首页 理论教育 技术反恐:太赫兹人体安检仪与DNA-STR分析加速优化


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈


Anti-terrorism Must Be a Technical Job


Urban Public Security Management with a New Aid


Terrorism is becoming an increasingly serious international problem. For example, on March 22, 2016, the terrorist attacks occurred in Brussels, capital of Belgium, had caused 32 civilian casualties. Most of these terrorist attacks target stations, airports and other places where there are large flows of people. In recent years, with changes in terrorist means, the traditional means of security are stretched. In response to the growing threat of terrorism, is essential to develop the terahertz body safety device which requires quick detection of hidden objects carried by people without contact with the human body.


Whenever there’s a major criminal case, the existing DNA analysis technology often takes more than 8 hours in case investigation for a blood sample test. From collecting suspects’ blood samples, checking in DNA laboratory till the results came out and was delivered to feedback task group, it takes much longer time than 12hours of call time, which confused the investigation department, which makes it a key in scientific research on how to shorten the DNA test time.


However, in some special public places and public buildings of the city, there’s a need for security system adaptive to various harsh climates and environments with anti-detection, anti-interference, anti-detection, antiinterference and free layout features. Fudan University has developed an optical fiber detection alarm system based on Fiber vibration sensing theory.


Quick Individual Identification System Research

立足于侦查破案的需求,提出了1小时快速人类短串联重复序列复合(STR-PCR)扩增的理念,开发了Expressmarker 16快速检测试剂盒,通过对嫌疑人员的生物样本进行快速DNA分型,将结果与预置的重特大案件中现场物证的DNA信息进行比对,快速锁住犯罪嫌疑人,或排除无辜人员。国内率先将DNA-STR分析的PCR扩增时间缩短至1小时内,实现了2小时内完成一个血样STR分型的预设目标。达到国内领先、国际先进水平。

Based on the requirements of detection, the 1-hour rapid human short tandem repeat sequence (STR-PCR)amplification concept was brought up for the development of Expressmarker 16 rapid detection kit to carry out rapid DNA typing through biological samples of suspects. The results are compared with preset major and serious cases in the field evidence of DNA information to quickly lock down the suspect or exclude innocent people. It is the first time for China to shorten PCR amplification time in DNA-STR analysis to 1 hour, realizing the preset goal of completing STR classification of a blood sample within 2 hours, representing a leading domestic and international advanced level.


The research results are mainly used in criminal investigation and troubleshooting, thereby reducing forensic DNA-STR detection time to 2 hours.


High Resolution Human Body Security System Based on Terahertz Synthetic Aperture Radar


The system uses active scanning technology to improve the signal energy reflected by the object, which is more conducive for the detector to obtain echo signals; by using switch array technology to avoid mutual interference of multi-device at the same time, the system enhanced the signal receiving quality and improved spatial resolution of the image; using the single array motion control technology to combine with imaging algorithm to form a fully focused three-dimensional image.(www.xing528.com)


Imaging recognition technology has been adopted to identify and automatically determine the dangerous level of the accidental object on the human body. Three-dimensional holographic human imaging technology is used to build three-dimensional human body model to identify objects with three-dimensional human body models which can hide clothing and private areas for privacy.


Optical Fiber Vibration Detection and Alarm System

High-resolution human body security system experimental prototype


The system uses linear restoration and intelligent recognition technology. In the principle of optical path, it solves the interference signal stability problem caused by ambient temperature and polarization change with advantages of high level prevention, less error and leakage, system reliability and stability.


Except for the monitoring terminal in monitor room that needs energy supply, the layout of the sensor in the defense area,communication components as well as the entire system need no energy supply cables. So the equipment of power, fire, antiexplosion, and any lightning protection, anti-magnetic treatmentare all unnecessary. Also it has very good adaptability for high temperature, low temperature, blaze, dust,rain, snow, fog, frost and other harsh climatic conditions. Without restrictions in terrain and damage in the existing environment, the fiber is stable and corrosion-resistant in humid climate and can even sustain in various underwater environment featuring green, clean, energy-saving, environmental-friendly with convert layout.

通过快速个体识别技术开发的Expressmarker 16快速检测试剂盒、Expressmarker 6+1快速检测试剂盒,在测试的准确性、均衡性、稳定性方面均已达到了国际同类产品的技术水平。该课题的研究成果已试用于实际案件的检验,可明显提高法医DNA-STR的分型速度,为快速打击犯罪提供了新的手段。此外,快速个体识别技术的研究成果——Expressmarker 16 STR荧光检测试剂盒已产品化, 该成果可以在2个小时内完成样本的DNA分析,及时锁定罪犯或排除嫌疑,为刑事案件的快侦快破提供新的利剑。同时,该成果还可以取代目前被广泛应用的耗时且昂贵的进口产品,并填补国内相关技术和产业的空白,提升我国整个核酸检测产业的竞争力。

The rapid detection kit Expressmarker 16 and Expressmarker 6+1 developed by rapid individual identification technology have reached international level of similar products in accuracy, equality and stability of the test. The research results of this topic have been tried in the examination of the actual case, remarkably improved the forensic DNA-STR classification speed, providing a new means for rapid crackdown on crimes.Moreover, Expressmarker 16 STR fluorescence detection kit has been commoditized and been used as a new means for quick combat on criminals with the sample DNA analysis completed within 2 hours to lock down the criminals or exclude suspects in time, providing a trump card for rapid solving criminal cases. At the same time, it can fill the gap in domestic technological and industrial fields by replacing current widely-used time-consuming and expensive imported products, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of China’s entire nucleic acid detection industry.

基于太赫兹合成孔径雷达的高分辨人体安检系统曾在第三届中国(上海)国际技术进出口交易会“张江国家自主创新示范区”专区展出,并受到上海张江高新区的重点支持。据统计,我国共有180个境内民用航空机场, 5 576个全国铁路共有车站,这些都是潜在的太赫兹人体检查仪用户。本系统具有高分辨率的检测质量和高速的检测流程,能完美契合我国国情,为普通老百姓提供更加安全和便利的安检环境。

High-resolution human security system based on terahertz synthetic aperture radar was exhibited at the 3rd China (Shanghai) International Technology Import and Export Fair in “Zhangjiang National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone”, which has been greatly supported by Shanghai Zhangjiang High-tech Zone.According to the statistics, there are 180 domestic civil airports and 5 576 national railway station in China, which are potential users for terahertz human body examination instrument. The system has a high resolution detection quality and high-speed detection process, which perfectly meet our national conditions providing a more secure and convenient security environment for ordinary people.


Fiber optic vibration detection and alarm system has been applied in the Shanghai World Expo Museum and brought up pioneering and applicable resolution for special structured high-level prevention sites, providing a stable and effective application system which was highly praised by the Expo security and public security departments. The optical fiber vibration detection and alarm system has been applied in many high-level security constructions in Xinjiang and is now implementing in Hong Qi La Fu Guo Men. In the future, through the“Belt and Road”policy and relying on national economic policies such as national aid project loans, it can be applied to relevant countries in security construction in priority.

Anti-intrusion project of roof of World Expo museum


(Contributed by Shanghai Municipal Public Bureau of Security, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and Fudan University, sorted by Yu Jian)

