摘要 2012年起开始提速的利率市场化改革导致国内商业银行生存环境发生急剧变化。以存贷利差收窄为主要标志,利率市场化从资金来源、资金运用、资本补充等三个维度对以传统净息收入为主要收入来源的城商行带来深刻影响。文章基于国内42家城商行2009年至2014年的平衡面板数据,采用随机效应模型,从负债结构、资产质量、资产结构、资本充足水平四个层面,分析了利率市场化改革对城商行经营风险的影响。研究发现,伴随利率市场化程度的提高、净利差的收窄,城商行资金来源结构中非存款负债的比重上升,资产结构也趋向多元化,贷款在总资产中的比重呈持续下降态势;在这一过程中,城商行的信用风险也不断上升、资产质量下滑,同时,随着盈利能力的下降、不良拨备提取压力的增大,资本化水平降低,资本充足率呈下降趋势。
关键词 利率市场化;城市商业银行;银行风险
Interest Rate Liberalization and Risk Level of City Commercial Banks——Empirical Evidence from 42 Banks'Panel Data Model(www.xing528.com)
CHEN Yi-hong
Abstract:The acceleration of interest rate liberalization from 2012 led to dramatic changes of survival environment for commercial banks in China.By using balance panel data of42 city commercial banks in China from 2009—2014,this paper adopts the method of random effects model to empirically study the effect of interest rate liberalization on the risk of city commercial banks by dividing the risk into four aspects as liability volatility,asset quality,asset structure and the level of capital adequacy.The results show that narrowed gap between deposit and loan interest caused by interest rate liberalization will increase rate of non-deposit liability and non-loan asset,bring out rise of credit risk.Meanwhile,as the decreasing of profitability and increasing pressure of provision for bad loans,interest rate liberalization will cause decrease of capitalization and lead to trend of decrease of capital adequacy ratio.
Key Words:Interest Rate Liberalization;City Commercial Banks;Bank Risk