首页 理论教育 跨境贸易新机遇:成都自贸区双流助力全球买卖


更新时间:2025-01-07 工作计划 版权反馈

Buy and sell globally




Shuangliu started to develop cross-border trade in 2014. Sichuan A lliance International Logistics Co., Ltd. (AIL) was the f irst to open an off ice in Shuangliu Comprehensive Bonded A rea, followed by the operation of the Moldova National Pavilion, China Post E-commerce, and the Incubation Base. The Shuangliu FTZ was off icially inaugurated in 2017. The FTZ has seven designated ports for medicines, biologics, plant seeds and seedlings, chilled aquatic products, edible aquatic animals, fruit and meat respectively. It facilitates customs clearance on a 24 / 7 basis.拥有邮政、综保和空港三大跨境电商园区,吸引了汇通天下、宝妈全球购、澳亚网络等跨境电商产业链企业百余家,开展业务合作的省内跨境电商企业超过200家,布局12个国家(地区)“海外仓”,积极承接和建设“中波网上丝绸之路”经济合作试验区“电子商务”领域。2018年,双流综保区率先开展跨境电商保税备货进口、特殊监管区域备货出口、保税备货进口免通关单等业务,着重发展跨境电商BBC进出口业务,建设集跨境电商平台、物流、仓储、展示等于一体的跨境电商全产业链,打造西部最大国际贸易平台。


E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone



Chengdu c ross-b order e-commerc e B2B export pilot launch ceremony



As an im portant part of China(Chengdu) Cross-border E-comm erce Com prehensive Pilot Zone, Shuangliu District has the Postal Service Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park, the Com prehensive Bonded A rea and the A irport Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park. The district has attracted more than 100 cross-border e-commerce(CBEC) companies including Global Link Logistics, BMHQG, Aoya Network Technology, established partnerships w ith more than 200 CBEC companies in the province, and developed 12 national(or regional) overseas warehouses. It is actively engaging in the development of the e-commerce area of China-Poland Online Silk Road Pilot Econom ic Cooperation Zone. In 2018, Shuangliu Com prehensive Bonded A rea took the lead in carrying out CBEC bonded stocking import, special customs supervision area stocking export, and customs clearance exemption for bonded stocking import, among other activities. Focusing on CBEC B2B2C import and export, the bonded area strives to establish a whole CBEC industrial chain that covers CBEC platforms, logistics, warehousing and presentation, w ith a view to establishing the largest international trade platform in west China.

On October 27, 2019, Shuangliu Comprehensive Bonded A rea launched the bonded goods stocking mode in its cross-border e-commerce, w ith the f irst shipment cleared by the Custom s. In 2020, the bonded area concluded a strategic cooperation agreement w ith Chongqing Lianglu / Cuntan Free Trade Port A rea(CFTA) online. Under this agreement, the two parties w ill work together to build the Sichuan-Chongqing FTZ Synergistic and Open Cooperation Demonstration Zone.

Note: The Po licies and Measures of Shuangliu District, Chengdu City for Promo ting the High-quality Development of Foreign Trade

The Supporting Policies of Shuangliu District, Chengdu City for Promoting the High-quality Development of Aviation Economy

