首页 理论教育 世博科技集成:绿色生态城市初探


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Expo Technology Integration Demonstration: The Embryonic Form of Green Ecological City以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题的2010年中国上海世博会追求的绿色环保、生态节能理念和实践对当今城市发展起着长久的影响。也因此,论及这十年上海社会发展之路,世博科技凝结的创新成果无论如何都占有着浓墨重彩的一页。


Expo Technology Integration Demonstration: The Embryonic Form of Green Ecological City


2010 Shanghai World Expo in China with the theme of “Better City, Better Life” pursued the green,ecological energy conservation ideas and practice, which has a lasting impact on today’s urban development.When it comes to the Shanghai World Expo, the theme pavilions of solar photo-voltaic integration will come to our mind. The entire shape of the China Pavilion itself declared the theme of environmental protection, but also the use of resources and rainwater, greening landscape are remarkable. We can see the future development of the city, the use of underground space from the Expo Axis. It is its permeability, the use of rainwater resources, the introduction of the sun to underground and so on that reflect the charm of innovation.


Whenever you come to Shanghai World Expo, you can feel the pursuit of green ecological ideas wherever in the park. More than a thousand fuel cell vehicles and pure electric vehicles of the park during the Expo achieve the zero emissions of public transport; more than 70% of the landscape lighting used semiconductor. Therefore,the fruits of innovation of the Expo in any case play an important role on the ten years of Shanghai social development.(www.xing528.com)


The one who in charge of the fruit compilation selects a limited number of examples from plenty of Expo technology highlights, including: intelligent eco-building technology integration, sustainable renewal of the city existing building with sets of technology and applications, the Expo park direct drinking water and drainage security integration technology and the underground space of Expo park comprehensive utilization and development technology. How to realize sustainable reconstruction and utilization of city existing building is a common problem confronted by all the cities around the world. With the resource and energy prospects increasingly severe today, we overall enhance the safety performance, durability, environmental performance, the use of comfort and resources, energy efficiency of the existing buildings through sustainable renewal of the city existing building with sets of technology research and applications, which is a far-reaching issue of the Shanghai World Expo.


(Written by Jiang Shiliang)

