首页 理论教育 双流美食:品味烟火味道


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:A Bite of Delicious Food成都美食名扬天下,其间少不了双流味道。普通的食材经过大厨们的烧、炒、煨、炖,自成格局。近年来,更是融合南北,打通中西,既坚持传统,又花样百出。从登上纽约时代广场的二荆条到牧马山下的麻羊,从肥肠粉到兔儿脑壳,双流美食大俗大雅,人间烟火。


A Bite of Delicious Food


Chengdu is a well-known capital of gastronomy. Shuangliu food is an integral part of Chengdu delicacies. Local chefs can turn ordinary ingredients by roasting, stir-frying, simmering and braising, into delicious food w ith unique f lavors. Over recent years, local food has blended w ith other cuisines, domestic or foreign. W hile retaining traditional f lavors, local chefs have been experimenting w ith a diversity of new ideas. This is a worldly place to enjoy delicious food, ref ined or popular.

