首页 理论教育 彭镇:双流门户和槐轩学派的发源地


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:The centuries-old Pengzhen彭镇,明代时即屯聚成市,始名永丰场,明末毁于战乱。彭镇不仅扼杨柳、金马两江之险,也成为双流门户。民国初年,彭家场改设为彭镇。另一名彭镇文化名人是开创了槐轩学派的川西夫子刘沅。刘沅祖籍湖北麻城,出生在双流县云栖里。刘沅早年在彭镇旧宅收徒授课,著书立说,后又迁居成都南门纯化街建立槐轩书塾,弟子众多。


The centuries-old Pengzhen









Pengzhen, o rig ina lly nam ed Yong feng chang,

took shape as a m a rke tp la ce in the M ing Dynas ty and w as des troyed in w a rs tha t led to the dem ise of the M ing.

The Yang liu R ive r runs th rough the tow n

in a no rth-sou th d ire c tion,

m ak ing it a w e ll-know n po rt tow n in the pas t.

Th roughou t h is to ry, the tow n has been hom e to a num be r of ce leb rities,

inc lud ing th inke rs, edu ca to rs, w rite rs and theo ris ts.

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen


Over time, the old town, once busy w ith activities, fell into oblivion, quietly clinging to its tradition. The small buildings w ith black-tiled roofs and wooden-structure shops are far away from the urban bustle and hustle. Old tea houses, ginkgo woods, handicrafts and street food fall into place here. The m ist of tea soup is rem iniscent of the old days.

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

The tea house in Pengzhen

● 文采风流



Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen(www.xing528.com)

The tea house in Pengzhen

Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen

Lite ra ry and cu ltu ra l lega cy

During the late M ing and early Qing period, many people from other provinces m igrated to this town. As the population grew, Pengjiachang had emerged a big marketplace by the m idd le of the Qing Dynasty. In the early Qing Dynasty, Peng Duanshu’s fam ily, originally from Danling, m igrated here. As a result, the town was renamed Pengjiachang, or Pengchang. In the early years of the Republic of China, Pengjiachang was renamed Pengzhen. Peng Duanshu, a famed Sichuan literary w riter of the Qing Dynasty, was one of the Three Gifted Scholars in Sichuan which also included Li Diaoyuan and Zhang Wentao.

Another cultural lum inary of Pengzhen is Liu Yuan, reputed as the Confucius in Western Sichuan, who established the Huai Xuan School. Born in Yunqili(today’s Ganzi Community, Pengzhen), Shuangliu, Liu Yuan is a provincial scholar(juren) during Emperor Qianlong’s reign. Liu once held such off ices as magistrate of Tianmen County, Hubei and an archivist at the Directorate of Imperial Academy, then resigned and returned to his hometown. Liu received good fam ily education in his boyhood and studied under a good teacher when he grew up. He was a prolif ic w riter and a consummate Confucian master. His Huai Xuan doctrine is still inf luential today. Liu f irst taught disciples at his old house in Pengzhen. Later, he moved to Chunhua Street, South Gate, Chengdu where he founded Huaixuan Private School, inf luencing many students. Today, in an old tea house in Pengzhen, the Huaixuan Cultural Lectures program gives two lectures every month. The renovation of Huaixuan Academy is also underway. In doing so, local people pay homage to the worthy predecessor of the town and pass down the local cultural legacy.

Showing affection

Guanyinge,an old tea house in Pengzhen

● 观音阁老茶馆





Guany inge, an old tea house

If tea houses are the soul of the old Chengdu, then Guanyinge, an old tea house in Pengzhen, is arguably the best of its kind, inside and out. Guanyinge is regarded as a living fossil of Chengdu’s tea culture.

It is said that more than a century ago, a sudden big f ire almost reduced the entire town to ashes. Only this house survived. People believed that it was protected by Guanyin, so it was converted into a Guanyin temple. In the early days of the Republic of China period, this building was used as a tea house. Locals called it Guanyinge.

This tea house is a typical western Sichuan building. Bamboo chairs and low tea tables are arranged random ly. The traditional old-style tiger stove is retained. The tea house opens at dawn to receive its regulars in town. The three-f lower tea, one yuan a cup, attracts numerous visitors. The authentic old Chengdu f lavor at Guanyinge is sought after by f locks of visitors from various places. The tea house is also a favorite folk scene for photographers. At this old tea house, in addition to guests who have idle talks over tea, there are barbers, ear cleaners, pipe smokers and Sichuan drum players, as well as handsome men, pretty women and those who take wedding photos. The present and the past combine into one in a marvelous way, contrasting each other saliently. Such a m ix gives people a sense of time travel. Guanyinge has been included in Chengdu’s f ifth list of historical buildings under protection, becom ing a living cultural landmark.

Guanyinge,an old tea house in Pengzhen

The old houses of Peng jiachang

The Renm in B ridge

Peng jia chang

● 江桥记忆



M em o ry of the rive r and its b ridge s

Like many small towns in western Sichuan, the early Pengzhen had a full range of Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian tem ples. The Guandi Tem ple, Wenchang Tem ple, Randeng Tem ple, Guanyin Tem ple, Fire God Temple and Chuanzhu Temple blended the customs of m igrants and locals. The town thrived on the Yangliu River. In the 29th year of Emperor Qianlong’s reign in the Qing Dynasty(1765), a stone bridge was built over the river, then called the First Bridge. The sight of an idle boat below the bridge against hills and grasses, known as the First Spring Wave, was included in the Eight Views of Shuangliu. Later, the old bridge was destroyed by a f lood. In 1971, the People’s Bridge was built instead.

The old streets in the town have retained many residential dwellings of the Qing and Republic of China styles, as well as houses that m ix Chinese and Western styles. Indigenous people here lead a traditional way of life unique to the old town. Yongfeng Street, the longest old street, is lined up w ith various shops selling cotton, linen, grocery, funerary objects, cooked or marinated dishes, processed rice and f lour, and timepieces. The gatehouses of the Republic of China style are partially retained, show ing the traces of past prosperity.

As easy as winking



