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更新时间:2025-01-07 工作计划 版权反馈

Sm Art hea lth p lus p re c ision m ed ic ine: The c ross-ove r be tw een m e d ic ine and te chno logy

● 人工智能+医学


AI plus medicine

To day,as information technology(IT)advances,big data,Internet,artificial intelligence ( AI ) and other technologies are profoundly influencing the bio-industry. The BOE ( Chengdu ) Health Industry Park at the bio-town has seen the full application of its technologies including sensing, 5G, big data and AI at Chengdu BOE Hospital. In the healthcare big data industry, an early difference has been made by a number of innovative startups, including West China Public Information, Chengdu Ledong, Agile Medical, Kangyou Baby Medical, and Fortis ( FT ). Also, the move-in of a succession of companies, including Tencent Miying, Imsight, Medlinker, SCTT, Fairstone Technology ( hsmap.com ), 23mofang, cdfor tis.com, and Yuge, has been improving the park’s regional influence.

Chengdu BOE Hospital

● 医学美容让你好看



M e d ic a l c o sm e to log y fo r g rea te r beau ty

Chengdu, one of the Chinese c ities w ith the m os t-deve loped m ed ica l cosm e to logy indus try, is hom e to m any m ed ica l beau ty ins titu tions, the num be r of w h ich ranking the th ird na tionw ide. PArticu la rly, She Says is one of the five “5A-ra ted beau ty fa c ilities” in China. By virtue of its unique s treng ths and m a tu re m ed ica l beau ty m a rke t, Chengdu firs t pu t fo rw a rd the g rand goa l of es tab lish ing itse lf as a g loba l c ity of m ed ica l beau ty.

Taske d w ith bu ild ing a “m e d ic a l beau ty tow n”, the b io-tow n fo cuse s on deve lo p ing su ch m ed ica l beau ty segm en ts as cosm e tic d rugs, m ed ica l devices and m ed ica l m a te ria ls. Cen te ring on the a p p lic a tion of m e d ica l beau ty te chno log y, the b io-tow n w ill exp an d its d is tin c tive func tions as a m ed ica l beau ty tow n by offe ring hea lth and w e llness expe rien ce, rehab ilita tion, d ie ta ry the rap y and m ed ica ted d ie t, cu ltu ra l tou rism and le isu re vaca tion.

Medical tests

Medical tests

