尹 昶,李亚妹
(重庆机电职业技术大学电气与电子工程学院,重庆 400000)
摘 要:基于简化的平板电容模型,简要分析闪电的基本过程及相关原理;重点介绍相关进程中电压、电荷、电场的基本变化情况。以此为基础,提出一种改进电火花塞的方法,以提高设备的能级水平。
中图分类号:O441.1 文献标志码:A
A much stronger spark-the basic analyze about the lightning
YIN Chang,LI Yamei
(the Electrical and Electronic department,Chongqing Vocational and Technical University of Mechatronics,Chongqing 400000,China)
Abstract:This paper analyses the lightning's basic process.Based on the basic plate capacity model,it de⁃scribes the voltage,the electric charge and the electric field's changing process.Based on these analyze,we pres⁃ent a new structure of the electric spark plug.By this way,we can improve the equipment's energy level greatly.
Keywords:lightning;positive feedback;plate capacity;electric field intensity;spark plug