首页 理论教育 装药工装自动化拆卸技术与应用研究


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:白萌,陈海洋,孙彦斌,刘成,王晓芹,胡陈艳,刘圆圆,李新库摘要:研究了一种装药工装自动化拆卸系统,探讨了不同因素对装药工装拆卸扭矩的影响。结果表明,装药工装自动化拆卸系统加长段端系统扭矩较大,可利用公式N=N0+kn 估算系统空车扭矩;加长段拆卸扭矩大于底座拆卸扭矩;拆卸扭矩随拆卸转速的增加而增大;拆卸扭矩的大小与推进剂种类有关;平均扭矩偏差随平均拆卸扭矩的增加而增大。


白 萌,陈海洋,孙彦斌,刘 成,王晓芹,胡陈艳,刘圆圆,李新库

(西安北方惠安化学工业有限公司,陕西 西安 710302)

摘 要:研究了一种装药工装自动化拆卸系统,探讨了不同因素对装药工装拆卸扭矩的影响。结果表明,装药工装自动化拆卸系统加长段端系统扭矩较大,可利用公式N=N0+kn 估算系统空车扭矩;加长段拆卸扭矩大于底座拆卸扭矩;拆卸扭矩随拆卸转速的增加而增大;拆卸扭矩的大小与推进剂种类有关;平均扭矩偏差随平均拆卸扭矩的增加而增大。



Research on automatic disassembly technology and application of mould(www.xing528.com)

BAI Meng,CHEN Haiyang,SUN Yanbin,LIU Cheng,WANG Xiaoqin,HU Chenyan,LIU Yuanyuan,LI Xinku

(Xi'an North Hui'an Chemical Industry co.,LTD.Xi'an 710302,China)

Abstract:A mould automatic disassembly system was studied,and the influence of different factors on the torque of mould disassembly was discussed.The results showed that the system torque of the lengthened segment end of the mould automatic disassembly system is larger than that of the base end,and the formula N=N0+kn can be used to estimate the idling torque of the system;the disassembly torque of the lengthened segment is larger than that of the base;the disassembly torque increases with the increase of the disassembly speed;the disassem⁃bly torque is related with the type of propellant;the mean torque deviation increases with the increase of the mean disassembly torque.

Keywords:composite solid propellant;mould disassembly;torque

