首页 理论教育 共享经济下回家吃饭服务提供方的参与动机分析


更新时间:2025-01-08 工作计划 版权反馈



作  者:王静

专  业:酒店管理


摘  要

据普华永道(Price Waterhouse Coopers,PwC)预测,到2025年,全球共享经济产值可以达到2300亿英镑,产业规模和发展潜力巨大。在中国,随着优步、小猪短租、“回家吃饭”等平台的在中国的推广,共享经济模式已经一步一步地渗入了人们生活的方方面面。本文集中对共享经济下服务提供方进行动机研究,以“回家吃饭”平台为样本采集数据,希望能为吸引更多的共享资源服务方参与,并维持住共享资源服务方持续参与,拓展“回家吃饭”的共享资源来源渠道提供有价值的参考。



关键词:共享经济 回家吃饭 动机研究


As Price Waterhouse Coopers,PwC predict,with enormous potential of outspreading scales,the output value of global sharing economy will reach 2300 pounds until 2025. In China,with the popularization of Uber,Xiaozhu and home-cook,the sharing economy is becoming a part of everyday life gradually. This paper is based on the data collected from home-cook and concentrates on the reasons why people participate in the sharing platform,so that it can offer valued advice to attract more service providers and maintain them.

Based on some literature concerning sharing economy and Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory,the data analyzing is organized via interviewing methods and reasons why people take part in the sharing economy platform are concluded.

According the data analysis,people,with economic needs,are regarding the sharing economy platform as the economic sourcesand the platform will be more attractive by showing service providers that they can earn respectable income by joining the sharing economy. People with mere love and belonging needs pay more attention to the enrichment of social life. Therefore,the platform is better to show the positive effect on social life. People with economic and love and belonging needs set cooking as a hobby and have moderate incomes. They hope that the sharing economy can bring them extra incomes and enrich their daily life. Last but not least,people with esteem and love and belonging needs,who view the platform as a a way to realize their self-value,attach great importance on their achievements in the sharing economy. They are of great chance to continue working on the platform and to publicize it actively.

Key words:the Sharing economy,Home-cook,Motivation research

