周 莲1,王金相2,宋海平1,王文涛1,陈日明1,张亚宁1,杨 阳1
(1.中国北方车辆研究所,北京 100072;2.南京理工大学,江苏 南京 210094)
摘 要:主动拦截系统是一种弹道拦截武器,通过拦截弹药爆炸形成的毁伤元杀伤场与来袭目标弹药的弹道在时间、空间上的重合,实现对目标弹药的毁伤。针对主动拦截系统对高速厚壳战斗部弹药的毁伤能力,提出了基于目标弹药易损性分析、拦截弹药毁伤能力研究相结合的毁伤模式及毁伤能力构建方法。通过大量数值仿真计算及实弹拦截试验验证主动拦截系统对典型反坦克弹药毁伤能力。
The analysis of the anti-tank ammunition damage pattern for the active protection system
ZHOU Lian1,WANG Jinxiang2,SONG Haiping1,WANG Wentao1,CHEN Riming1,ZHANG Yaning1,YANG Yang1
(1.NOVERI,Beijing 100072,China;2.HJUST,Nanjing 210094,China)
Abstract:The active protection system is a ballistic interceptor weapon that intercept the target ammunition by damage element that is released by countermeasure explosion on the target ammunition trajectory.Based on the vulnerability for the target ammunition and the study of the damage capability for the countermeasure,the coun⁃termeasure construction method is proposed.Based on the numerical simulation and the experiment of intercept the anti-tank ammunition,the damage pattern for the Active Protection System is verified.
Keywords:active protection;intercept;mutilate ability