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时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈


Qiao Dazhuang, a "f lying general" in the lyric circle




Qiao Dazhuang(www.xing528.com)

The callig raphy by Qiao Dazhuang

Qiao Dazhuang’s real name is Zeng Qu. Dazhuang is his courtesy name and his literary name is Bowai Jushi. Qiao’s father died when he was still young. He was brought up by his grandfather Qiao Shunan. In his boyhood, Qiao studied Confucian classics, history and calligraphy under Gu Yinyu, a prom inent poet and calligrapher from Chengdu. Later, he went to Peking w ith his grandfather for a study tour. There, he enrolled in the Imperial University of Peking, majoring in French. A fter Qiao Dazhuang had graduated, he served as an editor at the M inistry of Education, becom ing a colleague of Lu Xun. The two talented men adm ired each other, becom ing good friends. Later, Qiao went to Nanchang where he was steeped in revolutionary thoughts. During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Qiao Dazhuang and his fam ily moved to Chongqing where they farmed and led a humble but contented life. In 1947, Qiao went to teach in Taiwan. On July 3, 1948, due to the bad situation at that time, Qiao drowned himself in the Suzhou Creek. Qiao Dazhuang, well versed in poetry, lyrics, calligraphy and seal engraving, was praised by Tang Guizhang, a master of lyrics, as a “f lying general of the lyric circle” and revered by the seal cutting circle, together w ith Qi Baishi, as “Qiaofrom the South and Qi from the North”. His poetry, cursive-regular calligraphy and seal cutting are called Qiao’s Three Great Feats.

Sichuan Opera

