首页 理论教育 科技规划解决世博难题,为现代城市提供可靠技术


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈


Comprehensive Environment Simulation Planning Oriented


Reasons for the Success of Expo Park

2010年上海世博会在许多方面创造历史,而在世博筹备之初,园区规划面临着多方面的重大挑战。首先,国际咨询机构预测参观人次超过7 000万,这对园区的安全运营和空间组织提出了难题;其次,作为历史上第一次以城市为主题的世博会,世博园在自身建设中必须为未来的城市可持续发展建立标杆,在规划建设的不同层面中以最大化的环境价值呼应“城市让生活更美好”的世博主题;再次,在建设期不足30个月、浦西老江南造船厂场地清空距离世博开幕甚至不足1年的紧张情况下,要求所有建设决策具有快速性与科学性。然而,国内外现有的规划技术在对人流、环境、生态、节能等方面的预测和集成应用方面存在着巨大的空白,从而对科学规划世博提出了根本性挑战。为此,研发了多系统模拟与布局推导技术,不仅有预见性地从规划层面解决了世博园区运营可能出现的各种难题,为世博园区规划的科学制订及场馆建设、运营管理及后续利用提供了可靠的技术保障,也为未来其他城市的规划建设提供了成熟的技术应用。

2010 Shanghai World Expo created history in many aspects, however we were confronted with lots of major challenges in the park planning during the preparation of the Expo. First of all, an international consulting organization predicted more than 70 million visitors, which imposed great pressure on the safe operation and spatial organization of the Expo site. Second, as the first city-themed World Expo, the site should be established as a bench-marking example of sustainable urban development, maximizing environmental values in different layers to echo with the Expo theme of “Better City, Better Life”. Third, within the given 30 months for construction,and less than 1 year for the removal and evacuation in the area around old Jiangnan Shipyard in Puxi District, all decision-making regarding the construction should be quick and scientific. However, there was a huge gap in the planning technological areas of prediction and integrated application of elements such as crowds, environment,ecology and energy efficiency elements, which was an essential challenge for the scientific planning of WorldExpo Site. Under this background, the project developed the multi-system simulation and layout assessment technology, with which, a number of problematic issues of Expo Site operation were predicted and solved, and technological support was provided to the scientific site planning, pavilions construction, operational management and post-Expo application, the mode of which is duplicable in many other future cities.


Layout Optimization Technology Based on Dynamic Simulation of Complex Flow


The early-stage preparation of Expo planning had predicted that Expo Site would have to contain extremely large flow of visitors, especially during weekends and holidays. And as different pavilions would attract different crowds of different scales, the crowds would flow in a highly unbalanced manner in the generally high-density site, which would in turn pose more pressure on the infrastructure service and create more risks of serious stampede accidents. Therefore, the simulation of visitor flows and the bearing capacity of the site, as in the preliminary plan, would help eliminate potential safety hazards and provide support to the scientific allocation of infrastructure service and crowds diverting and evacuating during the Expo period. The research set up a visitors’behavior mode and developed an algorithm for the spatial and temporal distribution of visitors’ complex visiting behavior, using maximum utility theory. Using this mode, the research conducted quantitative simulations on the general features and spatial-temporal distribution features of visitors, crowd-flows and spatial density under the predicted situations of 400 000, 600 000 and 800 000 visitors. The simulation focused on the crowd features on the days with possible extreme high density. The research applied grid crowd simulation technology and the space interpolation method to calculate the distribution of visitors’ behaviors all over the site. 10 major spots with high risk of stampede accidents under the situation of 1 million visitors were precisely detected. According to the finding of this scientific simulation, the proposal of relocated the layout of pavilions surrounding the highrisk spots was made. And to tackle the challenging situation of 1 million visitors, 4 major parks were designed as the spillover space that could contain 200 000 visitors. The distribution indices of services such as food supply,shopping, aids, and rest rooms are optimized according to the demands prediction. Designing plan was also adjusted and optimized to address to the possible deficiency of rain shelter and sunlight shading under extreme weather conditions.

Risk spots predicted by complex crowd dynamic simulation and the real scenes


Layout Evaluation and Optimization Technology Based on Integrated Environmental System Simulation


The research developed, integrated and actually applied a number of natural system simulation based planning methods to address to issues including preserving the scientific nature of the Expo planning, being the pilot example of energy efficiency and emission reduction under the pressure of high energy consumption in summer, and improving visitors’ experience in a high-density and hot-humid outdoor environment. Numerical wind tunnel boundaries was set with the application of the zoned 3D numerical model;the fist large city-scalenatural wind field numerical simulation was conducted using the physical model more adaptable to blunts flows.With the findings of comprehensive simulation and evaluation of natural wind field and sunlight, the building orientation of Expo pavilions were optimized and large-scale natural ventilation was realized, which had provided sound basis for the layout design of energy efficiency services that would reduce the overall energy consumption and the consequence carbon emission of the Expo site. This practice had proven to be an all-sided experiment and model for the spatial allocation of capacity systems in future cities.

Simulation of natural wind field of Expo Site


The Development of the Simulation Technology Based Overall Process Decision-making Platform for Urban Planning and Construction


This part of the research aims to facilitate city leaders’ prompt and scientific decision-makings regarding urban construction. All simulation and optimization technologies were integrated into one visual decisionmaking simulation platform. A variety of plans had undergone the integrated simulation analysis and operation effect assessment through the developed technology. After simulating layout features of an estimated 1 million visitors’ behavior, the research had successfully helped prevent problems regarding construction period, cost and implementation effect caused by inefficient communication, information deficiency, or incapable coordination,which are common in other large-scale engineering projects. The findings of the research have provided timely and integrative direct basis for the quick and scientific decision-makings of city leaders, who were facing massive information and under great pressure of short construction period.

该技术为世博园区规划建设各个阶段的科学制订及场馆建设、运营管理和后续利用提供了可靠的依据,为园区经受极端高峰日103万参观人数的历史性压力和40多天高温日的历史性考验提供了关键的技术保障,为世博举办减少了约10 000户居民拆迁,节约了近2亿拆迁成本,降低了决策时间成本和重复建设成本,为保障工期与社会和谐做出了重大贡献。在节约集约、生态宜居、和谐发展的新型城镇化建设过程中,该技术对以人的需求和生态节能为导向、更趋科学化精细化的城市地区开发的规划设计具有重大的应用和推广价值。

Visual simulation decision-making platform for World Expo

The technology has laid sound fundamentals for the scientific planning of World Expo Site at its different planning stages, pavilions construction, operation and management and post-Expo utility. With the crucial technological support from the research, the Expo Site has successfully get through the challenge of 1.03 million visitors on the extreme peak days and extreme hot weather with the air temperature exceeding 40 ℃. The plan of Expo Site has protected about 10 000 households from removal, saving the removal cost of about 200 million RMB, reducing the time spent on decision making and cost of repeated constructions. Therefore, the research has made major contribution to the on-time completion and social harmony. In the process of economical,energy efficient and harmonious New Urbanization, the technologies developed in the research are of significant application and promotion values to planning and design for urban area development that pursuits the fulfillment of human demands, ecological vale, energy conservation and scientific and intensive implementations.


(Contributed by Tongji University & Former Shanghai World Expo Coordination Bureau, sorted by Qi Lingyun)

