Research Department,NO.208 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries,Beijing 102202,China)
Abstract:Intelligent firearms system,basic on the current firearm research,through redesigning or refor⁃ming,equipped with intelligent electro-optical sight,integrates image acquisition,target identification,target tracking,laser ranging,ballistic calculation,automatic firing,which can improve the shooting hit probability.The composition and operational principle of the electro-optical sight are introduced,and the factors influenced by shooting hit of the sight are analyzed,the error of shooting hit are estimated,including:reticle error,tracking error,percussion error and delay error,aims to provide some reference for the future design on electro-optical sight of intelligent firearms.
Keywords:intelligent firearms;electro-optical sight;automatic firing;shooting hit