首页 理论教育 公司工资分配制度:按劳分配,男女同工同酬,包含年终奖和绩效奖励


时间:2023-05-26 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Chapter Four Remuneration第十四条公司在制定员工工资分配制度时,应遵循按劳分配,男女同工同酬的原则。本条所述的奖金,是指年终奖和管理层绩效奖。“年终奖”(如有)的具体数额,将根据员工上一年度实际工作的天数参照其12月1日当天的工资进行折算。


Chapter Four Remuneration

第十四条 公司在制定员工工资分配制度时,应遵循按劳分配,男女同工同酬的原则。

Article Fourteen When formulating a system concerning remuneration distribution,the company shall abide by the principle of distribution according to work and equal pay for equal work.

第十五条 公司提倡公开、公平、公正的按劳分配薪酬制度。双方一致同意,适用于本合同的公司的最低月工资标准不低于上海(“执行地”)政府规定的最低月工资标准,且公司参照公司上年经济效益水平、同行业市场竞争情况、消费者物价指数(CPI)等综合因素每年2月与工会方商定全日制员工工资整体调整的平均幅度。若经双方商定公司最低月工资标准高于上海政府规定的最低月工资标准的,或双方另行确定了全日制员工工资整体调整的平均幅度的,该等内容应作为本合同的附件。

Article Fifteen The Company will promote an open,fair,and just system for remuneration distribution based upon work.Both Parties agree unanimously that the monthly minimum wage which is applicable to this Contract shall be no less than the monthly minimum wage determined by Shanghai(“Place of Execution”)government,and the Company shall discuss with the union regarding the average adjustment rate of the total wage of the Company’s full time employee in February each year by comprehensively considering the Company’s previous year operation result,competition among the competitors of the retailing industry,CPI and etc.In case both Parties figure out that the increasing of the monthly minimum wage to be implemented in the

Company is higher than the monthly minimum wage determined by Shanghai government,or figure out the average adjustment rate of the total wage of Company full time employee’s wage,the related contents shall be set forth as an Exhibit to this Contract.

第十六条 公司将于每月7日前以货币银行转账形式向员工支付前一个月的工资。逢节假日应提前支付。(www.xing528.com)

Article Sixteen The Company will pay the employee in cash or by bank transfer his/her monthly salary before the 7th of each month.It shall be moved up when comes the holidays.

第十七条 公司承诺自本合同生效后将严格执行“升职升薪”的工资制度。

Article Seventeen The Company commits to strictly carry out the“promotion with salary increase”rules upon the effectiveness of this Contract.

第十八条 如果员工按时出勤,并能履行其工作职责,完成工作任务,遵守主管人员或其他上级的指示,则公司每年将根据公司当年效益情况,给予员工一定数额的奖金,是否给予奖金及奖金的具体数额将由公司决定。本条所述的奖金,是指年终奖和管理层绩效奖。为避免歧义,本条所述的“年终奖”即公司及员工传统所谓之“十三薪”。已过试用期的员工才可享受“年终奖”或“管理层绩效奖”。“年终奖”(如有)的具体数额,将根据员工上一年度实际工作的天数参照其12月1日当天的工资进行折算。尽管有上述约定,每年1月15日之前(不含15日)离职的员工不享受当年发放的上一年度的“管理层绩效奖”(如有)和“年终奖”(如有);每年3月15日之前(不含15日)离职的员工不享受当年发放的上一年度的“管理层绩效奖”(如有)。

Article Eighteen If an employee has performed punctual attendance,fulfilled the job duties,accomplished the assigned tasks,followed the instructions from the supervisors and other superior officers,the employee will be granted a certain amount of bonus by the Company,based on the profit of the Company of the year.However,whether the employee will receive the bonus and the amount of the bonus will be subject to the decisions of the Company.Bonus mentioned in this article means Year-end Bonus and Super Bonus.For purpose of avoiding misunderstandings,Year-end Bonus here means“the salary of thirteenth month”which is the traditional understanding of the employees and the Company.Only employees that pass the probation period can enjoy the Year-end Bonus or the Super Bonus.The amount of Year-end Bonus(if any)shall be calculated on basis of the employee’s salary on Dec 1st and the actual working days of the employee during last year.Notwithstanding the above,employees quit the job before January 15th(excluded)every year shall not enjoy the Super Bonus of last Year(if any)and the Year-end Bonus(if any)which shall be granted in this year,employees quit the job before March 15th(excluded)every year shall not enjoy the Super Bonus of last Year(if any)which shall be granted in this year.

