首页 理论教育 未来九江新城:建设美好公园社区


更新时间:2025-01-07 工作计划 版权反馈
【摘要】:Beautiful park communities of the future成都锦城公园是指绕城高速两侧各500米范围及周边7大楔形地块。跨经12个区,涉及生态用地133.11平方公里,是天府绿道体系“三环”中的重要一环。同时,在锦城公园外侧,建设九江新城、双楠时尚、空港商务、航空总部、西航港科创、空港商贸六个功能复合、职住平衡的“未来美好公园社区”。公园社区是公园城市生态价值、美学价值、人文价值、经济价值、生活价值、社会价值的最直接体现。

Beautiful park communities of the future


Park comm unities

Chengdu Jincheng Parks are seven wedge-shaped parks that cover a 500-meter radius on both sides of the Belt Expressway and the surrounding areas. These parks cut through 12 districts and cover 133.11 square kilometers of ecological land, form ing an integral part of the “third ring” of the Tianfu Greenway system. The Shuangliu section of Jincheng Parks, occupying 12,980 mu of land, covers three sub-districts, i.e. Jiujiang, Dongsheng and Xihanggang. The construction of Jincheng Parks embraces the concept of “access, participation, landscaping and scenic spot” and the strategy of “agricultural backing, connected roads, integrated attractions and adequate functions”. The Shuangliu section is plannned to comprise 10.8 kilometers of f irstgrade greenways and 39.1 kilometers of second-grade greenways, as well as f ive featured park areas, i.e. Ancient Tea and Horse Road, Fairyland of Shu, Poetic Land, Phoenix Romance, and Colorful Forest. In addition, outside the Jincheng Parks, Shuangliu w ill build six “beautiful park communities of the future” w ith m ixed functions that balance work and life. These park communities are Jiujiang New Tow n, Shuangnan Fashion Community, A irport Business Community, Aviation Headquarters, Xihanggang Sci-tech Innovation Community and Airport Trade Community. The park community is the most immediate ref lection of the ecological, aesthetic, cultural, econom ic, lifestyle and social values of the park city.(www.xing528.com)

The green space

The green space

