首页 理论教育 政府企业互动平台:企业咖啡时


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈


Government affairs services



Shuangliu has long made creating a better business environment a “top priority” of the highquality development of a Chinese capital of aviation economy in line w ith the new development philosophy. The district is comm itted to building the most business-friendly place.

Business coffee time

Business coffee time

Business coffee time

● 企业咖啡时



Business coffee time

Bus iness Coffee Tim e

The Business Coffee Time(BCT) is a coffee culture-based communication platform between the government and businesses Shuangliu has established to im prove its government service environment. It is reputed as the “most thirstquenching and refreshing” coffee for “closer” and “cleaner” government-business ties. The district Party comm ittee and district government leadership lead team s to listen to the demands of businesses face toface, learn about their d ifficu lties, and help relieve their d istresses or problem s. Certain persons-in-charge at the d istrict level interact and comm unicate w ith businesses by industry and theme in a targeted manner, such as BCT Business Resources Release and M atchm ak ing and BCT Business-based Investment Promotion.

Shuangliu Pilot FTZ Service Hall

● 企业幸福中心



En te rp rise Hap p iness Cen te r

The Enterprise Happiness Center(EHC), a business serv ice b rand first created by Shuangliu, has three functions, i.e. a business service vehicle or w indow, a high-end sci-tech innovation incubator, and a leading industrial ecosystem exam ple. The center echoes and complements w ith the BCT. EHC has full-time “golden happiness butlers” and “happiness ambassadors” who actively inform businesses of relevant information, policies and services. A lso, the center often organizes various events, including off line product display and release, and urban summ it and industry forum, w ith a view tofacilitating the integrated development betw een business partners and associated companies upstream and downstream along the industry chains.

Government affairs service

Holding an annual meeting for entrepreneurs to foster a sound business atmosphere

● “一站式”审批



O ne-s top ap p rova l p ro cedu res(www.xing528.com)

The Airport FTZ Business Service Center in Shuangliu is the first business service enter that undertakes approval m atters at three levels(i.e. provincial, municipal and district levels) in China. The center not only processes personal approval matters, but also offers business-related adm inistrative approval and relevant foreign-related services. This is a one-stop service center for 1,013 business-related approval matters.

Staff at the comprehensive window of Shuangliu Airport Free Trade Enterprise Service Center is providing services.

Government affairs service

● 办事不出功能区



A ll app rova l au tho rities de lega ted to the fun c tiona l zone

Through the “government authority and functional zone in one” institutional reform, Shuangliu has delegated the authorities of “functional authorities” by including government affairs closely related to the needs of businesses in the integrated services of functional zones. It means a shift from multiauthority processing to direct processing w ithin the functional zone. As a result, 181 business-related approval services and matters have been centrally delegated to industrial functional zones, and 146 to townships and sub-districts.

● 政府首席代表和企业联络员制度

Government affairs service



The CGR and CLO sys tem

Shuangliu has established the innovative chief government representative(CGR) and corporate liaison officer(CLO) system tofacilitate “oneon-one” targeted and convenient governmentbusiness communication. This move is intended to create a better business climate, effectively offer a “single point of entry” for businesses, and provide “one-stop” solutions to their demands.

Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport Entry Designated Super vision Sites ( Por ts ) promotion meeting

Governance by Internet

Opening enterprise service hotline

● 企业投资项目承诺制



The co rpo ra te inves tm en t p ro je c t comm itm en t sys tem

The full roll-out of the corporate investment project comm itment system has turned the previous “serial approvals” to “a letter of undertaking”. The comm itment timeframe for pre-commencement adm inistrative approval procedures of corporate investment projects has been reduced by 69.5% from 197 days to 60 days. This move has received favorable comments from businesses.

“水深则鱼悦,城强则贾兴。”营商环境的优化只有“最新版”,没有“最终版”,双流的营商环境一直在升级。《办事指南二维码合集》、“不打烊”“互联网+政务服务”O 2O自助体验区、“五人制”审批模式、“营商环境观察员”制度等,更多的特色政务服务值得体验。

