1)《冷库设计规范》(GB 50072—2010)。
3)《室外给水设计规范》(GB 50013—2006)。
4)《室外排水设计规范》(GB 50014—2006)。
5)《建筑给水排水设计规范》(GB 50015—2003)。
6)《工业建筑供暖通风与空气调节设计规范》(GB 50019—2015)。
7)《工业金属管道设计规范》(GB 50316—2000)(2008版)。
8)《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》(GB 50231—2009)。
9)《制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范》(GB 50274—2010)。
10)《现场设备、工艺管道焊接工程施工规范》(GB 50236—2011)。
11)《风机、压缩机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范》(GB 50275—2010)。
12)《制冷装置用压力容器》(NB/T 47012—2010)。
13)《冷藏库建筑工程施工及验收规范》(SBJ 11—2000)。
14)《氨制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》(SBJ 12—2011)。
15)《压力管道安全技术监察规程——工业管道》(TSG D0001—2009)。
1)American Society of Mechanical Engineers,standard specifications.
2)ASME Part B31 Pressurised piping systems.
[ASME B31压力管道系统(部分)]
3)Part 3-Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping.
4)Part 4-Liquid transportation systems for hydrocarbons,liquid petroleum gas,anhydrous ammonia and alcohols.
5)Part 8-Gas transmission and distribution piping systems.
6)American National Standards Institute,standard specifications.
7)ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code.
(ANSI Z223.1国家燃气规范)
8)American Society of Mechanical Engineers,standard specifications.
9)ASME SectionⅠPower Boilers.
10)ASME SectionⅢRules for the construction of nuclear power plant components-code for concrete reactor vessels andcontainments.
11)ASME SectionⅣLow-pressure Heating Boilers.
12)ASME SectionⅧUnfired Pressure Vessels(Divisions 1 and 2). (www.xing528.com)
13)ASME SectionⅩFibreglass-reinforced plastic pressure vessels.
14)ASME Part B31 Pressurised piping systems.
15)Part 1-Power piping.
16)Part 3-Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping.
17)Part 4-Liquid transportation systems for hydrocarbons,liquid petroleum gas,anhydrous ammonia and alcohols.
18)Part 5-Refrigeration piping.
19)Part 8-Gas transmission and distribution piping systems.
20)American Petroleum Institute,standard specifications.
21)API620 Design&construction of large,welded,low pressure storage tanks.
22)United States,Department of Transport Regulations:Code of Federal Regulations,Title 49.
23)DOT 4BW Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-are welded longitudinal seam.Including DOT 4BA.
24)DOT 39 Non reusable-non refillable cylinder.
25)DOT 8 Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels for the transportation of acetylene.
26)DOT E-10-320 Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels electric-are welded longitudinal seam for the transportation of acetylene.
27)DOT 4E Welded aluminium cylinders made of definitely prescribed aluminium.
28)The Association of American Railroads.
29)Section C,PartⅢ-Specifications for Tank Cars,M1002.
30)Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company.
31)HSB-ARS-86 Standard for air receivers.
32)Tubular Exchange Manufacturers Association,Inc.(TEMA)rules.