首页 理论教育 大连阳光服装有限公司接待美国福特父子公司考察团任务


时间:2023-05-16 理论教育 版权反馈


大连阳光服装有限公司(Dalian Sunshine Garment Co.LTD)接到美国福特父子公司(Ford and Sons)的邮件,该公司将于10月下旬派三人团队来公司进行商务考察,洽谈合作事宜。考察团成员为公司副总裁威廉·福特先生(William Ford)、销售经理詹姆斯·米勒先生(James Miller)和行政秘书艾米丽·加西亚小姐(Emily Garcia),主要考察内容为参观大连阳光服装有限公司的服装工厂,并进行商务合作洽谈。考察团将在大连逗留四天,考察期间将由你们部门负责此次考察接待工作。以下是该公司请求商务考察的来函:

Mr.Chen Liming

Sales Manager

Dalian Sunshine Garment Co.Ltd.

No.115 Renming Road, Dalian

Liaoning Province


September 8th, 2018

Dear Mr.Chen,

Mr.William Ford, Vice President of our Corporation, Mr.James Miller, Marketing Manager, and Miss Emily Garcia, Executive Secretary would like to visit your company to continue our discussions on business cooperation.We plan to leave in the second half of October and stay in China about four days.Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest.

Yours sincerely,

James Miller

Marketing Manager





Manager: All right.Everyone’s here, so let’s jump into it.Thank you all in attendance today, I know it’s a busy day for you all.Several days before we have got a request of business visit from American company Ford and Sons.The main leaders of our company have discussed and agreed to receive their business visit.This is a good chance for us to expand our overseas market.Miss Zhen, hand out the materials please.

Miss Zhen: Okay.

Manager: Since all of you have got a copy of materials, let’s move on to today’s agenda.Today’s meeting will focus on the reception of the visit.Our department will be fully responsible for the reception of the visit.I hope that we will work together to accomplish this task.

All staff: Of course we will.

Manager: So far, the exact dates of the business visit haven’t been determined by the American company.(1) ________________________________________________________.(小李,你负责和对方沟通,确定考察团的具体考察日期和人员。)

Mr.Li: Okay.I will email them as soon as possible and make sure the above matters.

Manager: Now let’s discuss the itinerary of this visit.You may propose any suggestions if you have in mind.

Mr.Liu: (2) _____________________________________________________________.(我觉得应该带他们参观一下我们的服装工厂,让他们实地感受一下我们的生产能力和产品质量。)

Mr.Zhang: Yes.Besides visiting the plant, we should show them around our Design Department.


Manager: I agree with the above two points.(4) ________________________________.(原创性和产品质量是我们公司的生命线,也是我们和外商合作的基础。)

Mr.Jin: One day is enough for visiting the plant and design section I suppose.


Manager: Surely it is.I still need to communicate with relevant leaders to confirm this issue.But from previous experience, one day is enough.

Mr.Jin: According to the information, the delegation will stay in China for four days.In addition to the visit and negotiation, there is at least one day left.I suggest to arrange a sightseeing tour of beautiful Dalian on that day.

Manager: It sounds great.(6) _______________________________________________.(你先设计一个大连一日游的游览路线,并安排好随行车辆。注意行程不要太紧。)

Mr.Jin: Okay.I’ll come up with a plan as soon as possible.

Manager: (7) ____________________________________________________________.(此外,我们的接待工作还有机场接机、酒店预订、商务宴请等主要环节。)

Miss Ma: Let me take charge of airport pickup and hotel reservation this time.Xiao Wang, the driver, will go with me.(8) ____________________________________________.(这样的话接到考察团以后可以直接把他们送到酒店休息。)

Manager: Okay.You should book a high-end business hotel, and try to be close to the company.

Miss Ma: Okay.I got it.

Manager: (9) ____________________________________________________________.(考察期间除了工作餐之外,我们还要安排至少两次商务宴请。)Mr.Zhu, you are in charge of this part.

Mr.Zhu: Yes.What is specific banquet standard?

Manager: (10) ___________________________________________________________.(因为对方考察团带队的是公司副总裁,所以要以公司最高级标准宴请。)The main leaders of our company will be present.

Mr.Zhu: Got it.(11) ______________________________________________________.(我先预选几家不同风格的酒店,编制好菜单及预算,再供领导们选择。)

Manager: Sounds fine.Is there anything else we need to discuss?

All staff: No.

Manager: (12) ___________________________________________________________.(下次的会议将在三天后举行,届时希望大家在会上跟进最新工作进展。)Thanks for your contributions.We can finish there.


部门小马负责此次的接机任务。商务接待中的接机环节主要包括以下几部分:介绍自己并欢迎客人(addressing and greeting)、谈论旅途情况(talking about the journey)、闲谈(small talk)以及后续住宿安排(recommendation arrangement)。



Addressing and greeting:

Welcome, Mr.William Ford, Mr.James Miller, and Miss Emily Garcia.It’s a pleasure to meet you all.

Excuse me, are you Mr.William Ford from Ford and Sons?

Mr.William Ford? Hi, I’m Ma Jun from Dalian Sunshine Garment Co.Ltd.

Pardon me.Are you the business delegation from Ford and Sons?

Mr.William Ford! Great to see you again!

I’m Ma Jun from Dalian Sunshine Garment Co.Ltd.I’m here to meet you today.

I’m from Dalian Sunshine Garment Co.Ltd.My name is Ma Jun.

How do you do, Mr.William Ford? Let me help you with your luggage.

How do you do, Miss Ma.Let me introduce my two colleagues: Mr.James Miller, the Marketing Manager, and this is Miss Emily Garcia, the Executive Secretary.

Talking about the journey:

Did you have a good trip?

How was your flight? Was it comfortable?

Did you get any sleep on the plane?

Do you have any jet lag?

I heard that you had a layover in Hong Kong, was that right? You must be tired.

It was pretty bumpy, also a bit long, all together about 5 hours.

It was very pleasant.

It was quite good.But it was awfully long.

We were delayed taking off, and we encountered bad weather.(www.xing528.com)

We had a wonderful trip.And this place is also exciting.

Actually I feel quite rested.I was able to sleep on the plane.

It was good.No holdups at the airport, and the flight was comfortable.We were able to take a nap on the way over.

It was quite okay.The plane was not really full so that I could stretch a little bit.

Small talk:

Is it your first time to Dalian? I’d be happy to take you around this city and show you the sights tonight if you’re up to it.

I’ve already made a hotel reservation for you, let’s go to the hotel first and drop off your things.

I’ve already made several trips to Beijing, this is my first trip to Dalian though.

It was a long way to China, isn’t it? And I think you must be very tired.

Dalian is a beautiful place by mountains and the sea.It is very clean and green everywhere.

Is there any place you’d like to visit in particular? I could help you to arrange that.

Recommendation of arrangement:

We have reserved you hotel rooms.It is a five-star hotel opposite to our company.So it is very convenient.

Thank you very much.You are circumspect.

The car is in the parking lot over there.I’ll send you to the hotel first.

You must be tired from the travelling, and may have a jetlag.So I think tonight we just have a relaxing dinner, and you may go back to hotel early.

Our car is out in the parking lot.Let’s drive to the hotel.May I help you with your baggage?

We’ll cancel tonight arrangement if you feel tired after long flight.Anyway, we shall try to make your visit as pleasant as possible.

If all is ready, we’d better start for the hotel.

We have a business car over there to take you to the hotel.I sincerely hope your visit will be a worthwhile and meaningful.

We’ll make an all-out effort to make your stay comfortable and pleasant.

We are planning to invite you to visit our company tomorrow morning.

How does that schedule sound to you?

Sounds great.Thank you for your hospitality.

I’ve already made a hotel reservation for you, let’s go to the hotel first and drop off your things.Afterwards, I’ve made arrangements to take you to see the city light.Dalian’s nightlife can be really quite exciting.





小马: 早上好,福特先生、米勒先生、加西亚小姐,你们昨晚休息得还好吗?

加西亚: 早上好,马小姐,酒店的房间很舒适,我们休息得很好。现在觉得精神焕发了。

小马: 太好了。那接下来我们可以按照计划考察了吗?

加西亚: 当然。是先参观你们的服装工厂吗?

小马: 是的。我就是来接你们去工厂参观的。我们的车就在酒店停车场,请跟我来。


小马: 请允许我介绍一下。这两位分别是我们公司总经理郭成先生和生产部经理冯翰先生。郭总、冯经理,这几位分别是美国福特父子公司的副总裁福特先生、营销经理米勒先生和行政秘书加西亚小姐。

郭总: 您好,欢迎到我们公司考察。

福特: 很荣幸能到贵公司考察。我们盼着参观你们工厂。

郭总: 我和冯经理陪你到各处看看,边走边讲解生产操作。

福特: 那太好了。

郭总: 那是我们的办公大楼。我们所有的行政部门都在那里。那边是设计部。

福特: 你们每年在设计上投入多少钱?

郭总: 大约是总销售额的3%到4%。

米勒: 这个工厂有多大?

郭总: 面积有两万平方米。

米勒: 比我想象得要大多了。

加西亚: 这个工厂有多少员工?

郭总: 400多名,我们实行三班制

米勒: 从设计到成品都是工厂自己完成的吗?

郭总: 是的。这样既可以保证服装产品的原创性、时尚性,同时也可以保证产品质量和生产周期。好了,我们到生产车间了。咱们从装配线开始看,好吗?

福特: 好的。

郭总: 冯经理将向你们介绍生产方面的内容。

米勒: 非常感谢。冯经理,生产线都是全部电脑控制的吗?

冯经理: 哦,不是全部电脑控制的。

米勒: 那你们如何控制质量呢?

冯经理: 所有产品在整个生产过程中都必须通过五道质量检查关,在出厂前还要经过严格的检查。

米勒: 月产量多少?

冯经理: 目前每月一万套,但从明年开始每月将为一万五千套,因为我们增加了流水线

米勒: 每月不合格率通常是多少?

冯经理: 正常情况下为4%左右。

米勒: 那太了不起了。成品从那边出来吗?

冯经理: 是的,我陪您去看一下成品。

米勒: 好的。

福特: 这次参观让我们很好地了解了你们的产品。

郭总: 带客户参观我们的工厂是一种荣幸。我非常高兴能对你有帮助。可以问一下您的总体印象吗?

福特: 很好,印象很深刻,你们拥有很好的设备和高效率的员工。谢谢你陪同我们参观工厂。

郭总: 不客气。参观工厂后你对我们的产品肯定会更了解,也可以让我们的合作更顺利。


