李晓红,苟桂枝,徐 可,祁 萌
(北方科技信息研究所,北京 100089)
摘 要:先进制造技术创新是新一代高机动地面平台发展的重要技术手段。当前以美国为代表的西方军事强国非常重视高机动地面平台先进制造技术的发展。从制造创新策略、先进数字化设计制造技术、新兴制造工艺技术等方面对外军近几年围绕高机动地面平台建设所开展的先进制造技术创新研究进行综述,以期对我国攻克高机动地面平台研制生产瓶颈、提升研制水平提供借鉴参考。
An overview of advanced manufacturing technology for high-mobility ground platform in foreign military
LI Xiaohong,GOU Guizhi,XU Ke,QI Meng
(North Institute for Scientific and Technical Information,Beijing 100089,China)
Abstract:Advanced manufacturing technology innovation is the key technical means for new generation of high-mobility ground platform development in foreign military.This paper will review the manufacturing technol⁃ogy innovations in the high-mobility ground platform in recent years,including:the manufacturing innovation strategy,digital design and manufacturing technology,emerging manufacturing processing technology,which will provide references for high mobile ground platform development production in our country.
Keywords:high-mobility ground platform;the manufacturing innovation strategy;digital design and man⁃ufacturing technology;emerging manufacturing processing technology