摘 要:本文根据2007—2017年中国31个省级行政区(不含港澳台地区,下同)的面板统计数据,利用双重差分法构建区域经济发展指标体系,评估了长江经济带战略的实施对区域经济发展的影响,并通过平行趋势和反事实检验实证评估的稳健性。结果表明:长江经济带战略的实施显著促进了区域经济的发展,政府要进一步加强政策引导,同时发挥其资源配置能力,加强产业生态化建设。
中图分类号:F293 文献标识码:B
Guiding Policies of Long-term Rental Apartment Based on the Government and Property Developers(www.xing528.com)
SHAN Xueqin,LIMeiyɑo,SHEN Shiwei
(School of Management Science and Real Estate,Chongqing University,Chongqing,400044)
Abstract:Based on the panel data of31 provincial-level administrative regions in China from 2007 to 2017,the double difference method is used to construct a regional economic development index system,the impact of the implementation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Strategy on regional economic development is evaluated,and parallel trends and counterfactual testswere carried out to confirm.The robustness of the assessment.The results show that the implementation of the strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt has significantly enhanced the development of the regional economy.The government should further strengthen policy guidance,at the same time exert its resource allocation capabilities,and explore the establishment of a series of crossregional coordinated developmentmechanisms.
Key words:Yangtze river economic belt strategy;Regional economic development;Difference in differencemethod