首页 理论教育 重新定义城市:公园与人居的完美融合


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈


The Park City Concept

Shuangliu, located in the southwestern part of dow ntow n Chengdu, boasts vast level fields interspersed w ith shallow hills. The M injiang River f lows past the western part of the district. The Jinjiang(Fuhe) River runs through the urban area. The Luxi, Yangliu and Jiang’an Rivers flow through the south and north respectively. There were historically Eight Views. The ancient people built scenic views down or on the hills or along rivers. Temples or waterfalls were built down or on the hills, while bridges were built over or trees planted along rivers. Towers or pavilions were built on the level ground. A ll these together would present the unique beauty of a sight montage.

The scene ry of Shuang liu

The Fengxiang Lake




History is a non-stop process

Today, amidst the vast expanse of beautiful hills and rivers,

a larger airport park city is on the rise.


For Chengdu, February 11, 2018 was a special day. On that day, after visiting Shuangliu District and Tianfu New A rea in Chengdu, President Xi Jinping put forward the concept of “park city” and mentioned such ideas as ecological value, new grow th pole and inland open econom ic highland. Xi’s concept of “park city” is based on the scientif ic understanding and profound insight of the development law of human society, the evolution law of the relationship between man and nature and the development law of urban civilization. It is a recognition of Chengdu’s practice and exploration in building an ecological city and a deep expectation and historical entrustment of Chengdu’s unique ecological background, rich cultural deposits and strategic role for the country. This concept provides “Chinese w isdom” and “Chinese solution” for global cities to explore new form s of sustainable development for the future.(www.xing528.com)

The FengwuLake


The park city, guided by ecological conservation, factors in ecological and cultural values to shape a new landscape of harmonious development between man and nature. It is the highest level of urban development within the Beautiful China framework. The exploration of building a park city also provides a possible model for future new urban forms. The park city is also a new philosophy of building urban and rural living environments and a new model of building an ideal city.

The phoen ix dan ce in Shuang liu



Chinese flowering crabapple of Shuangliu

Harmonious and livable scenes of the Fengxiang Lake

Shuangliu, the “f irst stop” of Chengdu to connect w ith the world, combines effectively the park city drive w ith econom ic development to tread a path to park city. The idea of park city is not about building parks in a city, but about using the park city concept to create a new urban form and explore a new development path, w ith a view to translating the value of greening into the fruit of development.

A landscape of park city where parks and the city blend into an integrated whole and people, city, the environment and industries highly converge is slow ly unfolding in Shuangliu. Follow ing the path of developing attractions, momentum, talent pool and industries, the beautiful scenery of green hills and clear waters is no longer about individual attractions, but about a district-w ide ecological space where man and nature coexist in harmony in the city.

