Chapter Six Labor Protection
第二十九条 根据上海市有关规定,公司根据生产或者工作需要,为员工提供劳动防护用品,同时做好防暑降温工作。公司各门店将做好饮水设备的维护及日常保养工作。公司应对在35摄氏度以上在室外工作和不能采取有效措施将室内温度降低到33摄氏度以下工作的相关员工发放不低于上海市标准的高温季节津贴。
Article Twenty Nine According to the Shanghai local rules,the Company shall provide employees with the necessary items needed for occupational protection,and the Company shall enforce heatstroke prevention.All stores of the Company will take fixation and daily maintenance work to the facilities which are for employee’s drinking.The company shall grant hot temperature allowance which is no less than the Shanghai local standards to relevant employee who works outdoor with the temperature over 35 degree Centigrade or who works indoor with the temperature failing to be effectively controlled under 33 degree Centigrade.
第三十条 公司和工会密切配合,开展安全生产教育活动,提高员工的自我保护意识。(
Article Thirty The Company shall cooperate closely with the labor union to educate employees in safe operations to improve employee awareness of self-protection.
第三十一条 公司发生工伤事故或者其他严重危害员工健康问题的情况时,公司应通知工会协助处理。
Article Thirty One In the event that there is a work-related injury or any other condition which may cause serious damage to employees’safety,the Company shall notify the labor union and manage the issue with the assistance of the labor union.