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(1) Radnor, Z.J. & Barnes, D.Historical analysis of performance measurement and management in operations management[J].International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2007, 56(5): 384-96.

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(4) Lawson, B. & Samson, D.Developing innovation capability in organisations: a dynamic capabilities approach [J].International Journal of Innovation Management, 2001, 5(3): 377-400.

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(10) 创新效用是本书特定用语,指创新能力对企业生产与管理所产生的影响,而且这种影响经过企业组织系统固化具有相对稳定性,内容包括企业绩效与创新绩效两大部分。

(11) Skarzynski, P. & Gibson, R.Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates[M].Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2008.

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(15) Koen, P., Ajamian, G.et al.Providing clarity and a common language to the fuzzy front end[J].Research Technology Management, 2001, 44(2): 46-55.(www.xing528.com)

(16) Herstatt, C., Verworn, B. & Nagahira, A.Reducing project related uncertainty in the‘fuzzy front end’of innovation: a comparison of German and Japanese product innovation projects[J].International Journal of Product Development, 2004, 1(1): 45-63.

(17) Stahle, P., Sotarauta, M. & Pöyhönen, A.Leadership of Innovative Environments and Organizations, Publication of Finnish Parliament 6/2004, Helsinki, 2004.

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(19) Calantone, R.J., Cavusgil, S.T. & Zhao, Y.Learning Orientation, Firm Innovation Capability and Firm Performance[J].Industrial Marketing Management, 2002, 31(6): 515-524.

(20) Romijn H & Albaladejo M.Determinants of Innovation Capability in Small Electronics and Software Firms in Southeast England[J].Research Policy, 2000, 31(7): 1053-1067.

(21) Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P.Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes[M]. Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2004.

(22) Capaldo, G., Iandoli, L., Raffa, M.et al.The evaluation of innovation capabilities in small software firms: a methodological approach[J].Small Business Economics, 2003, 21(4): 343-354.

(23) Muller, A., Valikangas, L. & Merlyn, P.Metrics for innovation: guidelines for developing a customized suite of innovation metrics[J].Strategy and Leadership, 2005, 33(1): 37-45.

(24) Adams, R. & Phelps, R.Innovation management measurement: A review[J].International Journal of Management Reviews, 2006, 8(1): 21-47.

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(26) Carayannis, E.G. & Provance, M.Measuring firm innovativeness: towards a composite innovation index built on firm innovative posture, propensity and performance attributes[J].International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 2008, 1(1): 90-107.

(27) Tidd, J.Innovation management in context: environment, organization and performance[J].International Journal of Management Reviews, 2001, 3(3): 169-183.

(28) Chapman, M.Building an innovative organization: consistent business and technologyintegration[J]. Strategy and Leadership, 2006, 34(4): 32-38.

(29) Klomp, L. & Van Leeuwen, G.Linking innovation and firm performance: a new approach[J].International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2001, 8(3): 343-364.

(30) Subramanian, A. & Nilakanta, S.Organizational innovativeness: exploring the relationship between organizational determinants of innovation, types of innovations, and measures of organizational performance [J].International Journal of Management Science, 1996, 24(6): 631-647.

(31) Armbruster, H., Bikfalvi, A., Kinkel, S.et al.Organizational innovation: the challenge of measuring non-technical innovation in large-scale surveys[J].Technovation, 2008, 28(10): 644-657.

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(33) Jabareen, Y.R.Building a conceptual framework: philosophy, definitions, and procedure[J].International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2009, 8(4): 49-62.

(34) 创新绩效与创新结果既有类似也有差异。在本书中创新结果是指创新潜力与创新活动产生的结果;创新绩效是指经过企业组织结构固化具有相对稳定性的创新结果,一般体现在企业目标之中并经常成为研究的主要对象。

