A corner in Bio-town
Financial chain(www.xing528.com)
To help address the lack of access tof inancing and high f inancing costs facing innovative biomedicine startups, the bio-town launched the f irst BIO-type loans and equity products in China to encourage social capital to participate in multi-level market services, and granted awards to joint-stock companies and listed companies. The bio-town has also established multiple industrial funds w ith a combined worth of tens of billions of yuan.
Two bio-industry investment funds: The Biomedicine Innovation and Startup Venture Capital Fund supports biomedicine m icro, small and medium-sized enterprises at the seed, startup, or grow th stage. The Biomedicine M&A Fund focuses on supporting the M&As and investments of mature local biomedicine companies.
The Insurance Supermarket backs corporate R&D: Tenant businesses at the bio-town may purchase insurance products required for overseas clinical trials and overseas logistics and transport and have access to one-stop insurance services.
The bio-town has shaped a full-lifecycle, diverse and multi-level f inancial services system by opening a f inancial supermarket, establishing industrial funds, launching the golden seed campaign, and rolling out innovative insurance products, among other means.
Chengdu Tianfu International Bio-town Government Service Centre