首页 理论教育 应对全球发展的必备指南


时间:2023-06-11 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:“As someone who is involved in the escalating global development in the product,techonology and finance sectors, I welcome this timely book as an essential guide to understand and compete effectively


“As someone who is involved in the escalating global development in the product,techonology and finance sectors, I welcome this timely book as an essential guide to understand and compete effectively in the market today. Reading this book, it becomes very obvious how important it is to break down the key information coming from customer flows. The data are there to tell you how to generate greater profitability and this book shows you how to listen to the data. "

——Former Chief Representative of Monetary Authority of Singapore New York Office

Academic Director,MS Global Finance, Fordham University Michael Cheah




Michael Cheah

