首页 理论教育 工业国家的国际贸易依存与贸易保护主义的约束:英文图书精选


时间:2023-05-31 理论教育 版权反馈


Title: Export Dependence versus the New Protectionism

Author: Glenn Randall Fong

Publisher: Routledge

Date: October 1st,2017





Contents: In an international political economy characterized both by constancy and change,this study,first published in 1996,links together one seemingly incongruous continuity in international trade relations with an increasingly dramatic development in the economies of industrial countries. On the one hand,industrialized countries have become progressively dependent upon one another. On the other hand,the liberal international trade regime has yet to falter.These two points are tied together by seeking to explain the maintenance of liberal trade relations in terms of the mutual economic dependence of industrial countries.In particular,the study examines what may be a fundamental constraint on trade protectionism today: the reliance of industrialized countries on external trade relations,and especially on markets within the industrial world.


Title: Inclusive Global Value Chains: Policy Options in Trade and Contemporary Areas for GVC Integration by Small and Medium Enterprises and Low-income Developing Countries

Author: Ana Paula Cusolito,Daria Taglioni

Publisher: World Bank Publications

Date: August 30th,2016





Contents: This report’s focus is making global value chains (GVCs) more inclusive. To achieve inclusiveness is by overcoming participation constraints for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and facilitation access for Low Income Developing Countries (LIDCs). The underlying assumption is that most firms in LIDCs are SMEs. Even larger firms in LIDCs are likely to face similar challenges to SMEs,including a less supportive domestic operating environment and weaker institutions that lead to higher fixed costs and challenges to compete on the international markets. The two major points of this report are (1) participation in GVCs is heterogeneous and uneven,across and within countries,and (2) available data and survey-based evidence suggest that SMEs’ participation in GVCs is mostly taking place through indirect contribution to exports,rather than through exporting directly. The report makes the case that policy action,at the national and multilateral level,can make a difference in achieving more inclusive GVCs through: a holistic approach to reform spanning trade,investment,and domestic policies countries and investments in expanding the statistical base and analysis of GVCs and in sharing knowledge on best practices on enabling policies and programs. The report elaborates on three broad areas of recommendations: (1) establishing a trade and investment action plan for inclusiveness defining clear and achievable objectives on trade and investment policy and identifying the necessary complementary domestic policy actions; (2)complementing trade,investment,and domestic policy actions by providing the needed political leadership and support to enhance collaboration across the sectors,and establishing global platforms for sharing best practices; and (3) providing political support for the establishment of a multi-year plan to expand and upgrade the statistical foundation necessary to increase the capacity of all countries to identify and implement policies that can contribute to stronger,more inclusive and sustainable growth and development,globally.


Title: The Ashgate Research Companion to International Trade Policy

Author: Kenneth Heydon,Stephen Woolcock

Publisher: Routledge

Date: May 23rd,2016





Contents: This volume provides a state of the art review of current thinking on the full range of trade policy issues,addressing the economic and political dimensions of international trade policy. The volume contains a systematic examination of: -specific trade policy instruments (such as tariffs,non-tariff barriers and trade rules)- sectoral concerns (in agriculture,manufacturing and services) - trade linkages (to issues such as the environment and labor standards) - systemic considerations (what role for the WTO?) The organizing theme of the volume is that open markets for trade and investment yield large potential gains in human welfare as long as trade policy is conducted as an integral part of broader domestic economic management and regulatory reform,and as long as the particular challenges facing developing countries are effectively addressed. This “case” is presented on the basis of rigorous analysis of first principles and of empirical experience among key trading nations.An integrated set of original and comprehensive perspectives from a diverse group of experts,linked by a common organizational thread. The contributing authors create an ideal mix of internationally recognized experts together with younger specialists making their mark in trade policy analysis; academics as well as trade policy practitioners; and representatives of both developed and developing countries.


Title: International Trade Negotiations and Domestic Politics: The Intermestic Politics of Trade Liberalization

Author: Oluf Langhelle

Publisher: Routledge

Date: November 7th,2016





Contents: In spite of many years of negotiation on trade liberalization,progress seems to have stalled. This book explores why resistance to further market liberalization seems so strong,given that the benefits are seen to outweigh the costs. This volume argues that in order to understand the slow progress of World Trade Organization negotiations,we need to take into consideration the“intermestic” character of trade politics,that is,the way in which international and domestic aspects of politics and policies have been woven together and become inextricably related to each other. This is a general trend in our globalizing world,and one that is most pronounced in the case of trade politics and policy. International Trade Negotiations and Domestic Politics therefore presents an in-depth analysis of institutions,ideas,interests and actors in the interplay between international trade negotiations and national negotiating positions. At the international level the authors focus on the multilateral negotiations within the World Trade Organization,together with the plurilateral and bilateral negotiations on free trade agreements. At the regional and domestic level they analyze the trade politics and policies of two established powers,the European Union and the USA; two rising powers,China and India; and a small industrialized country with an open economy,Norway.


Title: Global Perspectives on Trade Integration and Economies in Transition

Author: Vasily Erokhin

Publisher: Information Science Reference

Date: June 30th,2016





Contents: In the era of globalization,foreign trade has an immense impact upon modern economies. To succeed in the global marketplace,sustainable development in trade practices is an imperative goal for countries to reach. Global Perspectives on Trade Integration and Economies in Transition is an authoritative reference source for the latest research on the dynamics of transitional economies and how certain obstacles can disrupt the effectiveness of the transition process.Highlighting the value of trade incorporation at the national and international levels,this book is ideally designed for researchers,professionals,government officials,policy makers,and upper-level students interested in the intersection of globalization,trade,and international economics.


Title: Global Environmental Protection Through Trade: A Systematic Approach to Extraterritoriality

Author: Barbara Cooreman

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

Date: April 28th,2017





Contents: Despite an increasing global awareness of environmental concerns,setting internationally binding and ambitious commitments has proven exceedingly complex. As states are seeking alternative methods to support global environmental protection,this book takes a closer look at the possibility of using national trade measures that make market access conditional on the environmental impact of the production process abroad.Inspired by accepted practice in other fields of law,Barbara Cooreman illustrates that the extraterritorial character of these environmental trade measures is not necessarily inconsistent with WTO law by proposing an extraterritoriality decision tree for trade measures targeting foreign production processes. Identifying key challenges through varied case studies,the author demonstrates that states can indeed use their market to further environmental progress,when the state’s environment is affected and where a minimum level of international legal support exists for the environmental concern at issue. The book shows that current WTO laws leave more room for action than often thought and concludes that WTO law is no excuse for environmental inaction. Practical and comparative,this book will appeal to scholars of both environmental and trade law. It also offers a valuable tool to aid judges and lawmakers alike in determining the lawfulness of a measure.

内容简介:尽管全球对环境问题的认识越来越高,但是设定在国际上具有约束力和有野心的承诺书是极其复杂的。由于各国正在寻求替代方法来支持全球环境保护,本书仔细研究了使用国家贸易措施的可能性,这使得市场准入有条件地依赖于国外生产过程的环境影响。Barbara Cooreman在其他法律领域的实践中受到启发,证明了这些环境贸易措施的域外性并不一定与WTO法不符,且提出了针对外国生产的贸易措施的治外法权决策树。通过不同的案例研究,作者发现,当国家的环境受到影响且在相关的环境问题上存在最低限度的国际法律支持时,国家确实可以利用市场的手段来促进环境的进步。本书表明,现行的WTO法律比通常认为的要有更多的行动空间,并得出结论,WTO法不能作为环境不作为的借口。实践和比较,这本书将呼吁环境和贸易法的学者。它还提供了一种有价值的工具,以帮助法官和立法者确定措施的合法性。

Title: Trade in the Service of Sustainable Development:Linking Trade to Labour Rights and Environmental Standards

Author: Olivier de Schutter

Publisher: Hart Publishing

Date: December 28th,2017





Contents: In the Bretton Woods era,trade liberalization,the improvement of labour rights and working conditions,and the strengthening of environmental policies,were seen as mutually supportive. But is this always true? Can we continue to pretend to protect the rights of workers and to improve environmental protection,particularly through climate change mitigation strategies,within an agenda focused on trade liberalization? Is it credible to pursue trade policies that aim to expand the volumes of trade,without linking such policies to labour and environmental standards,seen as “non-trade”concerns? This book asks these questions,offering a detailed analysis of whether linkage is desirable and legally acceptable under the disciplines of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It concludes that trade can work for sustainable development,but only if we see it as a means for social and environmental progress,including climate change mitigation,and if we avoid fetichizing it as an end to be pursued for its own sake.

内容简介: 在布雷顿森林体系时代,贸易自由化、劳工权利和工作条件的改善,以及环境政策的加强都被视为相互支持。但是哪一种方式才是正确的呢?我们还能在一个以贸易自由化为中心议题环境中假装继续保护工人的权利和改善环境保护,特别是通过气候变化减缓战略的环境保护吗?推行贸易政策旨在扩大贸易量,而不是把视为“非贸易”问题的政策与劳工和环境标准挂钩的政策是否可信?本书提出了这些问题,并且详细分析了在世界贸易组织(WTO)的规则下,这些联系是否是各方所希冀和在法律上可接受的。本书得出结论,只要我们能够将其看作是社会和环境进步的过程,包括减缓气候变化,而不是作为我们为了实现自身利益而达到的某种目的,贸易能够为可持续发展做出贡献。

Title: Regulatory Autonomy and International Trade in Services: The EU Under GATs and RTAs

Author: Bregt Natens

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

Date: July 29th,2016





Contents: Despite its growing significance,the legal scrutiny of RTAs remains an underdeveloped academic field. This book considers how the interplay between multilateral and preferential liberalization of trade in services increasingly raises concerns,both from the perspective of the beneficiaries of such liberalization and that of regulators. With the application of a thorough article-by-article analysis,the author shows how these concerns lead to vast underutilization of,and often prejudice against,the benefits of services liberalization. The book meticulously analyses and compares the EU’s obligations under the GATS and the services chapters of several RTAs to finally assess the merits of the various concerns.This book will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of law and related subjects. It will also be of interest to government officials looking for a detailed analysis of the topic,and practitioners looking for a framework for analysing RTA provisions.

内容简介: 尽管RTAs法律意义日益重要,但其法律审查仍然是一个不成熟的学术领域。本书认为,多变贸易自由化和优惠服务贸易自由化之间的相互作用越来越受到广泛关注,无论是从这种自由化的受益者角度来看,还是从监管机构的角度来看。作者通过数篇文章的分析,展示了这些担忧是如何导致服务贸易自由化不充分和被误解的。本书仔细分析和比较了欧盟在GATS中的义务和RTA中几个服务章节,最后评估了各种观点的优势。这本书对于法律和相关学科的学生与学者是一个宝贵资源。同时,政府官员也希望能对这一议题进行详细分析,寻找到分析RTA条款的框架

Title: Non-discrimination and Trade in Services: The Role of Tax Treaties

Author: Catherine A. Brown

Publisher: Springer

Date: May 12th,2017





Contents: This book argues that the proliferation of global trade and the increasing power of free trade arrangements leave income taxes as one of the few remaining measures that can potentially be used for protectionist purposes.It analyzes the interaction between the non-discrimination principles in tax treaties and trade-related agreements including multilateral (WTO),regional (NAFTA,AANZTA) and bilateral free trade agreements. The absence of a non-discrimination obligation with respect to tax measures that apply to non-resident service providers and to non-resident services may,therefore,significantly undermine trade obligations. The book clearly reveals how these tax barriers to trade may unfairly or unnecessarily restrict trade in services,and puts forward a new,more effective non-discrimination obligation in tax matters to be included in tax treaties,one that would more closely parallel the non-discrimination obligations in trade agreements.The book examines the concept of non-discrimination in tax matters from several perspectives,specifically a North American and Australian perspective,as well as a perspective based on EU (and UK) law,focusing on the interaction between these legal systems,bilateral tax treaties,regional trade agreements and,where relevant,the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The book explores the possibility of a reciprocal influence between tax treaties and trade agreements,and poses the question as to whether tax treaties might do more in providing a non-discrimination principle in the cross-border trade in services.

内容简介: 本书认为,全球贸易的增长和自由贸易协定的增加使得所得税成为少数可能用于保护主义目的的剩余措施之一。本书分析了税收协定中的非歧视原则与包括多边(WTO)、区域(NAFTA、AANZTA)和双边自由贸易协定在内的贸易相关协定之间的相互作用。因此,不适用于非居民服务提供者和非居民服务的税收措施的非歧视义务,可能会大大削弱贸易政策。本书清楚地揭示了这些税收壁垒如何可能不公平地或不必要地限制服务贸易,并提出了一种新的、更有效的非歧视义务,包括在税收协定中,它将与贸易协定中的非歧视义务更加相吻合。并且,本书从多个角度考察了非歧视税收的概念,特别是北美和澳大利亚的角度,以及基于欧盟(和英国)法的观点,着重关注在这些法律体系、双边税收条约、区域贸易协定以及服务贸易总协定(GATS)之间的相互作用。本书还探讨了税收协定与贸易协定之间相互影响的可能性,并提出了关于税收条约是否能在跨境服务贸易中提供非歧视性原则方面更多的问题。

Title: Global Intermediation and Logistics Service Providers

Author: Laurence Saglietto (compiler),Cecile Cezanne (compiler)

Publisher: Information Science Reference

Date: January 30th,2017





Contents: As modern organizations become more globalized and diverse,they require additional assistance to maintain effective workflows. With the support of intermediary partners,businesses can enhance their various management processes.Global Intermediation and Logistics Service Providers is a comprehensive reference source for the latest scholarly material on outsourcing strategies in contemporary business environments and examines the role of intermediaries in the dynamics of decision-making and process management. Highlighting pivotal discussions across a myriad of relevant topics,such as open innovation,competitive advantage,and social capital,this book is ideally designed for professionals,practitioners,researchers,and students interested in the impact of service providers within industrial organizations.


Title: Canadian Foreign Policy in a Unipolar World

Author: Michael Hawes and Christopher Kirkey

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Date: October 18th,2016





Contents: Canadian Foreign Policy in a Unipolar World examines the theoretical and practical realities of a unipolar world - a system in which a single power is disproportionally dominant and influential - and asks how it affects Canadian foreign policy. Taking this model of unipolarity as their starting point,we cover such fascinating topics as Homeland Security,Canadian development policies,and geo-engineering.


Title: The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime

Author: Jonathan Bonnitcha,Lauge N.Skovgaard Poulsen,and Michael Waibel

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Date: September 20th,2017





Contents: Investment treaties are some of the most controversial but least understood instruments of global economic governance. Public interest in international investment arbitration is growing and some developed and developing countries are beginning to revisit their investment treaty policies. The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime synthesizes and advances the growing literature on this subject by integrating legal,economic,and political perspectives. Based on an analysis of the substantive and procedural rights conferred by investment treaties,it asks four basic questions. What are the costs and benefits of investment treaties for investors,states,and other stakeholders?Why did developed and developing countries sign the treaties? Why should private arbitrators be allowed to review public regulations passed by states? And what is the relationship between the investment treaty regime and the broader regime complex that governs international investment? Through a concise,but comprehensive,analysis,this book fills in some of the many “blind spots” of academics from different disciplines,and is the first port of call for lawyers,investors,policymakers,and stakeholders trying to make sense of these critical instruments governing investor-state relations.


Title: Playing with Fire: Deepened Financial Integration and Changing Vulnerabilities of the Global South

Author: Yilmaz Akyuz

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Date: September 6th,2017





Contents: Starting in the early 1990s many emerging and developing economies (EDEs) liberalized their capital accounts,allowing greater freedom for international lenders and investors to enter their markets as well as for their residents to borrow and invest in international financial markets. Despite recurrent crises,liberalization has continued and in fact accelerated in the new millennium.Integration has been greatly facilitated by progressively looser monetary policy in the United States,notably the policies that culminated in debt crises in the United States and Europe and the ultra-easy monetary policy adopted in response. Not only have their traditional cross-border linkages been deepened and external balance sheets expanded rapidly,but also foreign presence in their domestic financial markets and the presence of their nationals in foreign markets have reached unprecedented levels. As a result new channels have emerged for the transmission of financial shocks from global boom-bust cycles. Almost all EDEs are now vulnerable irrespective of their balance-of-payments,external debt,net foreign assets and international reserve positions although these play an important role in the way such shocks could impinge on them. This is a matter for concern since the multilateral system still lacks mechanisms for orderly resolution of financial crises with international dimensions. Playing with Fire provides an empirical account of deeper integration of EDEs into the global financial system and discusses its implications for stability and growth,focusing on the role of policies in the new millennium in both EDEs and the United States and Europe.


Title: The International Law on Foreign Investment(4th Edition)

Author: M. Sornarajah

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Date: August,2017





Contents: Following the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP),the demonstrations against investor-state arbitration and the wide discussion during the 2016 US presidential election,the climate surrounding foreign investment law is one of controversy and change,and with implications for human rights and environmental protection,foreign investment law has gained widespread public attention and visibility. Addressing the pressing need to examine foreign investment law in the context of public international law,the role of the multinational corporation in foreign investment and issues of liability for environmental and other damage,this new edition analyses contractual and treaty-based methods of investment protection and examines the effectiveness of bilateral and regional investment treaties. By offering thought-provoking analysis of the law in historical,political and economic contexts,this fully updated edition of Sornarajah’s classic text captures leading trends and charts the possible course of future developments.


Title: Trading Spaces Foreign Direct Investment Regulation,1970—2000

Author: Sonal S. Pandya

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Date: April,2016





C o n t e n t s: T h i s b o o k i s t h e f i r s t comprehensive study of foreign direct investment (FDI) liberalization. Political economy FDI research has long focused on how host-country politics influence the supply of FDI,or how firms choose to invest. By contrast,this book focuses on the politics of FDI demand: the sources of citizens’ preferences for FDI inflows and countries’ foreign ownership restrictions. Professor Sonal S. Pandya’s theory of FDI regulation identifies how FDI redistributes income within host countries,raises local wages,and creates competition for local firms. Empirical tests also emphasize the central role of multinational cooperations’ productive assets in shaping the politics of FDI. These tests feature an original dataset of annual country-industry foreign ownership regulations that spans more than one hundred countries during the period 1970—2000. This book highlights the economic and political foundations of global economic integration and supplies the tools to understand the growing economic conflicts between advanced economics and large emerging markets such as China and India.

内容简介:本书全面地研究了对外商直接投资(FDI)的自由化。FDI的政治经济分析长期以来关注东道国政治如何影响外国直接投资流入,以及企业如何选择投资。相比之下,本书侧重于外国直接投资需求的政治分析:对外国直接投资流入的来源偏好和对国外资本的限制。本书的 FDI监管理论指出了外国直接投资如何影响东道国收入再分配,提高当地工资和当地企业的竞争力,并根据1970—2000年100多个国家外国所有权条例数据实证检验了跨国合作的生产性资产在塑造外国直接投资政治中的核心作用。最后,强调了全球经济一体化的经济和政治基础,并为理解中国和印度等大型新兴市场之间经济增长和冲突提供深刻洞见。

Title: The Dragon’s Footprints: China in the Global Economic Governance System under the G20 Framework

Author: Alex He

Publisher: CIGI Press

Date: October 25th,2016





Contents: The Dragon’s Footprints: China in the Global Economic Governance System under the G20 Framework examines China’s participation in the G20; its efforts to increase its prestige in the international monetary system through the internationalization of its currency,the renminbi; its role in the multilateral development banks ― the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Development Bank; and its involvement in global trade governance,in light of the dazzling growth its economy has experienced since its ascension to the World Trade Organization in 2001. Clearly,China has its own views on how to engage with governance bodies and what benefits it expects to reap from its participation in global economic governance. There is no doubt that China is leaving its footprint on many aspects of the international financial system through its growing engagement with and greater integration into the global economy. The Dragon’s Footprints provides an in-depth discussion of what China has gained and learned from this experience and considers the implications for its foreign policy and future economic development.


Title: The Shifting Global Economic Architecture:Decentralizing Authority in Contemporary Global Governance

Author: Jonathan Luckhurst

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Date: October 7th,2017





Contents: This book analyzes the shifting global economic architecture,indicating the decentralizing authority in global economic governance since the Cold War and,especially,following the 2008-09 global financial crisis. The author examines recent adjustments to the organizational framework,contestation of policy principles,norms,and practices,and destabilizing actor hierarchies,particularly in global macroeconomic,trade,and development governance. The study’s “analytical eclecticism” includes a core constructivist IR approach,but also incorporates insights from several international relations theories as well as political and economic theory. The book develops a unique“analytical matrix”,which analyzes effects of strategic,political,and cognitive authority in the organizational,policy,and actor contexts of the global economic architecture.It concludes that,despite concerns about potential fragmentation,decentralizing authority has increased the integration of leading developing states and new actors in contemporary global economic governance.


Title: Multilateralism in Global Governance: Formal and Informal Institutions

Author: Assel Tutumlu (Editor),Gaye Güngör (Editor)

Publisher: Peter Lang GmbH,Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften;

Date: May 19th ,2016





Contents: The aim of this edited volume is to bring back multilateralism in global governance research by going beyond the state-centric and formal models of multilateralism of the 1990s and deeper into the informal private agents and structures of global governance. The volume is situated within the third generation scholarly research tying together disparate efforts from various disciplines,such as International Relations,Public Administration,International Law and International Political Economy under the overarching theme of multilateralism approached from the three different angles: normative dimensions of global governance,issue-areas,such as migration and international trade,as well as the limits of multilateralism.

内容简介:本书的目的是通过超越20世纪90年代以国家为中心和正式的多边主义模式,并深入非正式的私人代理人和全球治理结构之中,来恢复全球治理研究中的多边主义。 该卷位于第三代学术研究范围内,从三个不同角度探讨了多边主题下的国际关系、公共行政、国际法和国际政治经济学等各学科的不同努力:全球治理的规范性维度 ,诸如移民和国际贸易等问题领域,以及多边主义的局限性。

Title: The G20 and the Future of International Economic Governance

Author: Mike Callaghan,Tristram Sainsbury

Publisher: University of New South Wales Press

Date: January 1st,2016





Contents: The G20 has become a key international forum since it was set up in 1999. When Australia began its presidency of the 2014 summit in Brisbane,many commentators suggested that Australia’s chairing of the G20 would reinvigorate it. This timely book looks at what that meeting achieved and what has happened in its wake. Crucially,it asks whether the G20 is poised to broaden its influence and scope beyond economic regulation into issues of security and climate change. Taking stock,the authors question the effectiveness of the G20,many optimistic about the leadership it can offer on key global issues to do with trade liberalisation and international tax,not to mention climate change. Together they ask,what is the future of the G20 and other “Gs”?


Title: Rethinking the Silk Road: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Emerging Eurasian Relations

Author: Maximilian Mayer (Editor)

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Date: November 8th,2017





Contents: Focused on the “Belt and Road Initiative”,this book discusses China’s opportunities to translate economic leverage into political outcomes. The central question is how China’s expanding economic influence will transform the Eurasian political landscape. Proposed in late 2013 by President Xi Jinping,the Belt and Road is the most ambitious foreign policy approach adopted thus far and represents the culmination of China’s search for a grand strategic narrative.Comparative methods and diverse conceptual frameworks are applied to contextualize and explore the political,economic,and cultural ramifications of the Belt and Road in order to shed light on its transformative significance,risks and opportunities.


Title: The Political Economy of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Author: Lei Zou

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company

Date: March 31st,2018





Contents: Silk Road was once the most important economic-cultural tie connecting the Eurasian countries before the rise of the West. In September 2013,Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the initiative to jointly build the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road,which is abbreviated as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This book analyzes the BRI through the approach of political economy and establishes the analytic framework of BRI from historical and comparative perspectives. It clearly displays the strategic considerations,future vision,constructing framework,governmental actions,latest achievements,multiple opportunities and potential risks of BRI.

As China’s grand national development strategy and international cooperation initiative,the BRI will largely shape China’s domestic and foreign policies in the Xi Jinping era. The book is the first academic monograph on the BRI and it enables readers to comprehensively understand this initiative and its implications to China,Eurasia and the world.



Title:The Changing Currents of Transpacific Integration:China,the TPP,and Beyond

Author:Adrian H.Hearn(Editor),Margaret Myers(Editor)

Publisher:Lynne Rienner Publishers,Inc.

Date:November 7th,2016





Contents:This comprehensive assessment of transpacific economic integration explores the many ways that new approaches to multilateral cooperation,and notably the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP),are transforming the regional landscape.Reflecting diverse views on the merits of new and wideranging agreements,the authors consider:To what extent will the TPP facilitate the US“pivot”to Asia at a time when China,not a TPP member,is attempting to shape regional economic dynamics?Will the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,strongly backed by China,prove complementary or antagonistic to the TPP?How can countries throughout Latin America and Asia best secure benefits from emerging accords?As they engage with these and related issues/debates,they also provide informed assessments of the political and economic significance of the new agreements for the future of transpacific integration.


Title: China,New Zealand,and the Complexities of Globalization:Asymmetry,Complementarity,and Competition

Author: Tim Beal,Yuanfei Kang

Publisher:Palgrave Macmillan

Date:December 14th,2016





Contents:The book examines the expansion of investment and trade between China and New Zealand,and its changing composition within the political framework,especially the 2008 Free Trade Agreement.Particular attention is paid to China’s volatile agrifood market,where New Zealand dairy products play an important role for both countries.The New Zealand-China economic relationshipasymmetrical and complementary,but with increasing competition from domestic production-is a case study of the complexities of globalization and the interplay of economic imperatives,political pressures and cultural factors.China is now New Zealand’s main economic partner and a major source of migrants,tourists and students.This proposed study on how New Zealand and China manage their grave dissimilarities and disparities in growing,ever close economic ties will be of interest to academics,policy analysts,economic/trade decision makers,and business practitioners.


Title: Globalization and Its Discontents Revisited:Anti-Globalization in the Era of Trump

Author: Joseph E.Stiglitz

Publisher: W.W.Norton&Company

Date: November 28th,2017





Contents:In this crucial expansion and update of his landmark bestseller,renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph E.Stiglitz addresses globalization’s new discontents in the United States and Europe. Immediately upon publication,Globalization and Its Discontents became a touchstone in the globalization debate by demonstrating how the International Monetary Fund,other major institutions like the World Bank,and global trade agreements have often harmed the developing nations they are supposedly helping.Yet globalization today continues to be mismanaged,and now the harms―exemplified by the rampant inequality to which it has contributed―have come home to roost in the United States and the rest of the developed world as well,reflected in growing political unrest.With a new introduction,major new chapters on the new discontents,the rise of Donald Trump,and the new protectionist movement,as well as a new afterword on the course of globalization since the book first appeared,Stiglitz’s powerful and prescient messages remain essential reading.

内容简介:在这本里程碑式的畅销书中,著名经济学家、诺贝尔奖获得者约瑟夫·E.斯蒂格利茨谈到了全球化在美国和欧洲的新不满。一经公布,全球化和其不满成为全球化辩论中的试金石,它展示了国际货币基金组织、世界银行等其他主要机构,以及全球贸易协定如何经常伤害它们应该帮助的发展中国家。然而,全球化的今天仍然是管理不善,现在的危害——以它所造成的猖獗的不平等为例——已经在美国和其他发达国家得到了栖身之地,这反映在日益严重的政治动荡中。随着新书的推出,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的崛起,新的保护主义运动,以及自该书问世以来的全球化进程中出现了一个新的后记,斯蒂格利茨强有力的、有先见之明的信息仍然是必不可少的阅读。

Title: The Economics of Brexit:A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the UK’s Economic Relationship with the EU

Author: Philip B.Whyman,Alina I.Petrescu

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Date: August 18th,2017





Contents:This book presents a comprehensive evaluation of the likely economic impact upon the UK economy arising from Brexit. It seeks to assess both the methods adopted,and conclusions reached,by the existing economic studies,and supplements this by providing additional evidence to assist the reader in forming their own assessment of the relative merits of the different approaches.It additionally outlines the options available to policy makers for the formation of an economic strategy capable of adapting the economy to the challenges and opportunities presented by Brexit. Finally,it outlines and comments upon the range of alternative models of future trading relationships that are available to the UK,both in relation to the EU and the rest of the world.


Title: ASEAN Champions:Emerging Stalwarts in Regional Integration

Author: Seung Ho Park,Gerardo Rivera Ungson,Jamil Paolo S.Francisco

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Date: February 3rd,2017





Contents:With a population of about six hundred million people,and a combined GNP of more than US$ 2.4 trillion,the ASEAN Economic Community(AEC) is set to become the seventh largest economy in the world. Launched in December 2015,the AEC unveiled initiatives to create a single market and production zone,a competitive and equitable region,and integrated links to the global economy. ASEAN Champions seeks to address the role of the strong local firms in regional integration,how these “champions” succeeded and endured,despite facing adverse circumstances,and the factors that facilitated or impeded their participation in regional integration. The book provides insights for future firm and government-led strategies to enhance the integration process. By complementing current narratives that focus on macroeconomic,socio-political,and trade considerations,Park,Ungson and Francisco offer an enlightening and engaging read,ideally suited to academics and professionals alike.


Title: The Political Economy of China-Latin America Relations in the New Millennium: Brave New World

Author: Margaret Myers

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2016





Contents: In this book,China-Latin America relations experts Margaret Myers and Carol Wise examine the political and economic forces that have underpinned Chinese engagement in the region,as well as the ways in which these forces have shaped economic sectors and policy-making in Latin America.The contributors begin with a review of developments in cross-Pacific statecraft,including the role of private,state-level,sub-national,and extra-regional actors that have influenced China-Latin America engagement in recent years. Part two of the book examines the variety of Latin American development trajectories borne of China’s growing global presence. Contributors analyse the effects of Chinese engagement on specific economic sectors,clusters (the LAC emerging economies),and sub-regions (Central America,the Southern Cone of South America,and the Andean region). Individual case studies draw out these themes.

This volume is a welcome addition to the growing body of literature on China-Latin America relations. It illuminates the complex interplay between economics and politics that has characterized China’s relations with the region as a second decade of enhanced economic engagement draws to a close. This volume is an indispensable read for students,scholars and policy makers wishing to gain new insights into the political economy of China-Latin America relations.



Title: Sino-Mexican Trade Relations:Challenges and Opportunities

Author: Yi Liu,Laixun Zhao

Publisher: Springer

Date: 2017





Contents: This book undertakes two main tasks. First,it provides an overview of Sino-Mexican trade and economic relations since the normalization of diplomatic relations in the 1980s. Second,it presents a re-evaluation of Mexico’s trade policies with China,from the import substitution industrialization (ISI) period in the early 1990s to the strengthening of economic and trade relations in recent years.

Both aspects are addressed within a unified framework by documenting historical events and conducting empirical analyses throughout Mexico’s economic development,which has been characterized by both growth and stagnation. The book analyzes the Sino-Mexican trade conflicts and cooperation by examining cases of antidumping (AD) and flows of international trade,and by addressing the current obstacles.



Title: Foreign Trade as a Factor of Economic Growth: Russian-Chinese Foreign Trade Cooperation

Author: Elena G. Popkova,Yakov A.Sukhodolov

Publisher: Springer

Date: 2017





Contents: This book analyzes the evolution of foreign trade cooperation between Russia and China in the context of the rapidly growing global economy,especially in the Asian-Pacific region. The approach presented in the book is characterized by a comprehensive view on macroeconomic dynamics and the process of evolving means of production. The authors describe characteristics of national innovational economies with examples from countries in the Asian-Pacific region.


Title: The Power of the Chinese Dragon:Implications for African Development and Economic Growth

Author: Spencer Henson,Fiona Yap

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Date: 2016





Contents: This important reader brings together published articles from Palgrave’s journal The European Journal of Development Research on the development between China and Africa as well as emerging national economies in the BRICs group. Topics include trade relations,investment in sub-Saharan Africa,global politics of development and more.

It is essential reading for professionals,scholars,policy makers,and researchers interested in China,Africa and the BRICs group.



Title: The Economies of China and India: Cooperation and Conflict

Author: John Whalley,Manmohan Agarwal,Jing Wang

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co

Date: 2017





Contents: China and India,the two largest developing countries,are developing rapidly both inside themselves and towards global markets. Are these two economies dual or dueling? This 3-volume set tries to answer this question by providing comprehensive analyses scoping varied economic issues. This volumes set covers both China’s and India’s strategies and objectives in international governance,their bilateral and multilateral trade agreement negotiations,financial liberalization,growth prospects,rural development and agriculture,income distribution,labor market mechanism,manufacturing and competitiveness upgrading,as well as environmental and other social issues. The set collects papers(most unpublished until now) written by Chinese and Indian researchers who have rich experiences and strong backgrounds in policy analyses and are well connected to Chinese and Indian policy makers. Thus,these papers contain valuable firsthand information about China’s and India’s development strategies. This makes this volume set an essential source of reference for China India comparisons and studies.


Title: Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil :Post-Crisis Economic Development in Emerging Markets

Author: Mohamed Amal

Publisher: Academic Press

Date: May 3rd,2016





Contents: Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil: Post-Crisis Economic Development in Emerging Markets explores both the inward and outward ways foreign direct investment (FDI) can help Brazil sustain economic growth and development in the sometimes hostile post-global crisis era. Inward and outward FDI have major roles to play in reviving Brazil’s growth momentum and the country’s transition to a new growth paradigm less dependent on commodity exports. The book provides a comprehensive discussion on the analytical framework of FDI and the policy environment influencing the patterns and development of FDI in Brazil. It compares Brazil to other developing countries,but its focus rests on how,and to what extent,the global crisis is shaping the Brazilian institutional environment and its implications for FDI.


Title: Globalisation,FDI,Regional Integration and Sustainable Development:Theory,Evidence and Policy

Author: Anthony Bende-Nabende

Publisher: Routledge

Date: September,2017





Contents: This title was first published in 2002: Anthony Bende-Nabende focuses on the ongoing globalization process,which has sparked an unprecedented world-wide debate. He provides a one-stop centre for a balanced coverage of the theoretical,empirical and policy issues linking globalization with foreign direct investment,regional economic integration,and economic growth and sustainable development. This stimulating book comprehensively explores the theoretical and empirical literature inter-linking the aforementioned factors from the antiglobalization activists’ viewpoint,and from the pro-globalization proponents’perspective. It proposes policies that individual countries should pursue,based on the recognition that globalization generates both positive and negative effects.These comprise policies required to maximise the economic benefits globalization may generate,and those that aim to eliminate or at least minimize the negative development-oriented effects globalization may engender and,hence,to propel sustainable development. The book will be an essential guide for students,academics and those involved in international economics,environmental studies,international relations,and growth and development studies.

内容简介: 本书作者专注于正在进行的全球化进程,这引发了前所未有的全球辩论。他提供了一套将全球化与外国直接投资,区域经济一体化,经济增长和可持续发展联系起来的理论。这本激动人心的书籍全面探讨了从反全球化活动家的观点和全球化的支持者的角度将上述因素相互联系起来的理论和实证文献。它基于认识到全球化产生积极和消极影响,提出各国应采取的政策。这些措施包括使全球化可能产生的经济利益最大化所需的政策,以及旨在消除或至少最大限度地减少全球化可能产生并因此推动可持续发展的负面发展导向影响的政策。该书将成为学生、学者,以及参与国际经济学、环境研究、国际关系和成长与发展研究的人士的必备指南。

Title: Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: Post-crisis Perspectives

Author: Balázs Szent-Iványi (eds.)

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Date: April ,2017


作者:巴拉茨 圣—艾万伊



Contents: This book examines how foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to Central and Eastern Europe have changed after the Great Recession. It argues that beyond their cyclical effects,the economic crisis and the changing competitiveness of Central and Eastern European countries have had structural impacts on FDI in the region. FDI has traditionally been viewed as the key driver of national development,but the apparent structural shift means that focusing on cheap labour as a competitive advantage is no longer a viable strategy for the countries in the region. The authors argue that these countries need to move beyond the narrative of upgrading (attracting FDI inflows with increasingly higher value added),and focus on ensuring greater value capture instead. A potential way for doing this is by developing the conditions in which innovative national companies can emerge,thrive and eventually develop into lead firms of global value chains. The book provides readers with a highly informative account of the reasons why this shift is necessary,as well as diverse perspectives and extensive discussions on the dynamics and structural impacts of FDI in post-crisis Central and Eastern Europe.


Title: Developing China: The Remarkable Impact of Foreign Direct Investment

Author: Michael J. Enright

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2016





Contents: One of the most important features of China’s economic emergence has been the role of foreign investment and foreign companies. The importance goes well beyond the USD 1.6 trillion in foreign direct investment that China has received since it started opening its economy. Using the tools of economic impact analysis,the author estimates that around one-third of China’s GDP in recent years has been generated by the investments,operations,and supply chains of foreign invested companies. In addition,foreign companies have developed industries,created suppliers and distributors,introduced modern technologies,improved business practices,modernized management training,improved sustainability performance,and helped shape China’s legal and regulatory systems. These impacts have helped China become the world’s second largest economy,its leading exporter,and one of its leading destinations for inward investment.

The book provides a powerful analysis of China’s policies toward foreign investment that can inform policy makers around the world,while giving foreign companies tools to demonstrate their contributions to host countries and showing the tremendous power of foreign investment to help transform economies.



Title: Global Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment

Author: Sherif H Seid

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2017




Contents: This title was first published in 2002: After the failure of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI),the world does not have a global investment agreement that would regulate FDI. A global investment agreement dealing with FDI would clearly fill a large gap in the network of regulatory measures governing the world economy. Other attempts had been made prior to the MAI to address this problem,but all have failed so far. The main reason for such failures has always been the lack of compromise in the positions held by the major stakeholders. This book analyses the pros and cons of these opposing positions and uses them as a basis for forging a hybrid model called “Regulated Openness”.

内容简介:该标题于2002年首次发布:在多边投资协定(MAI)失败后,世界上没有一项全球投资协议来规范外国直接投资。处理外国直接投资的全球投资协定显然将填补管理世界经济的监管措施网络的巨大空白。 在MAI之前已经进行了其他尝试来解决这个问题,但到目前为止都失败了。造成这种失败的主要原因一直是主要利益攸关方所持立场缺乏妥协。 本书分析了这些对立立场的利弊,并将其作为打造混合模式的基础,称为“规制开放”。

Title: Automotive FDI in Emerging Europe:Shifting Locales in the Motor Vehicle Industry

Author: A. J. Jacobs

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Date: July 5th,2017





Contents: This book examines the dramatic increase in automotive assembly plants in the former Socialist Central European(CE) nations of Czechia,East Germany,Hungary,Poland,and Slovakia from 1989 onwards. Enticed by relatively lower-wage labour and significant government incentives,the world’s largest automakers have launched more than 20 passenger car assembly complexes in CE nations,with production accelerating dramatically since 2001. As a result,the annual passenger car production in Western Europe declined by more than 20% between 2001 and 2015,and alternatively in the CEE it increased by nearly 170% during this period. Drawing on case studies of 25 current and former foreign-run assembly plants,the author presents a rare historical account of automotive foreign assembly plants in the CE following this dramatic geographic shift. This book will expand the knowledge of policy-makers in Europe in relation to their pursuits of FDI and will be of great interest to scholars and students of business,economic history,political science,and development.


Title: Foreign Direct Investment Inflows Into the South East European Media Market:Towards a Hybrid Business Model

Author: Zvezdan Vukanović (author)

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Date: 2016




出版时间: 2016

Contents: This book offers a strategic analysis of current and future perspectives of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into the South East European media market. The author develops a hybrid FDI business model strategy to guide media companies wishing to more effectively position and leverage their media infrastructure within the increasingly globalized and expanding media market.By conducting sixteen comparative and exploratory case studies of the South East European media market,the author explores how specific microeconomic factors influence spillover effects,absorption capacities and investment incentives between local and foreign firms through FDI inflows. The book is directed towards researchers and students,as well as practitioners/professionals involved with media organizations.

内容简介:本书对外国直接投资(FDI)流入东南欧媒体市场的当前和未来前景进行了战略分析。 作者制定了一项混合型FDI商业模式战略,以指导希望在日益全球化和不断扩大的媒体市场中更有效地定位和利用其媒体基础设施的媒体公司。 通过对东南欧媒体市场进行16个比较和探索性案例研究,作者探讨了具体的微观经济因素如何通过FDI流入影响本地和外国公司之间的溢出效应、吸收能力和投资激励。

