首页 理论教育 国家利益至上:田家英谈生死大事


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Tian Jiaying, a man who would live or die for the country1922年,田家英出生在双流县一个普通家庭,他是家中幼子,一直得到父母喜爱。这篇文章就是田家英所写。经推荐,田家英成为毛泽东的第五位秘书,也是最年轻的一位。田家英细致干练,文学功底深厚,毛泽东又是一代文学大家,两人诗交甚厚。田家英被派遣到全国各地调查农业合作化情况。田家英对国家和人民付出了满腔热爱,以林则徐“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”为人生准绳。


Tian Jiaying, a man who would live or die for the country




Tian Jiaying

On December 2,1942, Tian Jiaying married his comrade-in-arms Dong Bian.

Tian Jiaying was born into an ordinary fam ily in Shuangliu County in 1922. He started to publish articles on journals at the age of 12, catching the attention of the literary circle. In 1936, Tian joined the anti-Japanese and national salvation movement, and in the follow ing year, he joined the Chinese National Liberation Vanguard. In 1938, he enrolled in the Northern Shaanxi Public School and joined the Communist Party of China(CPC). Upon graduation, he stayed at the school and held such positions as secretary of the CPC General Branch, instructor of modern Chinese history and education off icer at the Publicity Section.

In 1942, Mao Zedong spoke highly of Tian Jiaying after reading his essay On Hou Fangyu and Beyond published on the Jiefang Daily. For this reason, Tian was asked to teach Mao Anying history and Chinese.

Tian Jiaying and Lin Hujia investigated in Zhejiang Province in 1961.




The last photo of Tian Jiaying taken in 1965

Mao Zedong’s instructions on the Draft Constitution of the People’s Republic of China ( first draft )

On the eve of the victory of the War of Liberation, Tian Jiaying became the f ifth and youngest secretary to Mao Zedong. In 1955, Tian returned to his hometown Shuangliu. Setting his foot on the muddy road, he had m ixed feelings seeing the changes in his hometown over the past 20 years.

Tian Jiaying was obsessed w ith the Qing history and collection. He held a large collection of letters, couplets, and hand scrolls w ritten or created by Qing scholars, making a great contribution to the preservation of the history of the Qing Dynasty. His deep love for the country and its people was inspired by a quote from Lin Zexu, “I would live or die for the country if necessary, irrespective of possible personal weal and woe.”

Mao Zedong’s letter to Tian Jiaying asking for various cursive copybooks for calligraphy

Mao Zedong’s poem on Sanchuigang to Tian Jiaying

