首页 理论教育 建筑碳排放计算方法及数据分析研究全面展开


时间:2023-05-25 理论教育 版权反馈




摘 要:基于建筑能耗拆分模型和排放因子法,建立了全国建筑碳排放分步计算模型。以能源平衡表数据为基础数据计算分类能源建筑能耗、电力和热力碳排放因子,并计算2000—2017年全国建筑碳排放量。对计算结果进行分析,得出以下结论:我国建筑碳减排工作成果显著,建筑碳排放增速明显下降,城镇公共建筑和城镇居住建筑单位面积碳排放强度自2012年开始呈现下降趋势。未来的建筑碳减排工作需要将重点落在公共建筑节能、农村居建节能以及优化建筑能源消费结构上。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A

National Construction Carbon Emission Calculation M ethod Research and Data Analysis(www.xing528.com)


(School of Management Science and Real Estate,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044)

Abstract:Based on the building energy decomposition model and the emission factor method,a national step-by-step calculation model for building carbon emissions was established.Calculate energy consumption,electricity and thermal carbon emission factors for energy buildings based on energy balance data,and calculate national construction carbon emissions from 2000 to 2017.The calculation results are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn:China’s construction carbon emission reduction work has achieved remarkable results,and the growth rate of construction carbon emission has dropped significantly.The carbon emission intensity of urban public construction and urban residential construction has shown a downward trend since 2012.Future construction carbon reduction efforts need to focus on energy saving in public buildings,rural housing construction,and optimization of building energy consumption structures.

Key words:Building carbon emissions calculation;Emission factormethod;Electricity carbon emission factor;Thermal carbon emission factor;Energy balance table

