首页 理论教育 基于STIRPAT模型的大气污染实证分析:城市化与环境规制


时间:2023-06-11 理论教育 版权反馈


吴雪萍[2] 高 明[3] 郭施宏[4]

摘要 基于STIRPAT模型,利用中国2001—2013年的省际面板数据实证分析了城市化进程、环境管制对大气污染的影响。结果表明,城市化是大气污染的重要影响因素,其中,人口城市化对空气污染的影响比土地城市化更为直接;环境规制对工业污染减排的总体刺激效果不佳;不同地区的大气污染受城市化、环境规制的影响存在差异性,东部地区表现得最为敏感,其城市化和环境规制对大气污染均有显著的冲击作用,中部地区只有城市化与大气污染联系紧密,而西部地区无论城市化还是环境规制对大气污染的反应都极不敏感。

关键词 城市化进程;环境规制;大气污染;STIRPAT模型

Urbanization,Environmental Regulation and Air Pollution——An Empirical Analysis Based on STIRPAT Model(www.xing528.com)

WU Xue-ping,GAO Ming,GUO Shi-hong

Abstract:Based on STIRPAT model,this paper conducts an empirical study on the influences of urbanization and environmental regulation on air pollution by using China's provincial panel data from 2001 to 2013.Results show that urbanization is one of the important factors affecting air pollution,among them,the population urbanization impact on air pollution is more direct than land urbanization.Furthermore,the stimulating effect of environmental regulations on air pollution reduction is not very good.Besides that,air pollution in different regions is affected by urbanization and environmental regulation differently.In the Eastern region,both urbanization and environmental regulation have a significant impact on air pollution.In the Central region,air pollution is greatly affected by urbanization only.However,there is not significant linkages between urbanization,environmental regulations and air pollution in the Western region.

Key Words:Urbanization;Environmental Regulation;Air Pollution;STIRPAT Model

