首页 理论教育 清末民初石印技术的历史变迁与发展


时间:2023-06-20 理论教育 版权反馈






The Rise and Decline of Stone Lithographic Technology in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China

HU Xiao1,GU Zhou2,ZHOU Wenhua1(www.xing528.com)

(1.School of Printing and Packaging Engineering,Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication Beijing 102600,China;2.China Printing Museum,Beijing 102600,China)

Abstract:Lithography in the early Qing Dynasty Daoguang was introduced to China and brought about technological innovation,which was the rise of modern Chinese lithography industry,for a large number of modern books and pictorial publications such as printing has a very important role in promoting.From the technical point of view of lithography technology than the traditional advantages of traditional engraving technology,lithography technology has its high efficiency,low scrap rate and other practical reasons to the prosperity of the reasons for the analysis of the new cast word technology,paper version of copy technology and photo-graphic.The impact of lithography technology on lithographic technology has led to the decline of lithography technology.Explain the rise of printing technology,development,decline behind the main technical factors to promote.

Keywords:stone lithographic technology;history of printing;rise and decline

石印技术于1796年由奥地利人施纳菲尔特(Aloys Senefelder,1771—1834年)发明,清代道光初年由传教士传入我国。严格来说,石印技术与我国文化产生联系,是从同治年间点石斋石印书局的活动开始的。至民国年间,新型的印书局和印刷刊物陆续产生,并且迅速发展起来,这一技术的传入和使用,一方面,打破了原有的单一使用雕刻凸版印刷格局,全新的制版方式使人们耳目一新;另一方面,石印快捷的制版方式也大大地提高了生产效率,因此很快得到印刷业的青睐。


