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[1]GATT, Article XVII.

[2]United States—Countervailing Duty Investigation on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors from Korea (DARMs)(WT/DS296).

[3]United States—Countervailing Duty Investigation on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors from Korea (DARMs)(WT/DS296/AB/R).(2005-06-27).note 179.

[4]United States—Countervailing Duty Investigation on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors (DARMs)(WT/DS296/AB/R).(2005-06-27).para.112.

[5]Canada—Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products (WT/DS103).

[6]Canada—Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products (WT/DS103/ AB/R).(1999-10-13).para.97.

[7]Korea—Measures Affecting Trade in Commercial Vessels (WT/DS273).

[8]Korea—Measures Affecting Trade in Commercial Vessels (WT/DS273/R).(2005-03-07).para.7.50.

[9]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379).

[10]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379/R).(2010-10-22).para.8.5.

[11]Ibid., para.8.4.

[12]Ibid., para.8.5.

[13]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379), China First Submission, para.61.

[14]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379/R).(2010-10-22).para.8.22.

[15]Ibid., para.8.25.

[16]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379/R).(2010-10-22).para.8.63.

[17]Ibid., para.8.94.

[18]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379/AB/R).(2011-03-11).para.254.

[19]Ibid., para.262.

[20]Ibid., para.247.

[21]Ibid., para.247.

[22]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379/AB/R).(2011-03-11).para.21.

[23]Ibid., para.27.

[24]United States—Definitive Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China (WT/DS379/AB/R).(2011-03-11).para.134.

[25]Ibid., para.317.


[27]Ibid., para.322.


[29]USTR.USTR Statement Regarding the WTO Appellate Body Report in Countervailing Duty Dispute with China.(2011-03-25): 3.https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/uploads/Mar25%20Stmt%20US%20AD-CVD%20fin.pdf.

[30]WTO.Dispute Settlement Body.Minutes of Meeting Held on March 25, 2011 (WT/DSB/M/294).para.103-128.

[31]United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products from China (WT/DS437).

[32]United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products from China (WT/DS437/R).(2014-07-14).para.7.66.

[33]Ibid., para.7.67.

[34]United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products from China (WT/DS437/R).(2014-07-14).para.7.75.

[35]United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products from China (WT/DS437/RW)—Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU—Final Report of Panel.(2018-03-21).para.

[36]Ibid., para.7.292.

[37]United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products from China (WT/DS437/AB/RW)— Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU—Final Report of Panel.(2019-07-16).para.5.105.


[39]USTR.Statement by Ambassador Dennis Shea: China’s Disruptive Economic Model and Implications for the WTO.(2018-07-26): 4.

[40]Joint Statement on Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.(2018-09-15).https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2018/september/joint-statement- trilateral.

[41]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29).para.I.A.ii.http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.

[42]Joint Statement of the Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, European Union and Japan.(2019-05-23).https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2019/may/joint-statement-trilateral- meeting.


[44]Joint Statement on Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.(2019-01-09).https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2019/january/joint-statement- trilateral-meeting.

[45]Akande Charles.Ministers brainstorm on WTO reform in Ottawa.The Geneva Watch, 2018, 18(26): 2.

[46]Akande Charles.Ministers brainstorm on WTO reform in Ottawa.The Geneva Watch, 2018, 18(26): 2.

[47]WTO.Strengthening and Modernizing the WTO—Communication from Canada (JOB/GC/201).(2018-08-24): 5.

[48]WTO.Strengthening the Deliberative Function of the WTO—Discussion Paper—Communication from Canada,(JOB/GC/211).(2018-12-14): 3.


[50]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13).para.2.35.

[51]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13).para.2.36.

[52]Dollar David, Ryan Hass, Jeffery A Bader.Accessing U.S.-China Relations 2 Years into the Trump’s Presidency.(2019-01-15).Brookings Institute.https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2019/01/15/ assessing-u-s-china-relations-2-years-into-the-trump-presidency/.

[53]Gamberoni Elisa, Newfarmer Richard.Trade Protection: Incipient but worrisome trend.Baldwin Richard,Evenett Simon.The Collapse of Global Trade, Murky Protectionism and the Crisis: Recommendations for G20.Center for Economic Research, 2009: 50.

[54]Disputes by Agreements.(2019-09-11).https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu_agreements_index_e.htm.

[55]Fergusson Ian F.World Trade Organization Negotiations: The Doha Development Agenda.Congressional Research Services Report for Congress, 2011, No.RL 32060: 2.

[56]WTO.Trade Policy Review: United States—Minutes of the Meeting (December 17 and 19, 2018)(WT/TPR/M/382).

[57]WTO.Fisheries Subsidies: Working Document—Communication from the Chair (TN/RL/W/274/Rev.6).(2018-11-14).

[58]WTO.Negotiation on Fisheries Subsidies.[2019-06-12].https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/rulesneg_e/ fish_e/fish_e.htm.

[59]USTR.2018 Trade Policy Agenda and 2017 Trade Annual Report of the President of United States on the Trade Agreements Program.(2019-03): 2.

[60]USTR.Statement of United States by Ambassador Dennis Shea at the 14thWTO Trade Policy Review of United States of America: 7.

[61]Joint Statement on Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.(2018-09-15).https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2018/september/joint-statement- trilateral.

[62]Edwards John.Getting Back to Basics on Subsidies: A first step for U.S.—China Trade Talks.(2019-04-18).https://warontherocks.com/2019/04/getting-back-to-basics-on-subsidies-a-first-step-for-u-s-china-trade-talks/.

[63]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29).para.I.A.http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.

[64]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29).para.I.A.i.http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.


[66]Joint Statement on Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.(2018-09-15).https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2018/september/joint- statement-trilateral.

[67]Joint Statement on Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.(2019-01-09).https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2019/january/joint-statement- trilateral-meeting.

[68]Akande Charles.Ministers brainstorm on WTO reform in Ottawa.The Geneva Watch, 2018, 18(26): 1.

[69]Joint Communique of the Ottawa Ministerial on WTO Reform.(2018-10-25): 2.

[70]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13).para.2.14.

[71]GATT 1947, Article XVIII: 2.

[72]Constantine Michalopoulos.Developing Countries in the WTO.London: Palgrave, 2001: 2.

[73]GATT 1947, Article XXXVII: 1(a).

[74]Page Sheila, Peter Kleen.Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in the World Trade Organization.Overseas Development Institute, 2005: 8.

[75]Hudec Robert E, Finger J Michael.Developing Countries in the GATT Legal System.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011: 64.

[76]Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization: 9.

[77]WTO.Committee on Trade and Development, Special and Differential Treatment Provisions in the WTO Agreements and Decisions,(WT/COMTD/W/239).(2018-10-12).para.1.5.

[78]González Anabel.Bridging the Divide between Developed and Developing Countries in WTO Negotiations.Peterson Institute of International Economy.(2019-03-12).https://www.piie.com/blogs/trade-investment-policy- watch/bridging-divide-between-developed-and-developing-countries-wto.

[79]World Bank Country and Lending Groups.[2019-09-21].https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/ articles/906519.

[80]Page Sheila, Peter Kleen.Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in the World Trade Organization.Overseas Development Institute, 2005: ix.

[81]Page Sheila, Peter Kleen.Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in the World Trade Organization.Overseas Development Institute, 2005: x.

[82]WTO.Communication from the United States.A Non-Differentiated WTO: Self-declared development status risks institution irrelevance (WT/GC/W/757).(2019-01-19): 8-10.

[83]USTR.2019 Trade Policy Agenda and 2018 Trade Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Agenda.(2019-03): 102.

[84]WTO.Procedures to Strengthen the Negotiating Function of the WTO (WT/GC/W/764).(2019-02-15).


[86]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29).para.II.http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.

[87]Ibid., para.II:(a).

[88]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29).para.II:(b).http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.


[90]Ibid., para.II:(c).

[91]Joint Statement on Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, Japan, and the European Union.(2018-09-15).https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2018/september/joint-statement-trilateral.

[92]WTO.Strengthening and Modernizing the WTO—Communication from Canada (JOB/GC/201): 5.

[93]Ibid.: 6.

[94]WTO.Communication from China, India, South Africa, The Bolivarian Republic Venezuela, Laos People’s Democratic Republic, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Kenya, Cuba, Central African Republic and Pakistan.The Continued Relevance of Special and Differential Treatment in Favor of Developing Members to Promote Development and Ensure Inclusiveness (WT/GC/W/765/Rev.2).(2019-03-04).

[95]WTO.Communication from China, India, South Africa, The Bolivarian Republic Venezuela, Laos People’s Democratic Republic, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Kenya, Cuba, Central African Republic and Pakistan.The Continued Relevance of Special and Differential Treatment in Favor of Developing Members to Promote Development and Ensure Inclusiveness (WT/GC/W/765/Rev.2).(2019-03-04).part 2.

[96]Ibid., para.6.2.

[97]Ibid., para.6.2.

[98]Ibid., para.6.3.

[99]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13).para.2.32.

[100]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13).para.2.34.

[101]Wolf Martin.Why Rigged Capitalism Is Damaging Liberal Democracy.(2019-09-18).Financial Times.https://www.ft.com/content/5a8ab27e-d470-11e9-8367-807ebd53ab77.

[102]Manyika James, Susan Lund, Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Woetzel, Kalin Stamenov, Dhruv Dhingra.Digital Globalization: The new era of global flows.New York: Mckinsey Global Institute.2016: 10.

[103]Manyika James, Susan Lund, Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Woetzel, Kalin Stamenov, Dhruv Dhingra.Digital Globalization: The new era of global flows.New York: Mckinsey Global Institute.2016: 2.

[104]Ibid.: 7.

[105]Azevêdo Roberto.The Conversation on Digital Trade and E-Commerce Concerns Us All.(2019-04-01).https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/spra_e/spra254_e.htm.

[106]Manyika James, Susan Lund, Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Woetzel, Kalin Stamenov, Dhruv Dhingra.Digital Globalization: The new era of global flows.New York: Mckinsey Global Institute.2016: 10.

[107]USTR.2019 Trade Policy Agenda and 2018 Trade Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Agenda.(2019-03): 64.https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/2019_Trade_Policy_Agenda_and_2018_ Annual_Report.pdf.

[108]Botwright Kimberley.Davos Participants Call for Digital Trade Deal.(2019-01-23).https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/01/davos-participants-call-for-digital-trade-deal/.

[109]Schaake Marietje.Toward a digital trade strategy.(2017-11-29).European Parliament Report, A8-0384/2017.http://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/A-8-2017-0384_EN.pdf.

[110]WTO.Ministerial Conference, Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce (WT/MIN (98)/DEC/2).(1998-05-25).

[111]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce (WT/L/1056).(2019-01-25).

[112]WTO.Working Programme on Electronic Commerce—Non-Paper from the United States (JOB/GC/94).(2016-7-04).para.2.4.

[113]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from Japan—Addendum (INF/ECOM/20).(2019-07-12): 6.

[114]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from Brazil (INF/ECOM/27).(2019-07-09): 2.

[115]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from China (INF/ECOM/19).(2019-04-24): 3.

[116]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13).para.2.22.

[117]WTO.Working Programme on Electronic Commerce—Non-Paper from the United States (JOB/GC/94).(2016-7-04).para.2.1.

[118]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—EU Proposals for WTO Disciplines and Commitments Relating to Electronic Commerce (INF/ECOM/22).(2019-04-26).para.2.5.

[119]WTO.Working Programme on Electronic Commerce—The Commerce Moratorium and Implications on Developing Countries—Communication for India and South Africa (WT/GC/W/774).(2019-06-03).

[120]Sledz Robert.Italy Expands VAT Reporting Requirements to Include E-Commerce Facilitators, Thomson Reuters.(2019-05-09).https://tax.thomsonreuters.com/blog/italy-expands-vat-reporting-requirements-to-include-e- commerce-facilitators/.

[121]Súnico Guadalupe Díaz.Insight: The new Spanish Digital Services Tax—A strange combination of value creation and geolocalization.(2019-05-10).Bloomberg Tax.https://news.bloombergtax.com/daily-tax-report- international/insight-the-new-spanish-digital-service-tax-a-strange-combination-of-value-creation-and-geolocalization.

[122]WTO.Working Programme on Electronic Commerce—Non-Paper from the United States (JOB/GC/94).(2016-07-04).para.2.2.

[123]USTR.2019 Trade Policy Agenda and 2018 Trade Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Agenda.(2019-03): 64.https://ustr.gov/sites/default/files/2019_Trade_Policy_Agenda_and_2018_Annual_ Report.pdf.

[124]WTO.Working Programme on Electronic Commerce—Non-Paper from the United States (JOB/GC/94).(2016-7-04).para.2.3.

[125]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from the United States (INF/ECOM/23).(2019-04-26): 4.

[126]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—EU Proposals for WTO Disciplines and Commitments Relating to Electronic Commerce (INF/ECOM/22).(2019-04-26).para.2.7.

[127]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from China (INF/ECOM/19).(2019-04- 24): 4.


[129]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—EU Proposals for WTO Disciplines and Commitments Relating to Electronic Commerce (INF/ECOM/22).(2019-04-26).para.2.8.


[131]Connor Nuala O’.Reforming the U.S.Approach to Data Protection and Privacy.(2018-01-30).Digital Cyberspace Policy Program, Council on Foreign Relations.https://www.cfr.org/report/reforming-us-approach-data- protection.

[132]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from China (INF/ECOM/19).(2019-04- 24): 3.

[133]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from the United States (INF/ECOM/23).(2019-04-26): 3.

[134]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from Canada—Concept Paper: Building Confidence and Trust in Digital Trade (INF/ECOM/29).(2019-05-09): 3.

[135]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—EU Proposals for WTO Disciplines and Commitments Relating to Electronic Commerce (INF/ECOM/22).(2019-04-26).para.2.1.2.

[136]Ibid., para.2.2.3.

[137]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from China (INF/ECOM/19).(2019-04-24): 1.

[138]Ibid.: 3.

[139]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Text Proposal—Communication from Japan (INF/ECOM/ 20).(2019-04-26): 5.

[140]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from the United States (INF/ECOM/23).(2019-04-26): 6.

[141]WTO.Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce—Communication from China (INF/ECOM/19).(2019-04- 24): 1.

[142]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13): 5.

[143]World Economic Forum.Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment: Strategic Brief for Trade Ministers on the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism.[2019-10-20].http://www3.weforum.org/docs/Strategic_ Brief_Trade_Ministers_WTO_Dispute_Settlement_Mechanism_pagers_2018.pdf.

[144]DSU, Article 3.2.

[145]WTO.Minutes of Meeting—Meeting Held in Center of William Rappard on 31 August 2017(WT/DSB/ M/400).(2017-10-31).para.7.3.

[146]US Mission in the WTO.Statements by the United States at the Meeting of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, Geneva.(2019-02-25): 12.https://geneva.usmission.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/290/Feb25.DSB_.Stmt_.as- deliv.fin_.public.pdf.

[147]USTR.2018 Trade Policy Agenda and 2017 Trade Annual Report of the President of United States on the Trade Agreements Program.(2019-03): 3.

[148]US Mission in the WTO.Statements by the United States at the Meeting of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, Geneva.(2019-02-25): 12.https://geneva.usmission.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/290/Feb25.DSB_.Stmt_.as- deliv.fin_.public.pdf.

[149]USTR.Statement of United States by Ambassador Dennis Shea at the 14thWTO Trade Policy Review of United States of America.(2018-12-17).

[150]WTO.Strengthening and Modernizing the WTO—Communication from Canada (JOB/GC/201): 3.

[151]WTO.Strengthening and Modernizing the WTO—Communication from Canada (JOB/GC/201): 3.

[152]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29).para.I(i).http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.

[153]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29).para.I (vi).http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.

[154]Ibid., para.II.

[155]WTO.Communication from the European Union, Canada, China, India, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Australia, Republic of Korea, Iceland, Singapore and Mexico to the General Council (WT/GC/W/752).(2018-12-26): 1.

[156]Ibid.: 2.


[158]WTO.Communication from the European Union, Canada, China, India, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Australia, Republic of Korea, Iceland, Singapore and Mexico to the General Council (WT/GC/W/752).(2018-12-26).


[160]WTO.Agreement to Establish the World Trade Organization: Decisions on Notification Procedures.[2019-11-10].https://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/33-dnotf_e.htm.

[161]Ngobi George William.The Specific Trade Concern Mechanism of the TBT Committee and the WTO TBT Agreement Implementation.CUTS International, 2016: 2.

[162]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29): 9-10.http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.

[163]Ibid.: 10.

[164]European Union.Concept Paper, WTO Modernization—Introduction to future EU proposals on rule making.(2018-06-29): 10.http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2018/september/tradoc_157331.pdf.


[166]WTO.Procedures to Enhance Transparency and Strengthen Notification Requirements under WTO Agreements—Communication from the United States (JOB/CTG/10/Rev.1).(2018-03-12).para.4(a).

[167]WTO.Procedures to Enhance Transparency and Strengthen Notification Requirements under WTO Agreements—Communication from the United States (JOB/CTG/10/Rev.1).(2018-03-12).para.9-10.

[168]WTO.Strengthening the Deliberative Function of the WTO—Discussion Paper—Communication from Canada,(JOB/GC/211).(2018-12-14): 1.

[169]WTO.China’s Proposal on WTO Reform: Communication from China (WT/GC/W/773).(2019-05-13): 6.


[171]WTO.Procedures to Enhance Transparency and Strengthen Notification Requirements in WTO Agreements—Communication from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, the European Union, Japan, New Zealand, the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and the United States (JOB/CTG/14/ Rev.2).(2019-06-27).

[172]WTO.An Inclusive Approach to Transparency and Notification Requirements in the WTO—Communication from Cuba, India, Negeria, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda and Zimbabwe (JOB/CTG/15).(2019-06-27): 3.

[173]Ibid.: 4-5.

[174]WTO.Joint Statement on the Importance of Transparency in WTO Dispute Settlement—Communication from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and the United States (WT/GC/W/785).(2019-10-22).

[175]WTO.Joint Statement on the Importance of Transparency in WTO Dispute Settlement—Communication from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Switzerland, the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and the United States (WT/GC/W/785).(2019-10-22).

