首页 理论教育 古朴盐井与灌溉源头——江安河牧马山前的望川原


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈


The f irst salt well and Wangchuan Canal

战国末年,强秦叩开巴蜀的大门,蜀地就此融入中原文明。李冰的不世伟业都江堰造就了水旱从人的天府之国。“冰……又识察水脉,穿广都盐井诸陂池,蜀于是盛有养身之饶焉。”(《华阳国志》)李冰不仅开凿了都江堰,他也开启了四川的井盐史,造就了双流的膏腴之乡。民国《华阳县志·山川》记载:“南山之首曰木(牧)马山……曰杏花山,山下为十八口,十八口者,昔时盐井之目也。” 20世纪50年代,成都出土了一块东汉制盐画像砖,砖上刻着一幅汲卤图,画面生动再现了当时井盐生产的繁忙景象,场面分工明确,井井有条。广都盐井的形式比汉代画像砖上显示的更古老,更简朴。1958年,当地曾经对十八口盐井进行修复,古盐井在除尽浮泥后,现出井圈,口径4米余,越往下直径逐渐展开,深达14米,直径已达5米,水中含盐量15克/升。这里的井,比画像砖上的井口要大得多,不仅是大口浅井,而且已经状大如“池”了,而这正与《华阳国志》所记之“陂池”相吻合。

Th e b ric k ru b b in g s of Han D ynas ty sa ltw e ll pa in ting

The re lie f scu lp tu re of an c ien t Shu cu ltu re

In the late Warring States period, the powerful state of Qin forced open the door of Ba and Shu areas. Ever since, the Shu culture has integrated w ith the Central Plains culture. Li Bing presided over not only the construction of the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, but also the drilling of the first salt w ells in Sichuan. These ancient and simple wells, located in today’s Shuangliu, were called Guangdu salt wells. In 1958, the local governm ent restored 18 ancient salt wells which recorded a salt con tent of 15g/L. Th is coincides w ith what is recorded in The Chronicles of Huayang.




Du ring the Han Dynasty, the water in the Pijiang River was diverted tof ields in Guangdu. The Wangchuan Canal ran through the section of the Jiang’an River at the foot of the Muma Mountain, Shuangliu. The canal and salt wells irrigated hundreds of m iles of plain fields, feeding a wealthy population living in peace and contentment.

This water way c ontributed to b oth the agricultural development and convenient waterway shipping in ancient Shuangliu. The Yangliu River in Pengzhen Town and Huanglongxi Ancient Town were once busy wharves.A wide range of well-known agricultural produc ts, including corn, Erjingtiao chili, Muma sweet potato, Red Sugarcane, hot pepper, peanut and salt, were sold to the rest of the country via rivers.

The an c ien t sa lt-w e ll site

Huang longxi

