1.合同前言(Preamble of a Contract);
2.合同正文(Main Body of a Contract);
3.合同结尾(Final Clauses)。
(1)合同的种类与合同标的范围(type of contract and categories and scope of the object in the contract)。这一部分应明确标明合同的类型,是国际货物销售合同,还是专有技术许可证合同,还是涉外劳务合同。每个类型都有自己的合同范围条款。
(2)合同标的技术条件、质量、数量、标准、规格(technical conditions,quality,quantit ies,standards,and specifications of the object of the contract)。合同标的数量和质量,是确定合同特征最重要的条件。书写合同的时候要有明确、具体的数量和质量要求,具体的技术条件、标准和规格。
(3)合同价格条件、支付金额、支付方式和各种附加费用(price items,amount,ways of payment,and various types of additional charges)。这部分又可细分为两个部分:价格条款和支付条款。价格条款是当事人重点商谈的内容,因为有时不仅是价格问题,还会牵涉各方应承担的责任、风险和费用问题。支付条款应具体包括支付金额、支付工具、支付时间、支付地点和支付方式。
(4)合同能否转让和转让的条件(whether or not the contract may be assigned and the conditions for assignment)。合同转让实质上是一种特殊的合同变更,即合同条款一方将合同中的权利或义务的全部或部分转让给合同另一方或合同的第三方,是主体的变更。书写这部分合同的时候,要明确约定合同可否转让以及转让合同的条件和程序。
(5)违反合同的赔偿和其他责任(compensation and other liabilities for breach of contract)。这部分应标明合同当事人不履行合同,或不完全履行合同,或不符合双方在合同中约定条件时,要依据有关法律规定或合同的约定承担赔偿责任或其他责任。当事人可约定违约金,也可约定赔偿损失,还可约定支付利息,中止履行合同或解除合同。
(6)合同发生争议时的解决方法(methods for resolving contract disputes)。合同发生争议时,其解决方法有和解、调解、仲裁、诉讼。书写合同时,应明确约定争议解决方法,不同的解决方法将导致不同的法律后果。
(7)保险条款(insurance clauses)。风险一旦发生,会给当事人造成不同程度的损失,从而产生风险损失的责任问题。因此,明确风险责任,避免发生不必要的争议,是十分重要的。而为了使风险造成的损失及时得到补偿,就应该办理保险。因此,合同正文中应明确约定保险范围。
(8)不可抗力条款(force majeure)。不可抗力条款也叫意外条款,在商务合同中普遍采用的一项免责条款。此款规定合同一方遇到不可预见或无法预防的天灾、人祸或意外事故,导致不能履行合同时,可以免除责任,另一方无权要求其赔偿损失。这部分一般包括两条:一是明确具体规定不可抗力事故的范围。二是对不可抗力的结果要有合理安排:合同无法继续履行时,终止合同;合同仍可继续时,延长合同履行期限。
(9)合同有效期限(a period of validity for the contract)。书写这部分合同时,要约定合同的有效期,或有效期届满时,延长合同期限的条件或提前终止合同有效期的 条件。
(1)合同使用的文字及其效力(the language used and its validity)。这一部分应明确规定使用的文字及其效力。如:“本合同正文一式两份,分别以中文和英文书写,两种文本具有同等效力。若对其解释产生异议,则以中文文本为准。”“或本合同将在双方授权的代表签字后正式生效。”
Final Clauses:
This Contract is made out in two originals,each copy written in Chinese and English languages,both texts being equally valid.In case of any divergence of interpretation,the Chinese text shall prevail.
The annexes as listed in Articles 19 to this Contract shall form an integral part of this Contract.
Any amendment and/or supplement to this contract shall be valid only after the authorized representatives of both parties have signed written document(s),forming integral part(s)of this Contract.
This Contract shall come into force after the signatures by the authorized representatives of both parties.
Unless the terms or content of this Contract otherwise provides,the following terms have the meaning set out below:“Special Equipment”means all technical equipment which is necessary and special for manufacturing Cooperative Products.(除非本合同另有规定,下列术语含义如下:“专有设备”是指生产合作产品必须专用的全部技术设备。)(www.xing528.com)
(1)语言准确。所谓语言准确,就是要求语言表达正确的意思,没有产生歧义的可能。这就要求句型和词汇准确无误。如:“The expenses shall be borne by Party A and Party B and Party C in equal portions.”这句话有歧义,因为可以理解为“所有费用由甲方承担一半,乙方和丙方承担另一半”,或者“所有费用由甲方和乙方承担一半,丙方承担另一半”,还可以理解为“甲乙丙三方均等承担所有费用”。如果换成“The expense shall be borne by Party A and Band Party C”,就只能有一种解释,“所有费用由甲方、乙方承担一半,丙方承担另一半”。
要做到语言准确必须注意区分同义词和近义词。如:“It may not be modified,changed,or altered by any of the parties without a further written contract signed by both parties.”这个句子里把“modify”“change”和“alter”三个近义词并列使用,使歧义的可能性降到最小。此外,在合同中反复出现的东西,尽量用同一词语来指代,如合同前面提到的“goods”,后面就不要改成“cargo”或“merchandise”,以免引起误解。如果有必要,用限定词明确指代范围,如“the contract goods”指代签订合同的这批货物,而不是其他货物。此外,句子表达的意思要完整,比如在“The affected party shall not be liable for any delay or failure in performing any or all of its obligations due to the event of Force Majeure.”这句话中,“any delay or failure”表达两种情况:一种是延迟履行义务,一种是没有履行义务。省略任何一个都将造成误解,因为会改变整个句子的意思;“any or all”也包含两种情况:一种是任何一种义务,另一种是所有的义务。因此“any or all”包含的情况是全面的,省略任何一个都会造成意思的不完整,也就使合同含义不准确。
(2)语言简练。合同主要内容是准确无误地规范合同各方的权利义务关系,因此无实际意义的字句应当舍去。如:用“in 2011”代替“in the coming year of 2011”;又如,“The goods should be in good if not better than the last delivery condition on arrival at the destination.”这句话可以简化成“The goods should be in good condition on arrival at the destination.”。要使语言简练,首先,要去除没有必要的字句;其次,可以用单词 或词组来代替从句,有时还可以适当省略。
(3)语言正式。合同是有法律效力的协议,因此要有法律的威严性。这就需要语言的正式性。这无论是在句型还是词汇上,都要求遵循合同英语固有的语言习惯。比如用正式的法律词汇代替日常生活的口语词汇,用被动语态代替主动语态,使用固定专业词汇等。如“The affected party shall not be liable for any delay or failure in performing any or all of its obligations due to the event of Force Majeure”这句话,使用“the affected party”而不是“the affected company”或“the affected side”,用“shall not”而不是“is not”或“will not”,用“reliable for”而不是“responsible for”,或“blamed for”,这样的用词使语言更专业、更正式。又如“Transactions concluded between governmental bodies of Party A and Party B shall not restricted by the terms and conditions of this agreement,not shall the amount of such transactions be counted as part of the turnover stipulated in Article 5”[1],意思是:“在甲乙双方政府部门之间达成的交易不受本协议条款的限制,此类交易的金额也不应计入第五条规定的最低业务量。”文中的表述除了使用正式的专业词如“party、body shall、stipulate、article”外,还使用被动态而不是主动态,使整句话更为正式和规范。
Lease Contract
Place:304,Sichuan Road,Shanghai
1._______________________residing at_________(hereinafter called the “lessor”)_____________agrees to lease to_____________(hereinafter called the“lessee”)a/unfurnished apartment/house at________________________.
2.The premises subject to this contract comprise of:A list of items furnished by the lessor and the condition in which they are taken over by the lessee have been contained in an Annex to this contract.
3.The lessee agrees to pay to the lessor a rent of(exclusive the fee for electricity and water)__________per month,payable in advance on the first day of every month.(Bank account No.:_________)
4.Expenses of_________are included in the rent and shall be borne by the lessor.
5.No other expenses,fees or taxes of any kind,except those stipulated in this contract,shall be borne by the lessee.
6.The lessee shall hold the said premises with all appurtenances and furnishing for a term of_________months(s)to commence on.
7.This contract may be terminated by the lessee and lessor on one month written notice.
8.The lessee confirms that the house and all items listed in the Annex have been taken over by him/her in good condition,unless otherwise stated on the inventory to be established at the time when the lessee moves into the house.
9.The lessee is responsible for repair of any damages to the house caused by him/her or member of family of household,and for normal maintenance of the apartment during the period of the lease.
10.Repairs of structural damages,the main lines of gas and electricity,piping,the drainage and central heating systems or any other repairs beyond regular maintenance,etc.are not the responsibility of the lessee unless caused by the lessee,The lessee shall inform the lessor promptly whenever repairs of this kind become necessary.
11.The lessee agrees to take good care of the house and items furnished and to return them to the lessor in the condition in which they were taken over,except for normal wear and tear;the lessor will not claim any ensuing renovation cost.The lessee will not remove any objects furnished by the lessor from the house without consent of the lessor.
12.Any amendments and additions to this contract shall be agreed upon in writing.
13.Additional provisions.
Lessee:(Signature) Lessor:(Signature)
承租方(签字) 出租方(签字)