首页 理论教育 城市综合体中酒店与其他业态的共生模式研究


更新时间:2025-01-08 工作计划 版权反馈

2009 级研究生 潘智仁


从2008 年开始,配有写字楼、购物中心、酒店、会展中心、公寓和住宅等三种或三种以上不同功能组合的建筑“共生体”——城市综合体在全国各地不断涌现,成为商业地产开发中最为热门的项目形态。酒店是城市综合体中的重要业态,目前很多高星级的酒店便诞生于城市综合体之中。研究城市综合体酒店与其他业态如何共生发展,可以明晰高星级酒店的“地产+酒店”主流发展模式的原理,具有一定的理论及实践价值。


本文先借用共生理论分析了城市综合体酒店与其他业态的共生机理和共生能量,为质性研究过程的阐述提供依据。然后在质性研究过程中,通过多途径收集二手资料,收集了13 场相关的行业会议近30 位业界精英的演讲和发言,获得了大量的信息,为访谈更有针对性打下基础的同时,二手资料也作为分析的材料不断发展概念和范畴。然后通过对11位来自城市综合体开发商、城市综合体酒店以及咨询公司的管理者和员工的深度访谈,采用扎根理论方法对二手数据以及访谈资料进行了编码分析,包括开放性编码、主轴编码和选择性编码,由下而上地构建出了“城市综合体中酒店与其他业态一体化互利共生发展模式”的理论模型。该模型包括两方面:一是城市综合体中酒店与其他业态是互利共生的关系,它们之间的共生可以互相让对方的经济效益得到提高,这点是由双方的企业性质所决定的,是共生关系的必要条件;二是酒店与其他业态是一体化共生的关系,开发商从规划定位到设计施工到日常运营都可以有针对性地采取措施让它们持续地在多方面共生发展,这也是共生关系的充分条件,其中在酒店与其他业态间建立沟通协调机制则是共生关系的稳定条件。



Study on Symbiotic Development Model Between Hotel and Other Components of Urban Complex(www.xing528.com)


Starting from 2008,a kind of building “symbiont”-urban complexes which contain with(more than)three different components,such as construction of office,shopping malls,hotels,convention centers,apartments and residential buildings,are emerging across the country. Now it has become one of the most popular commercial real estate development project forms. Hotel is an important component to urban complex,many high-star hotels are built in the urban complexes. There is a certain theoretical and practical value in studying on symbiotic development model between hotel and other components of urban complex.

This thesis discriminates the concept of urban complex hotel on the basis of literature review and practice. Combining with the symbiotic theory of population ecology theory and using qualitative research methods,we study on the topic “how urban complex of hotel and other components such as office building,shopping mall and residential apartment symbiotic develop”.

By overviewing the symbiosis theory,this thesis analyzes the mechanism and “symbiotic energy” of the symbiotic development of hotel in the urban complex,and provides a basis for the qualitative research process. In the qualitative research process,connecting secondhand information through various channels,we collected speeches and statements of nearly 30 industry-elites from 13 conferences. These second-hand information make the interviews more targeted and at the same time become as materials for developing concepts and scopes. Besides,we took depth interviews with 11 managers and employees who come from the developer of urban complex,urban complex hotel and consulting company. And then by using the grounded theory method of qualitative research,we analyze the interview materials and second hand information,axial coding and selective coding one by one,bottom-up build a theoretical model of “integration and mutually beneficial symbiotic development model of urban complex and other components”.

The model consists of two parts. Firstly,in urban complexes,the symbiotic relationship of hotel and other components is a mutually beneficial relationship,which can make each other's economic benefits be improved. This relationship is determined by the nature of these enterprises,and it is a necessary condition of symbiotic relationship. Secondly,the symbiotic relationship of hotel and other components is an integration relationship. From the planning and positioning to daily operations,the developers can take targeted measures to allow them to continue to symbiotic develop in many ways,which is the sufficient condition of the symbiotic relationship. And communication and coordination mechanisms between the hotel and other components are the stability conditions of symbiotic relationship between them.

Finally,according to the results and the features of urban complex hotel development,suggestions for the symbiotic development of China's urban complex hotels are given.

Keywords:Urban Complex;Hotel;Other Components;Symbiotic Development Model;Grounded Theory

