首页 理论教育 有效解决截断面黑臭水污染问题


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈


Control Agricultural Pollution, Curb Black Smelly Water


Ecological Restoration Technologies for Eutrophied and Black-odorous Waters

我国严重缺水,淡水资源不足严重影响到我国许多地区社会经济的发展。同时,我国水污染形势非常严峻,国家重点监控的一些河湖富营养化问题突出,蓝藻藻华频发,水质性缺水使得原本短缺的淡水资源雪上加霜。2015年,全国各主要流域的700个国控断面中,28%的断面水质为Ⅳ类或以下;全国62个重点湖泊(水库)中,19个水质为Ⅳ类或以下;开展水体富营养状态监测的61个湖泊(水库)中,14个处于富营养化状态。此外,截至2016年底,全国295个地级及以上城市中,有220个城市排查确认黑臭水体2 026个。面源污染是造成河湖水质恶化的主要原因。与点源污染相比,面源污染具有点多、面广、分散等特点,治理难度大,处理出水难以达到排放标准。如何有效控制面源污染,实现对富营养化水体和黑臭水体的综合治理与生态修复是我国环境污染整治中亟待解决的难题。

China is in great shortage of water, which has severely influenced socio-economic development in many regions. Meanwhile, China is faced with severe water pollution situation. Rivers and lakes that have been routinely monitored by Chinese government are eutrophied with frequent episodes of algae bloom. Water pollution has aggravated the shortage in fresh water resource. In 2015, water quality at 28% of 700 national routinely monitored river sections and 19 out of 62 national key lakes (reservoirs) fell into Class IV or below. At the same time, 14 out of 61 lakes under routine eutrophication status monitoring are already eutrophied. In addition, 220 out of 295 prefecture-level cities have identified 2 026 black and odorous water bodies. Non-point sources are the main cause of water quality deterioration. Compared with point sources, non-point sources are extensive, diffusive, and scattered. They are difficult to control effectively and the treated effluent could hardly meet the required discharge standard. How to effectively control non-point source pollution and achieve the integrated control and ecological restoration of eutrophied and black-odorous water bodies are the conundrum to be solved in China’s water pollution control.


Composite Tower Vermifilter

Composite tower vermifilter project sites


Composite tower vermifilter is applicable to treat the sewage from rural households and animal feedlots. The technology could work steadily at the hydraulic load of 1.0~1.5 h. It requires more than 50% less areas than that of conventional rural sewage treatment technologies. So far, a series of rural sewage treatment equipment based on the technology has been developed. In addition, its construction and operation costs are much less than those of conventional rural sewage treatment technologies. Easy to maintain and operate, the technology has great prospect in the rural areas.

此外,该技术突破性地解决了国内外污水处理普遍存在的氮磷去除率低的技术难题,氮磷及有机物去除率均高达95%以上,出水水质不仅可以达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级A标准,甚至可以达到地表水Ⅳ类水标准,出水可应用于灌溉或景观用水。

Furthermore, the technology has tackled the difficulties of low removal rates of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous(P) faced by the sewage treatment industry at home and abroad. With a high nutrient and organic compound removal rate of more than 95%, its effluent could meet the Class 1A of the Discharge Standard of Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants (GB 18918-2002). Sometimes, it could even meet the ClassⅣ of Surface Water Quality Standard and could be directly used for irrigation or landscaping.


Innovative Constructed Wetlands


Engineering projects of innovative constructed wetlands

Innovative constructed wetlands are suitable to treat agricultural runoff and mildly polluted surface runoff.They could achieve high removal rates of both organic compounds and nutrients. First, an anti-clogging system is added, which consists of a filtering plug (with a mesh structure), a biological filtering layer, an impermeable layer,and a covering layer. The filtering plug is made of textile materials that could effectively intercept the particulate matters in the sewage. The addition of new biological fillers in the filtering system facilitates the attachment of microbial bacteria and the pre-treatment of sewage. Secondly, optimize the configuration of multi-level verticalflow and underflow wetlands. Vertical-flow wetlands are divided into up-flow and down-flow are as through partition in the middle so as to give the full play of the filling materials and achieve the highly effective removal of organic compounds and nutrients. Finally, carry out landscape park design and construction according to local conditions through the integrated use of various ecological elements such as ecological protecting slope,ecological buffer zone, and plant pond. Optimal configuration of different technologies facilitates the removal of pollutants while beautifying the environment. Its effluent could meet Class 1A of the Discharge Standard of Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants (GB 18918-2002).


Spatial Configuration of Plants in Water Bodies


Schematic diagram of the spatial configuration of plants in water bodies

Ecological systems of polluted water bodies in China have been severely damaged, with symptoms of severely shrinking areas of aquatic plants, decreasing water transparency, outbreak of algae blooms, frequent stench, continuous increasing internal load, and sharp decline in biodiversity. Spatial configuration of plants in polluted waters is an effective ecological way to restore damaged water bodies. Based on the niche theory and competition principle, the technology optimizes the integrated use of aquatic plants, microbes, and biological fillers developed by our team to build the spatial plant system with strong resistance to adversity and competitiveness for resource and space. The spatial plant system consists of the peripheral shield, external ecological floating beds, central shield, central ecological floating beds, and ecological “jellyfish”. Through the configuration of different plant species (floating plants and emerged plants) chosen by our team and the addition of various biological substrates, the spatial plant system could significantly mitigate the pollution of TN and TP in water bodies. It could also help suppress the outbreak of algae blooms through the competition for ecological space.


Up to date, the research team has finished around 100 demonstration projects in Guizhou, Yunnan, the Lake Tai Basin, Henan, Shandong, and Zhejiang. Targeting the differences in geographical, climatic, and economic conditions, the research team has developed a series of equipment and technology systems to effectively improve the quality of local water environment. In the following are some examples. First, at the Dongmen River of Guiyang, which is the upstream to the city’s drinking water source—Baihua Lake, the research team has built a landscape park for non-point source pollution control that integrates and optimizes a variety of ecological technologies. With a daily treatment capacity of 20 000 tons, the effluent from the park could meet ClassⅢof surface water quality standard. It is far from easy to achieve such effective sewage treatment level without introducing external clean water sources. The technology leads the world across the board. Secondly, the research team has demonstrated the spatial configuration of plants in an area of 1.5 km2 near the northern shore of Dianchi.An engineering experiment of more than three years has yielded good results, including the gradual survival and natural occurrence of submerged plants, a decrease of 83% in algae density according to the third party monitoring results, and an increase of transparency from nearly zero to more than 70 cm. Thirdly, based on a thorough field survey of the Yitong Watershed at Changchun, the research team has proposed the use of multiple complementary ecological technologies based on local conditions to reduce pollution progressively, improve water quality, and eradicate black and odorous water bodies. As a major participant, the research team has been highly praised in its open bid for the water quality improvement and pollution control project at the Southern Yitong River with a value of 3.4 billion RMB.


Compared with point sources, non-point sources are extensive, diffusive, and scattered. They are difficult to control effectively and the treated effluent could hardly meet the required discharge standard. Representative nonpoint source pollution control technologies at home and abroad include soil purification tank, soil filtering system,and constructed wetlands. However, these technologies are limited in controlling non-point pollution sources.On the one hand, they generally occupy a large area. Meanwhile, the treated effluent is often high in the content of N and P. Hence, the large amount of effluent discharge could still pollute the water environment. Developingthe non-point pollution control technology systems that have the advantages of small area requirement, low costs, and high efficiency in removing N and P is essential to non-point source pollution control and fundamental improvement of the water environment in China. Our technology systems for repairing and restoring eutrophied and black-odorous water bodies respond well to this urgent demand, and have been effectively implemented in many regions of different natural and socio-economic conditions with good demonstration effects. They have great prospects to be applied widely in more regions.


(Contributed by Fudan University, sorted by Zhu Haochen)

