首页 理论教育 智慧城市发展趋势与创新策略


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈


根据国际调查机构IDC(International Data Corporation)的报告,全球已启动或兴建中的智慧城市已达1000多个,未来仍将以年均20%的速度成长。IDC统计,2015年与智慧城市相关的ICT采购金额已达150亿美元,包括电力系统、自来水系统、交通系统或者是居家生活的各种智能应用将不断被落实。面对这一趋势,海峡两岸应当加速智慧城市的研究与发展。好的成果来自好的策略,而好的策略来自好的分析。本文结合系统分析及SWOT法针对海峡两岸智慧城市政策就主要元素、关联性、优缺点及创新点进行分析,显示台湾宽带汇流网络为执行重点,透过宽带网络建设,以提供网络政府服务,提高行政效率及政令传达,进而提升民众的满意度。同时,主要由科技部门主导,结合相关部门和委员会,用Top-Down方式进行政令规划与宣传,但有其盲点与不足,造成专家学者的想法与一般民众有落差,出现曲高和寡、叫好不叫座的窘境。大陆则以完成“十二五”规划为核心,城市人民政府容易提出智慧城市发展规划和执行实践,住房和城乡建设部负责评核及管理。采用Bottom-Up方式进行政令规划与执行,所需预算及资源由各提案之地方政府全权负责,但地方政府提案多用于大数据等基础建设项目,对于人民生活质量的改善,似乎仍未着墨太多。




[2]IBM,Smarter Cities website,http://www-03i.bm.com/innovation/us/thesmartercity.


[4]IBM,智慧的城市在中国,http://www i.bm.com/smarterplanet/cn/zh/sustainable_cities/ideas/index.




[8]Andrea Caragliu,Chiara Del Bo,Peter Nijkamp.Smart Cities in Europe.3rd Central European Conference in Regional Science.






[14]World Happiness Report,United Nation,http://unsdsn.org/resources/publications/world-happiness-report-2013/.

[15]Rick Burdett,Antoine Paccoud.“Measuring Metropolitan Well-being”.http://lsecities.net/media/objects/articles/measuring-metropolitan-well-being/en-gb/.

[16]UNDP,Human Development Reports,http://hdr.undp.org/en/data.

Comparative Analysis on Innovative Strategy of Smart City Development between Taiwan and Mainland China

Tao SUN,FaSain Lo(Zhou Enlai School of Government,Nankai University)

Abstract:Urban population presents a continuously increasing trend influenced by urbanization under the background of globalization.While the urbanization brings convenience to the production and life,it also leads to quantitative and qualitative changes and side effects which are worthy of attention.This case study of development policy of smart cities in Taiwan and mainland China by the method of system analysis and strategy analysis shows that Taiwan takes the convergence of broadband network as the emphasis of the implementation tasks.It improves the efficiency of administration as well as conveying administrative instructions through the networked government services provided by the broadband network construction,which altogether enhances the degree of public satisfaction.Mainland China puts forward development planning and implementation of smart city taking“Twelfth Five-Year Plan”as the core,and the Ministry of Construction is responsible for assessment and management.In this paper,United Nations,the London School of Economics index system and global carbon reduction policy are integrated,and the urban vision is summarized as four aspects:happiness,health,wealth,and environmental protection.It also puts forward the five development strategies of smart city.The first point is the development vision of happiness,health,wealth,and environmental protection;the second one is the balance of the work of community development and social development;the third one is the top-down and bottom-up synchronized planning;the fourth one is encouraging technological innovation and industrial development;the fifth one is opening up,innovation and intercity cooperation.Hope for the synergy between personal development and social vision,in response to the development planning and execution of smart cities in various regions.

Keywords:smart city;urbanization;comparative analysis;innovation strategy



