首页 理论教育 城市综合体消防风险管理及应急方案研究


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈


Preventing Fire Disaster in Hyper Urban Complex


Guarantee for Fire Safety of Urban Complex


“Urban complex” is the combination that more than three kinds of living space in the city, including commerce, office, residence, hotel, exhibition, catering, conference, entertainment and transportation and other spaces, and establishes an interdependent, mutually beneficial dynamic relationship among various parts, thus forming a multifunctional and efficient complex.


The features of the urban complex are: large-scale buildings, complex functions; using new building form;personalized and diversified structure; the appearance of the atrium class building; large flow of people in the large-scale complex and bad ventilation. These features cause the dense population, evacuation difficulties, large fire load and the complex management that are easy to be missed and other security risks. In case of fire, fire control and personnel evacuation is very difficult, which will easily cause major accident and economic losses.Especially fire protection design in building and fire safety management and other aspects of the current building,as the short board of fire safety in urban complex, the needs of related researches are particularly prominent.


Key Technology of Fire Safety for Urban Complex


For the urban complex, the architectural features and fire characteristics are analyzed in depth. The urban fire is divided into individual risk, social risk and management risk to carry out research; the researches of relevant fire system, plan and the researches of safe evacuation technology are carried out in urban complex.


This paper studies the flue gas law of several typical urban complex buildings, such as super high-rise buildings, large space places and large commercial buildings,discusses the concrete channel of “multi-block underground excavation building”, “large single underground commercial space of the sink square”, “highlevel refuge layer”and several other personnel design points of typical public space, and explores the“indoor pedestrian street”,“roof evacuation platform”and“the large platform for the buildings on the subway” Besides,this paper discusses the design points of the auxiliary evacuation technology, and puts forward the control target of personnel evacuation strategy of the urban complex.

选取了上海真如城市副中心大型综合体进行应用示范。这一综合体具有地下部分相互贯通、商业面积规模大、功能多、人员密度相对较高、正常运营时内部交通流线复杂的典型特点。其地下商业区总面积达17万平方米,共设置了13个下沉式广场。结合防火墙、商业步行街等分隔措施,可将地下商业区分隔为9个面积小于20 000平方米的防火区块,并根据着火位置的不同,制定了优化的大区域报警联动及疏散方案,该方案具有人员疏散角度更快速高效,疏散报警联动量体裁衣的特点,可减少不必要的远离着火区域防火分区疏散的问题。同时,项目组还利用“建筑功能区段的疏散技术”研究成果,利用下沉广场解决大型地下商业的防火分隔和人员疏散问题,提出了相应的强化消防措施以进一步提高人员疏散的安全性。

It selected the large-scale complex of Shanghai Zhenru urban deputy center as the application demonstration.This complex has the typical characteristics, including underground breakthrough, large commercial area, various function, high personnel density, complexity of the internal traffic flow lines in the normal operation time. Its underground commercial possesses total area of 170 000 m2, and underground business set up a total of 13 sinks square. Combined with firewalls, commercial pedestrian street and other separate measures, the underground business is divided into nine areas less than 20 000 m2 of fire blocks. According to the different fire location, thisstudy developed an optimized large area alarm linkage and evacuation program. From the view of more quick and efficient evacuation, evacuation alarm linkage, it has reduced the unnecessary evacuation away from the fire area.At the same time, the project team also used the research results“evacuation technology at functional section of construction”, making use of sinking square to solve fire separation and personnel evacuation problems of largescale underground business, and put forward the corresponding fire control measures to further improve personnel evacuation safety.


The application in the project shows that the project put forward a targeted, operational solutions for related issues of large complex building which can be applied to other large complex building.


(Contributed by Shanghai Fire Department, sorted by Yu Jian)

