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时间:2023-05-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Critical practice in social work[J]. British Journal of Social Work, 2005, 36:1289-1307.[13]VANCE C. Toward a radical model of social work in rural communities [J]. Journal Progressive Human Services, 2017, 28:2-5.[14]VILLADSEN K. The emergence of “neo-philanthropy”:A new discursive space in welfare policy?Acta Sociologica, 2007, 50:309-323.[15]WEISS-GAL I, LEVIN L, Krumer-Nevo M. Applying critical social work in direct practice with families[J]. Child & Family Social Work, 2014, 19:55-64.


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[12] STEPNEY P. Mission impossible? Critical practice in social work[J]. British Journal of Social Work, 2005, 36(8):1289-1307.

[13] VANCE C. Toward a radical model of social work in rural communities [J]. Journal Progressive Human Services, 2017, 28(1):2-5.

[14] VILLADSEN K. The emergence of “neo-philanthropy”:A new discursive space in welfare policy? Acta Sociologica, 2007, 50(3):309-323.

[15] WEISS-GAL I, LEVIN L, Krumer-Nevo M. Applying critical social work in direct practice with families[J]. Child & Family Social Work, 2014, 19(1):55-64.

