首页 理论教育 王爷坎:镇江寺旁的古老石堤与防洪屏障


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈



The an c ien t banyan tree a t the Lo rd Levee

The Chen jia W a te r M ills

The Chenjia Water M ills are several m iles upstream the Jinjiang River from the mouth of the Luxi River. In the early years of Em peror Qian long’s reign, eight w ater m ills were built here, form ing an isle of m ills. Righ t beside the m ill b r idge st and eigh t w ate rlifting w heels. These m ills can irrigate several hund red mu of fields w hile w o rk ing under the hyd rau lic pow er.(www.xing528.com)

The Lo rd Levee

There is an ancient stone dike called Lord Levee dike near the Zhenjiang Temple, Huanglongxi. The Lord refers to the Fou rth Lord Yang, a river god of Hunan brought to Sichuan during the large-scale m ig ration from Hunan, Hubei and Guangdong p rov inces to Sichuan. The Zhenjiang Temple was formerly know n as the Lord of Rivers Tem p le. This old levee, as a f lood barrier, still protects the entire ancient town to date.

