首页 理论教育 完善的教育公共服务与便捷机场接驳,双流的生活配套无忧


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈


Living amenities




Edu ca tion resou rces fo r a fu ll spe c trum of age g roup s

Shuangliu has shaped a high-level w hole education chain from kindergarten to university and a basically com plete lifelong education system covering general education, vocational education, adult education, special education, private education, employee training, and community education. As of the end of 2020, Shuangliu had 211 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens(including four provinciallevel model high schools), and 6 institutions of higher learning.

The Library of Shuangliu District

The Arc hives of Shuangliu District





航空 成都双流国际机场拥有通达欧、美、非、亚、大洋洲的便捷航线网络。截至2020年5月31日,已开通航线363条,其中国际(地区)128条,国内217条,经停国内转国际18条。

铁路 成昆铁路、成绵乐城际铁路、成蒲快速铁路、川藏铁路等铁路穿城而过,双流西站、双流机场站等火车站布局四方。双流区综合保税区铁路专线无缝对接“蓉欧班列”,形成蓉欧铁路与国际空港互通联运“双走廊”。

公路 双流区内京昆高速、机场高速、成新蒲快速路、成双大道等多条骨干道路无缝对接全国高速路网,全面形成了以“一环七射七横”快速路网为核心的对外交通网络体系,实现了航空、轨道、公交快速换乘。在双流城市区域,15分钟皆可直达机场。

Easy transpo rta tion ac cess to the w o rld

A ir tran sp o r ta tion. Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport operates a convenient network of air routes to the rest of Asia, Europe, the Americas, A frica, and Oceania. As of May 31, 2020, the airport had opened 363 air routes, including 128 international(or regional) ones, 217 domestic ones and 18 international routes w ith domestic stopovers.

R a il tran sp o rta tion. Shuangliu is run through by a number of railways including the Chengdu-Kunm ing Railway, Chengdu-M ianyang-Leshan Intercity Railway, Chengdu-Pujiang Express Railway and Sichuan-Tibet Railway. There are railway stations including Shuangliu West Railway Station and Shuangliu Airport Railway Station. The dedicated railway line to Shuangliu Comprehensive Bond A rea seam lessly connects w ith Chengdu-Europe Express, form ing a “dual corridor” for combined international air-rail transport.

R oa d tran sp o r ta tion. Shuangliu boasts a few trunk roads including the Beijing-Kunm ing Expressway, the Airport Expressway, Chengdu-Xinjin-Pujiang Expressway and Chengshuang Avenue. These expressways seam lessly connect w ith the w ider national expressway network, form ing a transport network featuring “one airport expressway, seven radial expressways and seven horizontal expressways”. Such a network allow s quick transfers between air, rail and public transport modes. The urban area of Shuangliu is no more than 15 m inutes’ drive from the airport.

Shuangliu West Metro Station

地铁 双流是成都规划地铁最多、里程最长、站点最多的城区。截至2020年,双流已开通3号线、5号线、6号线等六条地铁线路,并有着9号线、30号线等多条线路正在加速建设之中。根据规划,到2035年,双流的轨道交通线路将多达17条、77个站点,并实现总里程205公里的壮举。

公共交通 得益于“一元通”以及双流公交的高效、快捷、舒适、绿色,乘坐公交出行也是一种绝佳的选择。双流已经开行公交线路106条,站点500米半径覆盖率农村公交覆盖率在90%以上。

Metro. Among Chengdu’s districts, Shuangliu boasts the most planned metro lines and stations and the longest metro m ileage. As of the end of 2020, Shuangliu had opened six metro lines including Line 3, Line 5 and Line 6. Line 9, Line 30 and other lines are under construction at an accelerated pace. As planned, by 2035, there w ill be 17 rail transit lines w ith 77 stations and a combined m ileage of 205 kilometers.

Bu se s. Thanks to the “one-yuan-fare” policy and the eff icient, convenient, com fortable and green buses, public buses are also an excellent choice in Shuangliu. The district has opened 106 bus routes, w ith more than 90% bus stops covering a 500-meter-radius and rural areas.

Shuangliu Metro(www.xing528.com)

Living scene of Shuang liu residen ts

Living scene of Shuang liu residen ts

Living scene of Shuang liu residen ts










Living scene of Shuang liu residen ts

Hea lth and w e llbe ing fo r a m o re com fo rtab le life

Shuangliu has 591 health care facilities, including five tertiary G rade A hospitals, one community health center and one community hospital ranking among the top 100 nationw ide, and six national township health centers to the satisfaction of the people.

Chengdu Shuangliu District TCM Hospital: It is a tertiary G rade A hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, aff iliated to the Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM, Shuangliu Branch.Chengdu Shuangliu District First People’s Hospital / West China(Airport) Hospital, Sichuan University: It is a tertiary Grade A general hospital run by West China Hospital, SCU.

Chengdu Seventh People’s Hospital/Chengdu Tumor Hospital(Tianfu New A rea): It is a tertiary Grade B general hospital that incorporates medical treatment, disease prevention, care, sci-tech research, and teaching.

Chengdu Shuangliu District Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital: It is a tertiary Grade B health center for women and children and a member of the alliance led by West China Second A ff iliated Hospital, Chengdu Women’s and Children’s Central Hospital and other hospitals.

Chengdu BOE Hospital: It is a modern tertiary general hospital funded by BOE Technology Group that incorporates disease prevention, medical treatment, teaching, sci-tech research, care, and rehabilitation. The hospital meets JCI standards and the standards for a national tertiary Grade A general hospital.

Sichuan Judicial Police General Hospital: It is a tertiary Grade B general hospital that combines medical treatment, teaching, disease prevention, and rehabilitation. It is a fellowship training base for resident physicians specializing in dermatology in Sichuan.

Shuangliu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: It is a tertiary Grade B CDC w ith three functional departments and nine business departments.

Living scene of Shuang liu residen ts

Living scene of Shuang liu residen ts

