首页 理论教育 酒店设施及服务介绍,包括餐厅、游泳池、网球场等


时间:2023-05-28 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:你一定要会说的场景句1.我们这儿有全套一流的餐厅和酒吧。你能给我介绍一下酒店的设施吗?还有一个标准游泳池,以及网球场和壁球场。You can look up the directory for information about room service and how to use the facilities in your room.从客房指南中您可以了解客房服务项目和怎样使用客房设施。是这样,我丈夫是坐轮椅的。很抱歉,我们没有可以供残疾客人使用的专门设施。场景词汇1 extensive 大量的 2 sauna 桑拿3 squash court 壁球场 4 wheelchair 轮椅5 special facility 专门设施延伸 Excuse me.Where’s the coffee shop?




There’s a full range of top-class restaurants and bars,of course.


How about disabled facilities?


Go straight across the lobby and the coffee shop is next to the lift on the left.


It’s just over there next to the stairs,sir.


The Skylight Restaurant,sir?


Excuse me;where is the Chinese restaurant?


Excuse me;where is the business center?


Excuse me;how can I get to the swimming pool from here?


A:Could you tell me something about the facilities in your hotel?你能给我介绍一下酒店的设施吗?

B:Of course,sir.There’s a full range of top-class restaurants and bars,of course.


延伸 We have extensive1ftness and beauty facilities,including a health center and sauna2 and a beauty salon.There are also a full-size swimming pool,and tennis and squash courts3 as well.我们有许多健身美容设施,包括健身中心、桑拿房美容院。还有一个标准游泳池,以及网球场和壁球场。

You can look up the directory for information about room service and how to use the facilities in your room.从客房指南中您可以了解客房服务项目和怎样使用客房设施。


A:OK.How about disabled facilities?You see,my husband’s in a wheelchair4.


B:Er,what do you mean?呃,您的意思是?

延伸 Well,do you have ramps as well as stairs?In some hotels,my husband has real problems.


Mm.Yes,I understand,madam,but I’m afraid there are no special facilities5 for disabled guests.嗯,我懂了,夫人。很抱歉,我们没有可以供残疾客人使用的专门设施。


A:Excuse me;could you tell me where the coffee shop is,please?打扰一下,你能告诉我咖啡厅在哪里吗?

B:Certainly,sir.Go straight across the lobby and the coffee shop is next to the lift on the left.You can’t miss it.好的,先生。穿过大厅一直走,咖啡厅就在电梯的左边。您肯定看得到。


1 extensive 大量的 2 sauna 桑拿(www.xing528.com)

3 squash court 壁球场 4 wheelchair 轮椅

5 special facility 专门设施

延伸 Excuse me.Where’s the coffee shop?对不起,请问咖啡厅在哪里?

The coffee shop is on the frst fioor of the north building.Take the hallway to the left,and pass the front desk to the stairs.Go down the stairs and continue along to the next set of stairs.Go up these stairs and the coffee shop is on the left.咖啡厅在北楼的1楼。沿着这条走廊左转,通过前台到达楼梯口,下楼,继续往前走,到达另一个楼梯口,上楼,咖啡厅就在左边。

Turn right out of the lift and it’s at the end of the corridor.出了电梯右转,在走廊的尽头。


A:Yes,where’s the Tour Desk,please?I know it’s in the lobby somewhere,but I can’t fnd it.请问旅游询问处在哪里?我知道在大堂里,可是就是找不到。

B:The Tour Desk,sir?It’s just over there next to the stairs,sir.旅游询问处吗?就在那儿,楼梯旁边,先生。

延伸 Ah,thank you.I didn’t see it there.啊,谢谢你。我刚才没看到。

You’re welcome,sir.不用谢,先生。


A:Thank you.What about the restaurant?Where’s that?谢谢。那餐厅呢?在哪边?

B:The Skylight Restaurant,sir?是阳光餐厅吗,先生?

延伸 Ah,the Skylight Restaurant’s on the third fioor.Turn left out of the lift and it’s at the end of the corridor.啊,阳光餐厅在3楼。出了电梯左转,在走廊的尽头。


A:Excuse me;where is the Chinese restaurant?请问,中餐厅在哪儿?

B:I’ll show you the way myself.我来领你们去。

延伸 Excuse me.But where is the restaurant?对不起,请问餐厅在哪里?

On the frst fioor.We have a Chinese restaurant and a western one.Which one do you prefer?在1楼。我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,您喜欢哪一个?

I like Chinese food.我喜欢中餐。

Then you go down the stairs.The Chinese Restaurant is at the eastern side of the lobby.那您下楼。中餐厅在大堂东边。


A:Excuse me;where is the business center?请问商务中心在哪里?

B:It’s on the fourth fioor.Please take the elevator in the lobby and then turn right.It is at the end of the corridor1 .But sir,I’m afraid it is closed.在4楼。请乘大厅电梯上4楼,然后右转,商务中心在走廊尽头。但是先生,恐怕现在那里已经关门了。

延伸 What!Doesn’t it provide 24-hour service?什么?这里不提供24小时服务吗?

I’m sorry,sir.The business center is open until eleven at night.Now it is already half past eleven.对不起,商务中心只开放至晚上11点,现在已经11点半了。


A:Excuse me;how can I get to the swimming pool from here?抱歉。请问游泳池在哪里?

B:Just take the elevator up to the top fioor.乘这个电梯到顶楼就可以了。

延伸 You can’t miss it.After you get out of the elevator,just follow the signs.Next to the pool,there’s also a sauna,one exercise room and changing rooms.您一定会看到的。您出电梯之后,跟着路标走就行了。游泳池旁边还有桑拿浴室、健身房和更衣间。

OK.Thank you very much.好的,谢谢您!

You’re welcome.And enjoy your swim.不客气。祝您游泳愉快!


1 corridor 走廊

