首页 理论教育 政府补贴视角下BIM技术采纳行为形成机制探析


更新时间:2025-01-07 工作计划 版权反馈

袁红平1,杨 宇2


摘 要:虽然BIM技术的应用与推广已经逐渐得到政府和建筑企业的广泛关注和重视,但是行业实践表明BIM技术在我国建筑行业实际的应用与推广并不理想。政府补贴作为扶持产业发展的一种强有力调控手段,是推动BIM技术实践应用落地的重要途径之一。基于行为博弈理论,本文通过构建理论模型分析了政府补贴背景下建筑企业BIM技术采纳行为的决策过程,并借助算例分析进一步探究了BIM技术采纳行为的形成机理。研究发现:①采纳效率和采纳动机是影响建筑企业BIM技术采纳行为决策的两个关键因素;②政府补贴通过提升建筑企业的采纳效率,提前建筑企业BIM技术的采纳时间促进并加速了BIM技术采纳行为的形成;③对于具有不同BIM技术采纳效率与采纳动机的建筑企业,政府应当实施差异化的补贴政策,并且政府的补贴力度并不是越大越好,它存在一个理论上界。


中图分类号:F273.1 文献标识码:A

Investigation on M echanism of BIM Adoption Behavior in a Government Subsidy Context(www.xing528.com)

YUAN Hongping1,YANG Yu2

(School of Management,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou,510006;

School of Economics and Management,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031)

Abstract:Although the implementation and promotion of BIM has been increasingly valued by governments and construction sectors,industrial practices indicate that the implementation and diffusion of BIM is still undesirable.As a powerful driver to support industrial development,government subsidy is one of the critical ways to promote practical BIM adoption and implementation.Based on behavioral game theory,this paper proposes a theoretical model to analyze the decision course of individual AEC firm’s BIM adoption behavior in a government subsidy context,and then investigates the formation mechanism of BIM adoption behavior by numerical analyses.Results show that:①BIM adoption efficiency and adoption incentives are two critical factors in AEC firm’s BIM adoption decisions.②Government subsidy promotes the formation of BIM adoption behavior by improving AEC firms’adoption efficiency and by bringing forward AEC firm’s joining time of BIM adoption.③For AEC firmswith different BIM adoption efficiency and incentives,government should implement differentially strategies in BIM subsidizing.Meanwhile,there exists a theoretical upper boundry of government subsidy,which means it not follows the low of“themore,the better”.

Key words:Building information model;Government subsidies;Adopting behavior

