首页 理论教育 丝绸之路上的双流款联珠龙纹锦:新疆吐鲁番出土的珍贵文物


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:成都古蜀蜀锦研究所织锦 Brocades of Chengdu Ancient Shu Brocade Research Institute1959年,新疆吐鲁番出土了一件国家一级文物——联珠龙纹锦,其背面有“景云元年,折调细绫一匹,双流县,八月官主簿,史渝”字样,这是我国目前唯一载明产地的丝绸出土文物。双流唐代蜀锦的身影就这样留在了丝绸之路上。成都古蜀蜀锦研究所织锦 Brocades of Chengdu Ancient Shu Brocade Research Institute题双流款的新疆吐鲁番阿斯塔221号墓出土联珠对龙纹锦 The Brocade with Pearl Roundel and Dragon Design inscribed Shuangliu, unearthed in No.221 ancient tomb of Asta, Turpan, Xinjiang


Brocade w ith pearl roundel and dragon design found on silk roads

锦的制作工艺极其复杂,有“寸锦寸金”的说法。成都产蜀锦历史悠久。“蜀” 字最早便是蚕的意思。古蜀王蚕丛建都瞿上,教民养蚕织布,可以看作是蜀锦的开端。汉代成都专设了锦官对蜀锦生产进行管理,锦官城由此而来。“圜阓之里,伎巧之家;百室离房,机杼相和;贝锦斐成,濯色江波。”(左思《蜀都赋》)蜀锦之华美,织锦产业之盛大由此可见。



The craftsmanship of brocade is very complicated, so there is a saying that “an inch of brocade is worth an inch of gold”. Chengdu has a very long tradition of producing Shu Brocade. During the Three Kingdoms period, Shu Brocade became a key source of government revenue and strategic resource for the state of Shu. Zhuge Liang’s mulberry fields were located in Gemo, an area northeast of Shuangliu.

In 1959, the Brocade w ith Pearl Roundel and Dragon Design, a piece of national first-grade cultural relic, was found in Turpan, Xinjiang. The back of this artifact has words saying “Shi Yu, registrar appointed in the eighth month, Shuangliu County, a bolt of f ine damask silk in lieu of corvée, in the f irst year of the Jingyun period(A.D. 710)”. This is the only silk artifact now extant in China that indicates the place of origin, corroborating the historical position of Shuangliu along the ancient Silk Road.被列为朝廷贡锦,声名远播。宋代诗人李新在《广都道中》用“万花织锦凡几曲,绣屏处处围茅屋”的诗句描写此间锦绣之乡。直至近代,簇桥、彭镇也仍是丝绸锦缎交易的集散地。(www.xing528.com)

Brocades of Chengdu Ancient Shu Brocade Research Institute



Brocades of Chengdu Ancient Shu Brocade Research Institute

The Brocade with Pearl Roundel and Dragon Design inscribed Shuangliu, unearthed in No.221 ancient tomb of Asta, Turpan, Xinjiang

