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时间:2023-06-03 理论教育 版权反馈



According to the horizontal analysis on the financial situation about ABC Company from 2007-201l which indicates that the sales of ABC Company continue to grow during the last five years with an average increase rate of 42.68%.The super increase rate owes to the wide spread of modern internet;it also certainly proves the successful management mode and stralepic policy executed by ABC Company,

Based on the vertical analysis on the financial situation,the profit ratio in 2010 is reasonable.The profit statement structure changed obviously in 201l compared with 2010.The revenues decreased a little and other income decreased by 3.6%,while the cost of sales increased by 4.5% and the total operating expense increased by 7.4%.There’s another obvious change that the total income before tax in 201l increased by more than 3 times to 425 thousand Yuan compared with 2010.The total income before tax is revenues plus or minus other incomes and incomes from investment,so we can deduce that ABC Company won excess investment returns from its investments.译文:根据ABC公司年财务状况的水平分析,ABC公司销售收入五年间持续增长,每年平均增长42.68%,这种超级增长率的形成与当今社会的网络普及化密不可分,当然这也是公司的管理模式和战略决策方面的成功表现。


更明显的变化是税前利润总额2011年比2010年绝对值增加了约425,000元,增加了约3倍多。税前利润总额是在营业利润的基础上加减其他收入及投资收益而来,由此可以推出ABC公司2011年获得了超额的投资收益回报。除了财务报告之外,各类商务策划书的翻译也应首先遵循“准确性”原则,以下为某品牌葡萄酒营销策划书节选:Marketing status at present(1)Market status:The wine is the second largest popular beverage wine and second-lowest only to beer in the international drink market,but in our country,it is just only a small wine at present,the annual production has been wandering up and down about 200,000 tons all the time for many years,even less than 1% of the national total amount of alcohol product.Consumption per capita wine of our country is only 1/20 of the level of consumption on average in recent times.At present,with the improvement of people’s living standard and health consciousness,the change of the diet idea,and various propaganda of the wine,making the wine market of our country develop quickly,especially the claret is a focus of present consumption.Look from this angle,the potential market of the wine of our country is very broad.(2)Product status:Domestic:The market price of wine in China has been on the rise all the time since 1996,especially the price of the claret is very large in ascensional range,prices different depends on the brands,each bottle(750ml)rises from 25 Yuan to 40-60 Yuan, the price of wine of other kinds has rising in various degree too.Overseas:the quality of domestic wine is better than that of overseas,and the price is also reduced gradually with the decrease of the tariff too,and with the sale channel expanded and wine knowledge increased,more and more foreign products therefore be adopted by Chinese consumers,as a result,foreign wine enters the domestic market now is more easily than the past.(3)Competition status:The competition is relatively stable.At present,domestic Zhang Yu,Great Wall,Dynasty,these three major brands occupy half of domestic market,52% or so.Dozens of foreign brands from such as France,Italy,and other else countries take the rest part of the market.Most of domestic brands only focus their eyes on a certain region and sell their product to limited places,they are lack of marketing competition and without enough ability to enter in the international market.In virtue of tariff decreasing and barrier of foreign wines entering China releasing.Thus makes the competition of their brands further promoted.


