5.3.1 本文不足
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X:How long have you been in Disney?
A:I supposed to be there for five months. But I quitted,you know,so only three months.
X:We all know Disney four keys,so how do you understand “show” in them?
A:Show is the borderline for me between who I am on and off the stage,or in front of the guests. I would say that being a character is both on and off stage,where the preparation to give the guests the best experience possible comes from how I give off the impression of a magical world like Disney.
X:So,how do you “show” and interact with the guests?
A:Uhh... So Disney cast members interact with guests in both a professional and family oriented way. Because we work for a mouse,it’s hard to be harsh,especially because we mostly work with kids. The way I worked with Disney’s guests is that I always wanted to act like I was with my own family,and that’s how I would treat others.
X:Can you give me a real example?
A:I always tell the kids we are working for the mouse. Sometimes a magical moment could be a smile,or a free cupcake. Depending on the situation,it’s always going to be different but always going to be needed. Everyone needs an extra thing to be happy about.
C:在我工作的地方,我们会给退伍老兵或者现役士兵送一块特殊的签名板,酒店的员工用自己的母语在上面写下感谢语。我们前台会根据实际情况送给顾客各种不同的徽章或者气球,或者额外的fast pass。
C:有 “Happy Birthday”,“Happy Anniversary”,“Just engaged”,“Happy Graduation ” 等,都是根据客人订房的时候留下的信息给的。
X:你在工作的时候有给客人创造“Magical Moment”的时候吗?
C:有,我为客人创造的magic moment,如一个小男孩没拿住气球,导致其飞上屋顶。男孩大哭不止,也不愿意接受新的气球。我用特殊方法把气球拿了下来,男孩惊呼magic。主动拥抱我,说我们现在是朋友了。
X:How do you understand “show” in four keys?
E:Well,we should be well dressed,not too weird,like colorful hair or oblivious tattoo. I have tattoo on my hand,so I always wear a long-sleeve shirt inside.
X:So,how do you interact with the guests,like what you say or do?
E:When they are waiting,I may chat with them. When they need help,I will always be there.
X:Can you share me a magic moment you create or the guests?
E:Yeah. There were a lot of kids in the restaurant. Sometimes they may spill their food. At this moment,I will go to counter to fetch a new one,or ask others to help me,if it is super busy in my area.
X:But I know sometimes we don’t see,some guests go to the counter and asked for a new one for free,how do you deal with that?
E:Most of the time,I chose to trust the guests. To make them satisfied is the most important thing,and we don’t lose too much,you know.
F:对,我在Epcot Future World 各种小商店工作,但后来换到门口之后,主要是租轮椅和ECV电动车,因为那儿比较缺男的。ECV电动车一般跑不快,为了安全考虑,如果客人的ECV在路上坏了,我还要骑一台去救他们,不过这种情况比较少。我每天的主要工作就是把车租给他们,他们还回来之后清洗这些车。每次他们借车的时候,我会让他们写一张名片卡,放在车后面。有的时候是我帮他们写,我帮他们写的时候会写得稍微花哨一点。我们商店的名片卡也是会根据时间换的,Zootopia上映那阵子卡片就是Nick和Judy的背景。Jungle Book上映的时候就换成了丛林风。
X:哈哈,这真的是一个很好的宣传手段啊。那你在工作的时候是怎么给客人们创造Magic Moment,能给我几个具体的例子吗?
F:有的人腿脚不方便,在归还了所租轮椅之后,我们还会免费为他们提供“courtesy wheelchair”,让他们推到停车场,然后我们晚上再去推回来。上班的时候,要擦电动车。有一次让我特别感动,一对美国父母带着他们的小孩来迪士尼玩。父母都是白人,孩子却是亚洲人面孔。他的父母看见我名牌上写的来自中国,他们就让孩子用中文跟我打招呼。他们说,这个孩子出生在温州,可能是他们领养的。他们正在让孩子学习中文,告诉孩子不要忘记自己是从哪里来的,我特别感动。(www.xing528.com)
X:Can you tell me how do you understand “show” in Disney “four keys”?
J:Okay,so my work is “show”. I worked in the character spot and took photos with the guests.
X:How do you interact with the guests?
J:Well,because I’m in costume,I cannot talk with the guests,I will use gestures to express what I want to say. My character attendant also stand by and help me. If the guest is a kid or a lady,I will hug them. I will pretend the character I perform. If I perform Mickey,I will be energetic. If it is Donald Duck,I should be mean,I can’t be too warm. Although sometimes the kid kicks me.
X:Can you share a magic moment you created with me?
J:It’s hard to say,I don’t have much touch with the guests in words. Maybe when the kid kicks me,I won’t be angry or something. That’s all.
X:How do you understand “show” in Disney “four keys”?
K:I feel like...every cast member is a like a performer right. We’d like to offer our guests the most magical experience and satisfaction so we perform our parts. We create magic,show our spirit,dedicate,be mindful about guests’ needs and provide whatever to make them feel like they're in the magical world.
X:How do you show and interact with the guests?
K:I consider about what I want guests to see or experience. When I’m on stage I stick to my role by entertaining guests,offering them help if needed,talking about Disney characters or stories(don’t ruin magic!)and make magical moments.
X:Can you share one magical moment you experienced?
K:It’s not so obvious but sometimes you let some people in fast pass or give them some gifts. It’s rare but happened. Like you give out a no string attached(注:No string是迪士尼商店的一种信用支票,员工根据实际情况给客人开具,在没有上级允许的情况下也可以退还给客人一定金额). But that’s hard for me because I have to ask coordinator to do that. But letting some birthday girl in fast pass line happened more often.
X:How do you understand “show” in Disney “four keys”?
K:Show,in my opinion,is presenting myself in a professional manner and making sure my work area is clean and presentable.
X:How do you show and interact with the guests?
K:Show is something the guest can physically see. Guests will feel comfortable and welcome in a clean area and the goal of being a Disney cast member is to make our guests happy.
X:Can you share a magic moment you created with me?
K:A magical moment I personally experienced is when I was working Front of House at Electric Umbrella. A guest was asking if they still sold Mickey ice cream bars at that time. I knew that it was getting later in the evening,near park closing,and that they were finished with selling them for the day. However,I remembered that we had a going-away party for one of our cast members earlier that day,and snacks were provided. We had leftover Mickey bars in the freezer downstairs,so I ran and got some for her and her children. It was a pleasant surprise for her and it made me very happy to make them happy.
L1:遇到客人亲切问好,欢迎他们来到迪士尼乐园并祝愿度过美好一天或者旅途愉快;将游客带入角色,如叫小男孩prince叫小女孩princess。见到他们就问:“How about your royal day,my princess?”
X:那你还有其他为客人创造“Magical Moment”的时候吗?
L2:“Show”作为迪士尼“four keys”中之一,与迪士尼的娱乐性公司性质密不可分。正如我们所知,迪士尼乐园的主题灵感来自迪士尼品牌下各个电影、卡通故事情节等方面,在园区里各个迪士尼经典故事细节都被表现得生动奇妙,这点正契合了迪士尼要给客户顶级体验和服务的理念。即每一位客人来到迪士尼乐园都是进入了充满魔力的快乐地方,所有演职人员齐心营造出这种感觉,整体来说就叫作“Show”。
L2:遇到愿意与cast member 分享自己在园区快乐体验的小客人,并且面对他们充满童趣的提问时,我会用一种比较童话的方式回答他们,比如提到米奇等迪士尼人物,从而不打破他们对于show的感觉。
L2:有次上班的时候,忘记了戴名牌。经理给我的临时名牌上面的名字是Dale,有顽皮的小客人问我,我的兄弟Chip在哪儿?我愣了一会儿,然后想到Chip and Dale是迪士尼卡通片里的两只松鼠,于是我告诉他我的兄弟Chip现在正在Animal Kingdom。
X:还能给我举几个你给客人创造“Magical Moment”的例子吗?
X:Can you introduce your work in Walt Disney World?
S1:I took photos for guests and the characters,sometimes printed the photos in the camera center.
X:How do you interact with the guests?
S1:I always answer the guests’ questions patiently in the camera center. Usually,it took a long time for the guests to choose their favorite photos to print. I had to explain our charges again and again. Some guests from South America cannot understand English and it makes difficult to explain the charges for them. I can only understand a little Spanish,but I will try my best to help them or ask for my colleagues who can speak Spanish to help me.
X:How do you keep or create the magic for the guests?
S1:Well,once I took photos for the guests and Mickey Mouse,a little boy asked me:“How many Mickeys in the park? I just saw Mickey in Magic Kingdom,and now here’s a Mickey.”I told him only one Mickey,but Mickey has a long mouse hole for him to go from one park to another.
X:How long have you been working in Walt Disney World?
S2:I’ve been here for at least ten months. Before,I was in College Program. Later,I transferred to part-time job.
X:How do you understand “show” in Disney “four keys”?
S2:“Show” means you always get prepared to be Disney look,wherever you are in WDW(Walt Disney World).
X:What do you think is the Disney look?
S2:You should be courteous,energetic and always ready to help. Also,you have to use Disney gestures,like using two fingers when pointing the way.
X:How do you interact with the guests,or can you share a magical moment with me?
S2:When doing filler,I always chat with the guests about their experience in Disney or their favorite Disney characters to kill their wait time. When I saw the guests with “Happy Birthday” pin,I will appeal all the guests in the restaurant to sing the Happy Birthday song to the guests and give them a cupcake as birthday present to make them have an unforgettable experience in our restaurant.
X:What was your work in WDW?
Y:My last job was the park greeter in Epcot.
X:How do you interact with the guests when you work?
Y:Sometimes when the machine cannot verify the guests’ fingerprints,I always told the guests do not be nervous,we will help them out. I tried to comfort them to avoid this spoil their day and asked the coordinator for help.
X:Can you share a magical moment you create for the guests?
Y:When I close the park,I never drive them away. But wait until they leave the park exit and say gn with them. Sometimes I wore the Mickey gloves and asked them to give me four! Most of the guests also greeted with me and told me they spent a good time here.
Z1:我在迪士尼工作了有半年。前几个月是在Contemporary Resort里做merchandise,后几个月转到园区里面做F&B。
Z1:我在Contemporary培训的前几天,有人在地上丢了一片纸,我看到之后立刻捡起来了。我的trainer看到之后表扬了我,还给我发了一张 “four keys”卡( “four keys”卡片是用来奖励员工在Safety,Courtesy,Show,Efficiency任一方面所做的好事,可以由领导颁发,也可以由目睹的同事向领导反映之后签发)。
Z1:我在Magic Kingdom工作的餐厅地点离小熊维尼和跳跳虎的合照景点很近,我们餐厅和跳跳虎之间是有合作的。动画片中的跳跳虎是一个精力旺盛但做事急躁鲁莽的形象。所以每天下午三四点钟,跳跳虎会蹦蹦跳跳地跑过来,打翻我们餐厅的调料台,把原本收拾好的柜台弄得一团乱。不少客人都会大吃一惊,然后会心一笑。我们也装作很吃惊的样子,跟客人说跳跳虎这个调皮的小男孩,又要让我们收拾一阵子了。而这一切都是我们事前设计好的,为的是给客人一个惊喜,同时也为他们营造一种处于迪士尼童话世界中的奇妙感觉。
Z2:我在迪士尼餐厅主要是做Seater的工作,处理客人在餐厅的预订,然后把他们领到位置上。我工作的地方在Wilderness Lodge里面的Whispering Canyon,我们整个酒店是在树林中的,以西部牛仔为主题。为契合餐厅主题,我们所有员工的工服都具有西部牛仔特征,女生的工服则更像是乡村厨娘装。所以和其他Deluxe餐厅不同的是,我们的服务风格可能更加狂野。
X:能跟我分享一个你给客人们创造的Magic Moment吗?