首页 理论教育 优化建议:选择与搭配:词语运用技巧


时间:2023-05-23 理论教育 版权反馈


















“No context,no meaning.”——这句话在翻译界流传甚广,它清楚地说明了上下文对词义起到决定性的影响。准确、透彻地理解原文词义是正确选词的前提,首先就要求对原文的上下文进行推敲,根据上下文准确理解原文词语的真实信息和表达意图,然后找到既能确切表达汉语意思,又符合英语表达习惯的译法。汉译英过程中,译者需要克服的一大坏习惯就是机械对译,即拿到原文后,按照词典找出对应的单词,似乎只有如此消除单词障碍才能感到心安。而正确的应该做法是:不要被表面上的文字所吓倒,先透彻、精准地理解原文所要表达的意思,进而冷静找出合理的表达。

在翻译“中国汽车工业在全球一枝独秀”这句话时,译者往往首先想到的是汉语里的“一枝独秀不是春”,对应的英文说法:“One swallow does not make a spring.”但仔细思考过后发现,该句中的“一枝独秀”并非此意,应该译为have an outstanding performance。当然,结合上下文,可能还存在其他可行的表达方式,如have predominance in sth.、have an overwhelming advantage、stand out from the mediocre、gain unique development 或outshine other industries 等等。

再比如,“我公司人才济济,资金雄厚”。“人才济济”中的“济济”本来是表示“多”的意思,乍看起来可以翻译成a galaxy of talent,但考虑到此处的语境(强调本公司的人才不仅比其他公司的多,而且人才的档次和规格也都比其他公司的高),不妨将其译为the superiority of talent employees。“资金雄厚”本可通过词性转换,译为be financially sound,但出于对应的考虑,不妨译为the soundness of financial position。

上下文语境的不同,直接导致用词的不同。在商务类文本中,经常可以见到“科技含量”这个说法,它既可以指某产品的技术性能好(enjoy technical superiority),也可以指“产品的技术含量”(technological element of a product)。在特定语境下,还有其他译法,比如:


译文:This will further enhance the technical strength of the company and win a bigger market for it.


译文:We must adhere to the principle of “giving equal importance to exploration and protection” and gradually improve the scientific content of industries and at the same time,reduce the consumption of resources and pollutions of the environment.


译文:Developing energy-saving and green buildings is an important measure to promote“new industrialization” featuring extensive use of state-of-the-art technologies,satisfactory economic benefits,low levels of resource consumption,less environmental pollution,and full play of dynamic and productive human resources.



译文:If that continues to be the case,then the rest of the world might be forced into considerable and painful adjustments.


译文:Whether we attend the meeting or not,that depends.


译文:Things are so different now that Chinese farmers have also built up their own apartments and villas.


译文:Under such circumstances,we have no other alternatives (or choices) to do so.


译文:We need to get the lay of the land before we decide how much money to invest.

很多时候,就算找到各个词语对应的单词,也未必译得准确,比如:“本集团拥有八家全资贸易分公司和两家控股子公司。”,其中“全资贸易分公司”对应的说法是wholly-owned trading subsidiaries,“控股子公司”对应的说法是share-holding companies。如果将整句译为“The Group has eight wholly-owned trading subsidiaries and two share-holding companies.”,意思就变成了“有两家公司持有本集团的股份”。正确的译法是:“The Group wholly owns eight trading subsidiaries and holds shares of two other subsidiaries.”。


汉语和英语词汇的词义内涵宽窄不同(比如,宏观层面的“经济状况”是economic performance;而微观层面的“经济状况”则是financial circumstance/standing),有广狭之分,感情色彩有褒贬(比如,“有名的”视褒贬情况不同,可能译为famous 或notorious;同样是“宣传”,advocate、publicize 是中性偏褒,而preach、propagate 则往往带有贬义味道),语气有强弱(比如“因为”,按语气由强到弱,依次可译为because、as、since、for),甚至还有正式/非正式语体和政治分寸上的差别(比如,“香港”的正式译法是“Hong Kong,SAR,China”;领导人称呼党内“同志”用colleagues,而不用阶级色彩浓厚的comrades),因此,翻译时要综合考虑这些因素,根据原文含义,结合译文的语言习惯进行。

比如,翻译汉语中常见的词汇,如“抓”“水平”“情况”等,如果照搬词典就会分别译为grasp、level、condition。但分析起来,“抓”字的狭义是指用手抓,例如:“他的手被猫抓了”(His hand was scratched by a cat.);有时可作抽象的意义解,如“抓瞎”(find oneself at a loss);“狠抓技术创新”(pay close attention to technical innovation)。将“文化水平”(educational background/level)译成cultural level,会让译文读者感到莫名其妙。


译文:Agriculture is the foundation of our national economy.


译文:Over the years,all-around and balanced development has been made in China's farming,forestry,animal husbandry,side-line production,and fishery.


原译:Your resource-based products can find a stable market in China and Chinese industrial products can meet the needs of your market.

改译:You may find a stable market in China for your primary products and may also get a number of industrial products from China to meet some of your needs.

改译由can 改为may,一改原译所透露出的生硬语气或强硬态度,显得委婉柔和。


译文:This American writer has a pretty good command of Chinese.(He has a high level of Chinese/His Chinese level is very high.——这两种译法均属于中式英语。)


译文:It is quite necessary to improve the art of leadership of our new government officials at all levels.(此处,“领导水平”不能译成the level of leadership)


译文:We arranged to have a great variety of commodities for an introduction to our new store.All our goods are products of practical value and reasonably priced.We're offering a 20 % discount on all regularly priced merchandise for any trial orders before Christmas.In addition,we have a get-acquainted gift for you with any purchase of 9,000 RMB or more.

本句是广告文本,但属于非正式语体,翻译起来要做到准确、简洁、醒目地传递重要信息,某些表达次要信息的词语不必译出,比如“新近开张”;“见面礼”颇具中文特色,还可以表达为a welcoming/greeting gift,不可直译为a meeting gift。


译文:Thanks to the favorable agricultural policies of the Communist Party of China,millions of peasants in China are getting rich.


译文:People of all countries have suffered great calamities in consequence of the two world wars.

有关“由于”,褒义的表达有thanks to、by virtue of,中性的表达有due to/because of/owing to/as a result of,贬义的往往用in consequence of。


译文:Developing economy is a major concern for China.

上例如果直接译为“China's economy is a big problem.”,显然背离了原文的本意,且容易引发误解。另外,商务汉译英也需要注意政治分寸,比如,“台湾问题”是the Taiwan question,不是Taiwan issue,“WTO 成员国”是WTO members,不是WTO member countries。


商务英语的内涵很广,包括国际贸易国际金融国际会计、国际商法、国际工商管理等诸多专业,有时同一个词语在不同的专业领域里有不同的含义,需要区别对待。就拿“专业”一词来说吧。“我是计算机科学专业的毕业生”“我研究的专业是计算机科学”这两句中的“专业”就应该区分开:前者用a major(或major in);后者用specialty、field 或province。再比如,在一般商业领域,“收购”就是buy/purchase,而在投资领域,“收购”一般译为acquire/acquisition;在国际贸易领域,针对商品的“包装”可以用to pack/package(二者均有“to put sth.into a container so that it can be stored,transported or sold”的意思),而在人力资源或娱乐领域,对人员或明星的“包装”则是to package(to present sb./sth.in a particular way);在金融领域,“定期(存款)”是time deposit,在审计领域,“定期(信息披露)”译为“regular (disclosure)”;“折现率”在会计领域是discount rate(在宏观经济学中,作为货币政策工具之一,译为“贴现率”),在投资领域是“liquidity(of assets)”;商品的“分配”是distribution,资源的“分配(配置)”则是allocation;法律上“转让/让与”财产或所有权用alienate/alienation,“转让”民法或合同法上的债权,尤其是无形财产(比如,商标、商誉等)的权利用assign/assignable,不动产“转让”多用 convey/conveyance,“转让”债券信用证用transfer/transferable;“转让”票据法规定的权利(比如,提单或存单)用negotiation/negotiable。


译文:We have opened a confirmed and irrevocable credit in your favor.


译文:An offeror may withdraw an offer at any time before it has been accepted.


译文:Rescind the original judgement and remand the case to the original court for retrial.

引申:“撤销”除了上例译文用到的rescind 以外,还有其他表达,比如,“撤销指控”(to drop the charge)、“撤销授权”(to revoke Power of Attorney)、“撤销专利”(to revoke a patent)、“撤销补助金”(repeal a grant)、“职位撤销通知书”(notice of discharge)等等。


译文:The loss is attributed to inadequate packing.


译文:The record company has recently packaged and promoted a young pop star.


汉语和英语两种语言在长期使用过程中形成了各自特有的固定词组和表达结构,因此它们的搭配模式存在很大差异,翻译时不能把汉语词组的搭配用法生搬硬套到英语译文中去。以“闯”字为例,不同的汉语搭配会用到不同的英语词汇。“闯祸”是get into trouble或make a trouble;“闯红灯”是run the red light;“闯世界”是start out to seek one's fortune;“(生意上)闯出一片天地”是make a go of the business;“金价闯过1 500 美元大关”是“Gold tops $1,500”;“闯过经济衰退期”是ride out the recession;旅游纪录片《勇闯天涯》所用的英文则是Global Trekker。





原译:The building cause of our country needs not only engineers and scientists,but talents of various kinds.

改译:Our country in her development needs not only engineers and scientists,but skilled craftsmen in a variety of industries.


原译:The strategy now has an opportunity to implement.

改译:We now have an opportunity to implement the strategy.

上述两句原文的主语其实是“主题”,而英语中的need 和has 都需要有灵主语。不了解这种主谓搭配限制,翻译成英文时若是直接译为主语,便成了中式英语。


汉英动宾短语的搭配有时未必可以逐项对应,汉译英时,要考虑搭配习惯。比如,“学习知识”(to acquire knowledge)、“接受挑战”(to face/take/rise to a challenge)就不能照字面逐词译为to learn knowledge 和to accept a challenge。


原译:I am afraid it is impossible for us to agree with such requests.

改译:I am afraid it is impossible for us to grant such requests.

agree with 后面如果接的不是“某人”的话,往往表示“相一致、相等”,如“账单与你原来的估计不符。”(The bill does not agree with your estimate.),“他的解释同事实是相符的”(His explanation agrees with the facts.)。“同意要求”的正确搭配是grant a request;“授予专利”也用的是grant,但“(银行)发放贷款”是launch/issue/make a loan(grant尤指政府的拨款)。


译文:Long years of imperialist and reactionary Kuomingtang rule left our economy in a chaotic state and caused widespread unemployment.

cause 一般表示造成了某种结果,如“我的汽车给我带来很多麻烦。”(My car has caused me a lot of trouble.),但cause 不能连接某种状态,所以“造成某种状态”的动词需改为left。


在汉英语中,形容词等做定语修饰中心词的偏正结构搭配也存在差异,翻译时需要谨慎为之。比如,在“经济周期”和“经济作物”这两个短语中,前者是business cycle,后者是cash crops,均没有采用economic 来做定语。


译文:As you are one of our regular clients,we have decided to offer you the current order at the original price.


译文:Companies need more working capital when they start growing again.

宏观层面的“流动资金”过多,指的是货币投放量过多,货币量增长过快,即所谓的“流动性过剩”(excess liquidity);而企业等微观商业环境里的“流动资金”一般表达为working capital,等于流动资产减去流动负债。会计上也称“营运资金”。当然,working capital 和circulating capital 某种程度上可以换用。


生活水平:standard of life(living standard / quality of life)

社会生活:social life(daily life)

社会力量:social forces(non-governmental sectors)

大量购买:large quantity buying(heavy/bulk buying)

扩大内需:expand interior needs(to boost domestic demands/consumption)

特此推荐:sincerely recommend(to strongly recommend)

取得成就:make achievements(to score/attain achievements)

拳头产品:fist products(knockout products 或hard-hitting items/products)

申报纳税:to report one's tax(to file the tax return)

挪用公款:appropriate government funds(to embezzle/loan public funds)

精神文明:spiritual civilization(ethical and cultural progress)

编制财务报表:compile financial reports(to prepare financial statements)

实现自给自足:achieve self-sufficiency (to reach self-sufficiency)

同意贵方要求:agree with your request(to grant/accept your request)

实现公平竞争:realize fair competition(to level <off> the playing field)

把公司建设成为:build the company into(to turn/shape the company into)

××(产品)市场紧张:market tension(the acute shortage of XX in the market)

不良贷款:bad loans(non-performing /problem loans)

根据经验:according to experience(as a rule of thumb)

退耕还林:return farmland to forest(to restore “woodland-converted farm-plots” back for afforesting;或“Grain-for-Green”)

开支票:open a check(to write out/make out a check)

检票口:ticket-checking entrance(check-in counter)

遣散费:dispatch fee(severance /redeemable payment)

在(某人)直接管理下:under the direct management of(to report to)

(抵押贷款的)首付:initial payment(down payment)

拉动经济增长:to pull economic growth(to push/ lift/ increase/ boost/ stimulate/ spur/drive/ fuel/ speed up/ accelerate/ generate/ fire up/ propel/ facilitate/ reinforce/ aid/ assist/support/ promote/ encourage/ foster economic growth)




例29:现今180 万温哥华居民中,有一半不是在本地出生的,每4 个居民中就有一个是亚洲人。25 万华人对温哥华的经济转型起着决定性的作用,其中有一半是近5年才来到温哥华地区的。

译文:Of the present 1.8 million residents in Vancouver,half are not native,and one in every four is of Asian origin.The 250,000 Chinese Canadians,half of whom immigrated here only within the recent five years,have been playing a decisive role in the economic transformation of Vancouver.(原文中的“亚洲人”“华人”不可按字面意思简单处理成Asians、Chinese people。)


译文:He thought this would lessen the chance of the project's being stopped before it really got under way.


译文:Moon cakes,a traditional delicacy gifted to families and friends during the Mid-Autumn Festival,have become an important ingredient in maintaining business and work relations.



译文:To regulate and standardize the market economic order,efforts shall be made in seeking both temporary and permanent solutions with focus on the latter.


译文:It took three years for rural reform to show results and it will take five years even longer for urban reform to do so.(通过选用替代词do 来翻译,译文显得简洁。类似用法还包括case、vice versa、the other way round、the former、the latter 等。)



译文:After all,he survived the press conference.


译文:Buses provide easy access to the Great Wall.(比“provide convenience for…”更生动)



























































【原译】My only capital is diligence.


【原译】This department store has set up a resting-place,much to the customers'appreciation.

3.IBM 公司一直处在电脑行业的前沿。

【原译】IBM is always in the front line of computer industry.


【原译】Whisky for this lady,and put it on my bill.


【原译】With his position/status,experience,and his language proficiency,being chosen as a member of the International Olympic Committee is well-deserved for him.


【原译】We give you tickets free of charge within one hour.


【原译】crossing the river by feeling the stones


【原译】Don't drive tiredly.

9.去年中国非金融类对外直接投资已超过900 亿美元。

【原译】Last year,China's non-financial foreign direct investment has surpassed US $90 billion.


【原译】They save food and expenses to buy a house.


【原译】Please do it at once,if so,we will be much thankful to you.


【原译】Anybody cannot come in without permission.


【原译】Both of the two companies are not headquartered in England.


【原译】The economic situation will change better.


【原译】All the activities of a joint venture shall abide by the stipulation of the law.






温哥华(Vancouver)的辉煌是温哥华人智慧和勤奋的结晶,其中包括多民族的贡献。加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口却不足3 000 万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。可以说,加拿大除了印第安人外,无一不是外来移民,不同的只是时间长短而已。温哥华则更是世界上屈指可数的多民族城市。现今180 万温哥华居民中,有一半不是在本地出生的,每4 个居民中就有一个是亚洲人,而25 万华人对温哥华的经济转型起着决定性的作用。他们其中有一半是近5年才来到温哥华地区的,使温哥华成为亚洲以外最大的中国人聚居地。



尤金·A·奈达(Eugene A.Nida,1914~2011),美国现代著名的语言学家和翻译理论家,组织和指导过几个大型的《圣经》翻译和修订项目,包括20世纪70年代出版的《圣经:现代英语译本》(Today's English Version)。他有关翻译的著述颇丰,代表作有《翻译科学探索》(Toward a Science of Translating,1964)、《翻译理论与实践》(The Theory and Practice of Translation,1969)、《译意》(Translating Meaning,1982)和《语言、文化与翻译》(Language,Culture and Translating,1991)等,其中《译意》是他1982年在广州外国语学院所做的系列讲座整理而成,而《语言、文化与翻译》则包含了他1989年春在上海外国语大学以及同年在莫斯科的莫里斯·多列士语言及翻译学院(Maurice Thorez Institute of Languages and Translating)所做的系列讲座。下文选自《译意》,作者详细地评论了《桃花源记》前半篇的一种英语译文,随后给出了自己的译文。奈达以该例说明翻译过程之一步——“传入”(transfer)——之不易。奈达把翻译过程分为四步:分析(analysis)、传入(transfer)、重组(restructuring)和验证(testing)。分析是对原文词汇、语法及修辞意义的研究;传入就是从译出语转入译入语,是用译入语思考、转换;重组是在传译的基础上根据译入语的表达习惯以及意向读者的阅读倾向对文字进行加工处理;而验证可采取书面完形填空、口头完形填空、读者高声朗读、读者默读后讲解所读内容等方法,看译文是否做到了动态对等(dynamic equivalence)或功能对等(functional equivalence)。翻译过程虽然分为这四步,但并不是说译者每个词每个句子都要按部就班的分析、传入、重组,很多时候我们有现成的对等词和对等语可用。经验丰富的译者往往不需要考虑翻译的方法,一切都是不知不觉地进行的。


Some of the problems of transfer may be illustrated by the translation into English of two paragraphs in the Chinese story of The Peach Blossom Source:






During the Tai-Yuan period of the Chin Dynasty,a fisherman from Wuling,forgetting how far he had advanced in following a creek,suddenly came to a forest of peach blossoms.For several hundred paces there was no other kind of trees on either bank of the creek.The delightful-smelling grass was beautiful and fresh,and the falling blossoms were scattered in confusion.The fisherman was seized with wonder.He went on further,intending to go through the wood,but where the wood ended at the source of the creek he found a hill with a small opening somewhat lighted.

Then the fisherman left his boat and walked through the mouth of the opening.It was rather narrow at first,barely enough for the passage of one person; but after a few more score steps it widens into an open track.A wide plain was brought into view,dotted with houses in distinct order and full of good fields,beautiful ponds,mulberry,and bamboo.It was checkered with highways and paths between the fields; cock-crow and dog-bark in one village were heard in another.The people plying to and fro and working on the farm were all men and women,dressed like the outsiders.Both the grey-haired people and the children with hanging-hair tresses all appeared happy and well-contented.


This translation is clear and understandable,but there are a number of semantic,syntactic,and rhetorical features which impair its acceptability and effectiveness.There is even a problem in connection with the phrase “The Peach Blossom Source” in the title.To most English-speaking persons,source suggests the origin,beginning,or agent for some type of production.It would not suggest in this con-text a spring associated with peach blossoms.

The term “advanced” seems somewhat strange in that it normally suggests some kind of opposition (as in a military context).A more natural expression would be “had gone”.The phrase “a forest of peach blossoms” seems semotactically unusual.First of all,one would not even speak of a “forest of peach trees”,much less a “forest of peach blossoms”.The term“forest” suggests a large expanse of trees used for wood or lumber but not for producing fruit.

The phrase “several hundred paces” is a perfectly accurate statement of distance,but it is not congruent with the fact that the fisherman was going by boat.The term “paces” would suggest walking.

The plural “trees” rather than “tree” is simply a syntactic anomaly.

The phrase “scattered in confusion”,referring to the falling blossoms,has a connotation of something which is not good or proper.Clearly the text is designed to give an impression of beauty,and therefore it would be far more satisfactory to speak of the fallen blossoms as“blanketing the ground” or “carpeting the ground”.

Though it is possible to speak of the fisherman being “seized with wonder”,the beauty of the scene would suggest a more positive term than “seized”,and so the phrase “filled with wonder” would seem connotatively more fitting.In connection with the same problem of connotative fit,it is important to consider the word “creek”,which for many English speakers has a pejorative or perhaps neutral connotation.In view of the pleasant circumstances and beauty of the scene,it would seem far more satisfactory to use a term such as “stream”,which is normally quite positive in connotation.A term such as “brook” would probably not be satisfactory since it would imply a volume of water insufficient for a fisherman in a boat.

The final phrase of the first paragraph,namely,“somewhat lighted”,introduces an anomalous feature,since it suggests (without marking to the contrary) that the lighting was artificial,but there is nothing in the context to suggest electricity.

The phrase “the mouth of the opening” seems rather unusual in English.The opening has already been identified in the first paragraph,and it would be perfectly appropriate to render the second part of the first sentence of the second paragraph as “walked on in”.The use of the term “passage” represents a typical difficulty in using a nominalized verb.Here it does not fit.The term “passage” normally suggests vehicular movement,and so it would be far more satisfactory to translate “barely enough for one person to pass”.The phrase “after a few more score steps” is unnatural; English would not normally employ “few more” plus a numerical quantity as attributive to a plural form such as “steps”.It would seem far more satisfactory to employ a phrase such as “in less than a hundred steps”.

The use of the present tense “widens” is not in keeping with the general past tense character.Finally,the phrase “open track” is misleading.The phrase sounds like something involving railroads,but the meaning is probably simply “a wide path”.

The passive expression “was brought into view” seems rather strange in this context since there was no one who caused this to happen.Furthermore,it would be far better stylistically to introduce what was seen by saying,“He saw a wide plain,dotted with houses ...”

A problem of semotaxis is involved in the expression “full of good fields”,since this does not fit the context of “a wide plain”.One may readily speak of something being “full of something” if the object involved is three-dimensional,but normally this would not be true of a two-dimensional area.

In the case of “mulberry” and “bamboo”,it would be more appropriate to say “mulberry trees” and “a bamboo grove” in order to make this expression parallel with “good fields” and“beautiful ponds”.

The verb “checkered” might well be applied to the impression given by the various fields,but it is hardly an adequate description of the highways and paths.Furthermore,the term“checkered” is somewhat negative in connotation.Therefore,it might be better to translate,“it was crisscrossed with highways and paths”.The expressions “cock-crow” and “dog-bark” are literal morphological constructs which violate certain principles of word formation in English.In the story itself,however,the fact that one could hear the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs is designed to be an important positive element symbolizing the neighborliness of the region.But as a translation of this story for the average American,the fact of being able to hear cocks crow and dogs bark would be a negative feature in such a scene.

There is a subtle problem of congruence in the term “plying”,since this is normally used in contexts speaking of movements in a boat rather than movement on foot.It may be difficult in this same sentence to understand the reference of “outsiders”.Does this mean those outsiders typical of the fisherman from Wuling,or does it really mean that they were dressed in a strange manner as some foreigners might be dressed?

The phrase “hanging-hair tresses” would not be normally understood by Englishspeaking persons,and perhaps some note would be required to indicate this ancient custom of hair dress.The disturbing element in the expression is the term “hanging”.Perhaps a more meaningful expression would simply be “old-fashioned hair tresses”.But even with this,some footnote might be used.

The last word “well-contented” violates normal morphological formations in English and is somewhat redundant,since “well” is not necessary to add to “contented”.In this context,however,the adjective “content” is stylistically and syntactically appropriate than the participial form.

These comments on some of the translational problems involved in these two paragraphs do not cover all of the difficulties,but they may be sufficient to suggest that in the process of transfer it is far too easy to overlook a number of semantic,syntactic,and rhetorical features.A more satisfactory translation of these two paragraphs might be in the following form:


The Story of Peach Blossom Spring

During the Tai-Yuan period of the Chin Dynasty,a fisherman from Wuling had forgotten how far he had gone in following a stream.Suddenly he came to a large orchard of peach trees in blossom,and for quite a distance there was no other kind of tree on either bank of the stream.The sweet-smelling grass was fresh and beautiful,and the fallen blossoms carpeted the ground.

The fisherman was filled with wonder.He went on,intent on going through the wooded area.But when he had passed on through,he came to the spring that fed the stream,and by it was a hill with a small,dim opening.

The fisherman then left his boat and walked on into the opening.At first it was rather narrow,barely enough for one person to pass.But in less than a hundred steps,the passageway widened.Then he saw a wide plain,dotted with houses,arranged in order.There were good fields,beautiful ponds,mulberry trees,and bamboo groves.The area was crisscrossed with highways and paths between the fields,and from one village to another one could hear the friendly crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs.The people moved to and fro as they worked on the farms.All the men and women were dressed in strange garments,like some foreigners.Both the grey-haired people and the children wore their hair tresses,and everyone appeared happy and content.(Nida,1982:76-79)





