高 源1,王树山1,梁振刚2,舒 彬3
(1.北京理工大学,北京 100081;2.沈阳理工大学,辽宁 沈阳 110159;3.北京中恒天威防务科技有限公司,北京 100081)
摘 要:针对布设在水际滩头的轨条砦目标集群,研究破障火箭弹的终点毁伤效能评估方法。提出了破障火箭弹终点毁伤效能评估表征方法,建立了基于Monte-Carlo 方法的破障火箭弹终点毁伤效能评估计算数学模型,编写了计算机仿真程序。选取某破障火箭弹进行了计算,得到了评估模型中有关条件参数对毁伤效能的影响规律。结果表明,所建立的方法和模型具有合理性和实用性,这种评估方法对于类似集群目标的毁伤效能评估具有推广价值和借鉴意义,可以为破障武器的设计及战场指挥提供技术支撑和数据参考。
中图分类号:TJ421.91 文献标识码:A
Research on the effectiveness evaluation of rocket weapon
GAO Yuan1,WANG Shushan1,LIANG Zhengang2,SHU Bin3
(1.Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China.2.Shenyang ligong University,Shenyang 110159,China;3.Beijing SinoForce Defence Sci&Tech Co.,Ltd,Beijing 100081,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the target clusters of rail obstacles installed in the waterfront beach,the method of e⁃valuating the damage efficiency of the concrete-piercing rocket projectile at the end of the ballistic was studied.A characterization method of terminal damage effectiveness of barrier-breaking rocket is presented,the mathe⁃matical model of the final damage effectiveness evaluation was established and a computer simulation program was written.The damage performance of a certain rocket was selected,and the influence law of the condition parame⁃ters on the damage efficiency was obtained.The results show that the established method and model are reasonable and practical.This evaluation method has the promotion value and reference significance for the evaluation of damage effectiveness of similar cluster targets,and can provide technical support and data reference for the design and battlefield command of obstacle-disabled weapons.
Keywords:the evaluation of damage effectiveness ;concrete-piercing rocket projectile;terminal damage;target clusters